
I don't remember what I voted or commented on this. But personally I have never put it on for my own entertainment. But being the only girl with younger brothers you watch whatever they want at time. I would catch myself sitting on the couch watching it more than my brothers. I don't necessarily say I love it. But it gets you hooked. Like I love Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I am decent with Ninjago as I don't really know it as it's been years since I have seen an episode. But I will say I use to enjoy it especially rainy days and watching it on Cartoon Network with my brother. Miss those days. That was so long I'm so so sorry. Edit: though my favorite character was Cole. I remember some characters man. Edited at February 17, 2024 10:53 PM by Nirvana_Sky

Nirvana_Sky said: I don't remember what I voted or commented on this. But personally I have never put it on for my own entertainment. But being the only girl with younger brothers you watch whatever they want at time. I would catch myself sitting on the couch watching it more than my brothers. I don't necessarily say I love it. But it gets you hooked. Like I love Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I am decent with Ninjago as I don't really know it as it's been years since I have seen an episode. But I will say I use to enjoy it especially rainy days and watching it on Cartoon Network with my brother. Miss those days. That was so long I'm so so sorry. Edit: though my favorite character was Cole. I remember some characters man.
not long and nice XD and it dose COle is nice

Nah I was never a fan I don't even think I even know what it is.

Shadowfall said: Nah I was never a fan I don't even think I even know what it is.
It says in the above part its a lego show

Never heard of it i've never been into lego shows. Building lego can be fun but shows about it don't really seem fun to watch, same about cartoons.
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Salem said: Never heard of it i've never been into lego shows. Building lego can be fun but shows about it don't really seem fun to watch, same about cartoons.
Good enough for me as one thing I love are the sets i mean if in to legos some sets are very cool even if not a fan

Never heard or watched it if it good maybe-

The Shadows of Dawn said: Never heard or watched it if it good maybe-
I mean its lasted for 15 seasons + a soft reboot so its very good

I've watched a bit of it. Not a huge fan, it's just not my thing. I certainly love putting together lego sets though, lol.

Uhmmm ignore the double post X-x Edited at June 18, 2024 08:36 PM by The Weary Raven