
That sounds awesome! Be sure to share pictures. I'd love to visit there someday but that'll be a while away. Good luck with growing all you brought back! For Christmas I've made my friend and his girlfriend a little tillandsia set (one for each). I've put a couple tillandsia in a clear hanging terrarium with some white sand on the bottom and a couple geodes inside. Might place some seashells in there as well. I'll share some pictures later!

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Ahh please do show the terrariums! I have a huuuge love for them! <3 I was doing a little more research on growing Candelabra trees from seeds, and it looks like I'm in for a tough run ahah. Several sites say it's notoriously hard to do, wish me luck! :') It's not supposed to be a house plant either, but heck I'm gonna just grow a tree inside my house.

Dude, we need to do this for pillows!

Username: Mavi Nicknames: Mavi, annoying How many plants do you own? 12 What's your favourite type of plant? [tropical, succulents etc] succulents! Do you like to name your plants? No but I should. I'm a newbie plant momma, I started around July when my mum's aloe plants had babies. I had a bit of a rocky start because I didn't know what I was doing but Eternity and some others helped me, and now my plants are fine. <3 I also have a shit ton of spider plant babies that I've been giving away all week, but now I'm down to 2. :')

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Welcome to the club Mavi! :D Man, I'm jealous of you managing to get rid of your spider babies. I've still got a whole tonne of mine, and they're trying to have more.

Thank you! Haha, good luck. I'll probably have more soon. A friend brought us a few from Hungary, and uh...yeah. We have 5 adult plants, and the 2 remaining babies. There were 10. :') Also I'm going to expand my collection maybe tomorrow, so if anyone has any cool looking succulent plants that they know of that I could find in a standard garden centre, that would be great!

So -- I've still got to get some more decent pictures of the little terrariums. I'm now messing with them a bit more so I'm not going to show them yet (I've got a few more days until I'm giving them away aha). But my moss balls are here! Someone actually gave them to me for Christmas. I've currently got them in a bown shaped container with white rocks at the bottom and various sea shells placed around. Can't say it's fancy right now. Also, we can say goodbye to my Amaryllis. They finally bloomed (after two months of having them - they just didn't want to open) and somehow during the night I'd managed to bump my bedside table and sent the pot flying over the side. It fell over and all the stems snapped. I'm pretty upset. Here are the ones that bloomed though.

Sproot Sap/Sammy I lost count but I mean I like plants a lot. Fav:Aloe vera/Orchids/Roses I named 3 of my Plants : Prickle,Pickle and Swizzle so yep

Aww thats a shame, what a pretty plant :(

Mavi said: Aww thats a shame, what a pretty plant :(
Mavi said: Aww thats a shame, what a pretty plant :(
That looks like the flowers my mom got. ..