
Oh my god why are you here im crying 😭😭😭😭 Nox said: Drunken Reprobates said: Arr mateys! Quick question, can my representative wolf have a different names from my pirate name or should it be the same? Oh my God we even join the same alliances. 😭
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Did we ever get a theme song???

If it's not a sea shanty i'll be mad 😤😤 Saint said: Did we ever get a theme song???
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Last I heard it was low quality Pirates of the Carribean
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Everyone, it took me a few days to find a song worthy of our ventures and such. Alas, dear fellow crew, I have comw up with this list of true keepers. If you want to add something, we'll all be voting on the weekend its its cool with everyone. However, I'm putting a motion forward to ban Wellerman from being an option.

Hey Guys! Theme song Poll is up ^^

I second banning Wellerman. Way too overplayed. WendiKore said: Everyone, it took me a few days to find a song worthy of our ventures and such. Alas, dear fellow crew, I have comw up with this list of true keepers. If you want to add something, we'll all be voting on the weekend its its cool with everyone. However, I'm putting a motion forward to ban Wellerman from being an option.
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Welcome Pastry Lord said: Hello i have joined