
Why not try something new- Pack name: .BANSHEE. Nicknames: any Role in family: brother :,) Favorite song: Feel Good Inc. - GORILLAZ

The Red Moon Pack said: Hi! I'd like to be apart of an online family, but I've always been too intimidated by the large 100+ paged families... I wouldn't fit in, so I am adopting! Also, feel free to dm me about anything, to rant, just to talk, anything you need help with. I will always listen, never judge and stay by your side as much as possible online! Mother (parent): Stormlight Bindings Father: Aunts Midnight Roses Ravenwing Uncles Grandfather: Krampus Grandmother: Sisters: Break of Dawn The Blood Wolves Sketched Brothers Siblings: Anime Perse The Crazy Wolf Blankspace Great-great-great...ect grandfather: Royal Pack Pets: Dog- Mossie Demons in the corner: Pastry Chef, budding blossom Alien- Galactic Queen Bee Kitty- DSMP Miniature Pony- Spiritus Lunae Family friends: Dragonpipe Stalker of Prey FancyPants If this intrests you, please fill out this form: Pack name: Nicknames: Role in family: Favorite song:
I was in this before I lost my pack, aha..

Storm- Which one were you?

I now know 4 Storm . Mind explosion
