
Goodmorning Ki! How are ya? :) Ellyllon said: Morning Blivi! :D

Beautiful Oblivion said: Goodmorning Ki! How are ya? :) Ellyllon said: Morning Blivi! :D
I'm doing great! I'm on a shopping trip right now to get a stylus so I won't have to draw digital art with my finger anymore ^^
How are you doing?

Oooh, nice! I need to grab myself one sometime haha. ^^
I'm doing much better than I was yesterday, was a little depressed but I'm feeling good now! Just watching youtube at the moment. :)

That's good that you're feeling a bit better ^^


Quite splendidly, Royal.

My bff passed away a few days ago and I just now heard about it. I'll miss you Eliana. :,) I know she's in a better place. On a brighter note, I have a Snow Leopard-Wolf hybrid furry with antlers in progress!

Royal, I don't know what to say. I have come across this article about it in the past and I hope it helps you. Here is the link: https://seandietrich.com/gone-2/

Wow, thank you. I cried while I read that. I remember when was little my mom's dad died. She literally went insane. I don't even want to explain the details, but even now she's pretty scarred. Thank you, honestly, for sharing that.

Royal, you're welcome. I hope the healing process is smooth for you and also your mother. I hope scars will heal and fade, but memories won't. I don't know if you are religious, but I am. I hope it'll be a comfort knowing that I'll be praying for you and your family.