
Curiosee nicknames are also listed on the fourth post from the top on page 1 :)
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https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=2475014 He's up for breeding pm me so I can put him up for you

*me reading nicknames again and again to remember them*

And I entered a story to the contest we have with Macabres. So proud :)

I still need one.

Essence said:
Nightblood said: https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=2499412
Should I keep him?
I really like the coat of his brother too, but probably will retire him.
I think you should keep them but it's up to you :)Also what's the base coat on the first wolf? :D
The base coat of the first one is Plum. :D I guess I'll wait a bit to see how the rest of my pups turn out and decide from there. ^^

@Byakuya Can you please add that members get discount on wolves I am selling-forgot to mention since I don't sell them too often.Discounts vary in precentage.PM me.

Hi, did you guys evr think about this: When you send someone apples (maybe to pay for artwork or something else), you need to send Apple Trade Request, right? Someone payed me yesterday, and when I came today I see I still have that message, and Accept and Decline marked as possible to click at. Is it possible to accept same offer (which are few apples for 1 mush) twice? I'm little concerned about this, so I asked Eve too.

Hurry said:
WildSpirits said:
Hi new forum~ Currently struggling between the lycaon dagger and the Silver dagger... Which one should I buy???
I would probably put it on this wolf: https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=2470352
Oh, by the way if anyone wants some event decors that don't require more than 100 bloody fangs, I could help out~ costs 3 mush per Fang. One per person for now as I don't have many fangs.
Gold goes well with his eyes and browns,but silver goes with his dark pelt and background,I see your problem XD Uh,does he have any personality? I'd recommend Silver if he is theif,hunter,runaway or Robin Hood guy. Golden dagger if he is more heroic :)
Whoa, thank you very much for this detailed opinion XD
Might as well see how many fangs I can earn

No problem,he is very pretty <3