
I have two new wolfies! Two beautiful ladies, Diosa and Hyadi, currently in Cailins room.

Here's a copy of the last mass communication :)
First, Just wanna congratulate our dear Detective H. for winning our joint contest with Macabre Morgue as well as congratulate everyone that participated! I'm pretty thrilled that our first joint contest went so smoothly and was a success too! But Macabre Morgue isn't the only alliance in WolfPlay (though arguably one of the few active ones) and so if you have an alliance that you're simply dying to collab with, toss your idea in the Contest Forum or PM me :) I'll do my best to reach out to them ^^
Some things to keep in mind:
The alliance should have more than 20 members The alliance should be relatively active The alliance leader should be premium The last note might seem weird but some alliances leaders have become basic accounts after their premium account expired and can't really do anything alliance related until they renew it :)
Second, Our monthly alliance officer elections are almost here!
Starting this term, we will have two officers due to the sheer number of members we have and I realize that having one officer check the dominance and activity of 100 packs is a bit too much ^^; The promotional period = August 23, 24, 25
The election period = August 26, 27, 28 Officer in Office = August 29 An important note if you want to be officer:
- Make sure to talk to your fellow officer about how you want to split up the dominance & activity checks. Please don't have one person doing dominance and the other doing activity since dominance checks are far easier to do than activity checks. You can let me know how you split the workload if you want but it's not required.
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Can I add a few things to my perks? I have a couple other chimera males that i wanted to add to the 50% off on my other boy as well. (Hoffie Toffie) https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=2381070 Adam (Chimera 5)
Lawrence (Chimera 4) https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=2387540 These two are the other boys I wanted to add. Edited at August 21, 2019 10:39 AM by Hoodie

Congrats, me! I'm Premium!

!~WinterBloom~! said: Congrats, me! I'm Premium!
Congrats :D I bet Eve is thrilled too


Also I'd like to give applause and thanks to @Byakuya for organizing contest with Macabre Mourge,it was great :D

Risheena Congratulations, that's so great I even spelled the word correctly XD

Thanks to you all! Edited at August 21, 2019 12:31 PM by !~WinterBloom~!

Detective H. Aw thanks a bunch! It's mostly thanks to Vox / Dualbino though ><
Risheena- Congrats! <3
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