
This was extremely helpful although to get a defect,can i breed siblings or is that not possible?

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Inbreeding has no effect on gameplay, whatsoever.

Thanks! My pup has the hip thingie so yea. Edited at March 31, 2018 09:50 PM by Order of the Wolf

This was really helpful! My Alpha male has Hyposmia and i was wondering why his perception wasn't able to have as high CP as the rest of my wolves. Thank you!

I have a question, even if the parents, or his grandparents and so on, don't have defects, are certain defects still common with a mating pair? Because with my starter wolves, I had 2 liters, and 1 pup from both liters had a defect, or was that just by chance?

Crystalline Wolves said: I have a question, even if the parents, or his grandparents and so on, don't have defects, are certain defects still common with a mating pair? Because with my starter wolves, I had 2 liters, and 1 pup from both liters had a defect, or was that just by chance?
There is a chance that the puppy can have a defect, regardless of its bloodlines. The two defected puppies your female had were just chance and coincidence :)
Most people think if there is a defect in the bloodlines (like a mela grandparent), the puppy had a higher chance of having that defect. I think this is misinformation, however. Edited at April 13, 2018 09:48 AM by Cún.

Ivywood Pack said:
Bramble Warriors said: I have an idea for some new birth defects:
Splayed paw Missing tail One eye
Sounds exactly like the defects of the main characters in the book series, Wolves of the Beyond.XD
But those are great ideas. The paw thing is from the book,but I don't know about the other two

Cún. said:
Crystalline Wolves said: I have a question, even if the parents, or his grandparents and so on, don't have defects, are certain defects still common with a mating pair? Because with my starter wolves, I had 2 liters, and 1 pup from both liters had a defect, or was that just by chance?
There is a chance that the puppy can have a defect, regardless of its bloodlines. The two defected puppies your female had were just chance and coincidence :)
Most people think if there is a defect in the bloodlines (like a mela grandparent), the puppy had a higher chance of having that defect. I think this is misinformation, however.

Vennenum said: Inbreeding has no effect on gameplay, whatsoever.
I feel like inbreeding should make your pups more likely to get defects, I feel like that would really change the game, people who want defects could inbreed, and those who don't shouldn't breed siblings.

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Crystalline Wolves-- And the people who don't care about inbreeding and don't want the hassle?
There is a reason why these suggestions are automatically shot down. :-)