
Head burro, thank you so much! I have also already subscribed to this forum so I can stay up to date on what is going on with everything

Congrats! Once you have participated in 5 meetings you'll join the head army and start getting a weekly salary of 3 mush, which can increase! Advisor burro, can you add a meeting count to the first post for all lower rank burros so soldiers can be promoted?

And I now have 7 customs... not including all the den space I bought to... Stalker of Prey said: If each apple is approx. 50 cents, and you spend like 100 apples a day... then you spend $50 a day.

Tis true and words I live by lol Stalker of Prey said: Oh hello Head Burro. Just talking to Lord Burro aka Apple Lord here. I remember from chat the Apple Lord said about buying apples, "Oh just a decent paying job and lack of self control"

Ah, Head Burro, yes of course! Shall I start a new thread for meetings and meeting counts?


Actually is it alright if I make it?

Subscribe to OP, not subscribe.

Yes you should! Name it "Burro cult: Meeting Thread" and for the description write "Only for people in the Burro cult." and then post a link to the cult there, I'll take care of the rest! You can also pin the first post

Oh we posted at same time.