
You are just being humble ;)

I just had an idea...
What if we all pitch in to make some super custom wolfie that we can all breed to for free?(as long as you were one who pitched in)
This would take a while to save up for and for everyone to agree on a design, etc.
I just had a thought, though. It could be our Curiosee Custom XD

But who should be the one who's owns it I'm already working on a 600 talent male so if anyone wants to make a Coustum coat and we all agree on it I gusse I could host it or let everyone get a free breeding to him https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=2475014# And unfortunately I'm takeing offers on this boy pm me I might sell him not known yet if I get some really good offers I might sell Edited at August 21, 2019 03:55 PM by Griffins rising

It's a cool idea but unfortunately, pooling for a reward is against the rules if I remember correctly :")
You can check with a mod if you'd like though ^^
|  |

Ah.. didn't know that. Alrighty then.

There are many troubles with making a together custom :') but I think we could pull off a 55R custom that looks maybe like Icarus. I think it should be kept by @Byakuya or @Griffins since they have enough customs and won't get greedy-just my speculation thou,they could be evil deep inside XD
However,there are some members that are having 50% discount of breeding to their boys and it costs around 50 mush maybe more which may seem like a lot,but it isn't.A custom is always more expensive then it can earn back.

I had one custom which I kinda snatched ;-; it was on WP auction along with many amazing wolves and it was HW Death Grip IB 118R male-3 years only.I got him for less then 3000 mush-by miracle cause I wasn't the only bidder. It made me thinking of maybe making a custom later on,mush later on XD
Edited at August 22, 2019 12:43 AM by Hurry

Speaking of customs, what do you guys think of this design? Some colors such as eye color are just... Kinda random because I'm not very artistic.
He shall come to life after God knows how long XD

I like eyes like those <3 my weakness... It's also very popular design(read,something I saw before) so maybe change some markings if you want him to be more unique?But I think your design would be very very popular on a boost stud :D
This is my alternation,but I like hickory,so XD don't listen to me: https://wolfplaygame.com/custom.php?bg=9&shadow=Y&gender=M&base=67&rank=A&piebald1=40&legtype=4&tailtype=3&pointscolor=2&brindle=5&eyes=10&muzzletype=3&muzzlecolor=3&headtype=2&earcolor=1&shouldercolor=13&backtype=5&backcolor=48&speckletype=3&specklecolor=48&eecolor=9&eetype=2&nose=0&okapi=5&leopard=40&gear=0&decor1=0&harl=13&belton=48&somatic=40&talentn=10&talent=l&pietype=3&cid=106798
Edited at August 22, 2019 06:51 AM by Hurry

I decided to rebuild my pack, and started working on it. As this werewolf event reminded me, I'll need battle wolves as well. Curently have only this little guy: https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=2506358 and he's already reserved for training!
My problem is I can't live without beauty, so they must have a pretty base pelt XD