
This is a criminally late response to the alliance mail but for the contest I think it'd be a good idea to do battles won. Not only would it encourage people to battle but also to raise their dom more for higher chances of winning Edited at July 20, 2023 11:15 PM by Kitties

Thanks for the support ^^ Next game year Ill be announcing the contest, around winter 2 i will be sending out a mass mail explaining prizez and everything for the contest But for this week can we focus more on PvP instad of AvA? Just until the PvP event is over, that way the alliance can get some apples for the contest :D

AvA Contest! Alright so! I've figured out all the contest knicks and knacks, I'll be listing everything you need to know below, for those of you that dont know, this is a AvA alliance battle contest and prizes will be given to the winner, if you don't know how to participate simply be active in the alliance battles below the chat box and quests, attack the enemy alliance to win on our side, this is going by wins, not attempts keep that in mind, the higher your dominance > the higher chance you win against a enemy pack ~ ~ Event time and duration: This contest will start Monday July 24th when the weekly stats reset and will run for a week until they're over, I'll be sending out prizes either Monday night on the 31st when crossover happens or Tuesday ~ ~ Prizes: First place will win 10 apples and 1k mush, second place will win 5 apples and 1.5k mush, third place will win 3 apples and 1k mush, fourth will get 2 apples and 500 mush, and fifth place will get 1k mush (Keep in mind i will not be participating, these places will be only for you guys, however I will be active in AvA but if i place within top 5 I will not reap these rewards and they will pass onto whoever is next on the activity ledger) ~ ~ Let me know what you guys think and if everything sounds good to you ^^ I'm excited to see you guys go at it Edited at July 21, 2023 08:23 PM by ~Fearless

Just what I had in mind! Thank you Fear~

Contest starts when it hits monday and weekly stats reset! Also for those of you that want to up your dominance, theres about 100 bronze figs in hidden falls right now

Contest is going great! Also theres more bronze figs in hidden falls! Go build that dom ^^

I will post the contest winners and start sending out winnings around 10 pm game time ^^ Also question, with the apples we won from the WoW event, what would you guys prefer, another contest and we use them? Or everyone could get one each, the last three people that have been the least active in the alliance will get 1k mush instead, cause we will have 20 apples vs 23 people


Which there was two options Another contest or the 1 apple each + mush for the less active people

~Fearless said: Which there was two options Another contest or the 1 apple each + mush for the less active people
1 apple ech + mush for less active people