
Mockry would have to be my goofiest character yet, she's in the hybrid wolves rp. https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=19&t=79238 Edited at March 20, 2022 11:10 PM by Royal Pack

Argos Atlas seems like he would be perfect for a zombie apocalypse RP. Honestly, I think it would be so much fun to just have a character who gets over the zombie apocalypse and just deals with how life is now. Walking around like it's the opening zombie scene from Shaun of the Dead :) Also love the little quirk of loving Pride and Prejudice. I think Cai could be a character that's really interesting and fun to play. It's a shame you didn't get to. He has so many different traits and aspects to his personality which could cause him to interact differently with other characters. But yeah, I think Hartley is my favorite too. I loved him from the moment I read his quote :) I really like the quirks and traits you add for your characters. I can never get those right, but yours are awesome. Everything about him is amazing, I'm sorry you didn't get to play him. Your characters also make me want to try a Southern character (I've avoided because my family is Southern and kind of insane). Royal Pack She looks like she was fun to make :) Mockingbird and black wolf is a really unusual mix, and I can imagine it would look amazing. I like "extremely loud when she wants to be," because I can just imagine this mysterious wolf mimicking, say, a peacock, and just screaming. As peacocks do.

More compliments! Finally! Meian I haven't roleplayed with you, but looking at your RPs, what strikes me is how precise and knowledgable you are. You describe things with technical terms and reference things that the character would know about by name, even if they're complicated. You also do this naturally and without making the character feel distant. Your characters also have interesting quirks and ways of interacting with others. sock monkey I swear I've RPed with you, but I can't find the RP. Maybe you remember? But I looked at some of your posts, and your use of internal dialogue and revealing the thoughts of your characters is excellent. Your use of adjectives is excellent, and I feel that I can really understand the characters. Lost Legends I've been in a few RPs with you, but they never got off the ground. But I've loved all of your characters. You seem thorough and very intelligent, and I really look forward to roleplaying with you in Eleven from Tetra. Your characters are dynamic and interesting, and have many layers. I also read your piece, Treacherous Deals, which is amazing. What you choose to omit is as important as what you choose to include, and the use of second person and omission of key details to make the piece feel more personal is asouting. Your imagery is also vivid and the piece tells so much in so few words. Mistress Nyx I honestly don't think you ever need my compliments - I feel like you're doing me a favor by letting me compliment you. Your story, 5:27, was so captivating that I read through it faster than my brain can process words. How you worked off of that prompt, how you created a feeling of discordance, how you evoked emotion, it was absolutely amazing. I love the line ". . . just as the light of the cigarette went out, I closed my eyes, her dark green eyes imprinted there . . ." Royal Pack You seem to make an effort to interact with other characters, and you can insert your character even coming in late. You use internal thoughts and actions equally and very well.

Royal Pack You seem to make an effort to interact with other characters, and you can insert your character even coming in late. You use internal thoughts and actions equally and very well.
Wow! Thank you! I RP in alot of other stuff as well if you would like to check it out ^^

hi hi. uhhhhh i need critique on my rp posts here-- i have posts on pg. 1 and 3 i believe not really sure since i lost track a while back GERUIGHEUR. please be as honest as possible <33. i won't get offended because i really am lookng for help.

NotUWU, sorry, I've been busy. But I finally took a look at it, and your writing is fantastic. What things I take issue with are mostly stylistic choices and give your style its uniqueness, but I can tell you anyway. I find that the use of parentheses is unneccesary in some parts and maybe a bit excessive. You also use a lot of italics, but I'm also guilty of that and it does give your writing more energy. Your tone remains consistent and is a lot of fun to read. One problem I did notice is your use of tense. While writing a present-tense is usually frowned upon by roleplayers, I say that's your choice and your excellent writing still makes it enjoyable. The problem is that sometimes you slip into past-tense. I'd just watch out for that and try to keep the tense from slipping, and the rest of it is really just your own stylistic choices.

And everyone, because Froggy and Argos aren't going to do it, I would like to show you this amazing RP they made. It's a medieval chicken RP, which I felt some of you might appreciate.

GO CHICKENS! XD I keep telling myself to REALLY read Mace's roleplay reply, but I haven't taken the time

Froggington, You have a very nice weiting style! I like it's flair, it's very... classy. Also, loaf your avi owo tis stunning
