
Woo! Go Tango! Spotlight Tango said: Hello! After yesterday (and a lotta help from fear) I finally got over 1k Working my way up to 1.5k <3

Just a heads up, once everyone gets settled at 1k I'll be upping the dominance to 1.2k, then once were all there, 1.5k, then eventually 2k ^^ This isnt gonna be right away so don't worry, you have time

Ahhh i'll be sure to increase my dominance. Though, once all my customs have died, I am planning on going on a long haitus. ^^"

Hey guys just a head up ^^ If theres any major concerns and im not on feel free to message Tango, Eternity, or Fizen. Theyre like the secrataries of the alliance and they'll help with whatever it is until I log back on

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Oh man I'm a secretary-? Since when-
Lmao aight aight I'm down, I am a liiitttle out of date on the workings of alliances though

Since now >:D Its alright though, Tango knows quite a bit and so does Fizen so between the three of you I'm sure things will be fine ^^ Plus its only if im on a mini hiatus for a week or if something comes up Eternity said: Oh man I'm a secretary-? Since when-
Lmao aight aight I'm down, I am a liiitttle out of date on the workings of alliances though

All three of us are all in this together now lmao Eternity said: Oh man I'm a secretary-? Since when-
Lmao aight aight I'm down, I am a liiitttle out of date on the workings of alliances though



Hello hello ^^ Also were absoletly blazing through AvA battles! Good job everyone <3