
How can I change the color of the chat texbox? Like, where you type

If you mean the text ~ ***** Change your chat text color: .smalltextblack {
color: #055474 } ***** If you mean the BG colors~ /*-------------------------------------------------- Chat Colors --------------------------------------------------*/ .main { background-color:#b8cca7; } .sales { background-color:#efecc8; } - Both from Venn's 1st and 2ed post Skeptical said: How can I change the color of the chat texbox? Like, where you type

Oh,no, i meant the part where you type your message

Oh, that would be where :#cbe0eb is in this, Also from Venn's post /*-------------------------------------------------- Set the form color --------------------------------------------------*/ .iclass {background-color:#cbe0eb; color:#0f2734; -moz-border-radius: 7px; border-radius: 7px; border-width:1px;} Skeptical said: Oh,no, i meant the part where you type your message

Is there a specific size needed for the background image?

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Generally the larger the better. If you have a small image, it's probably going to stretch and get blurry.

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Dulling Melodies said: so that it doesint move- Nevermind figured it out- how do you make things transparent ;-;
Howd you do it?
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background-attachment: fixed; background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; border: 0px; Specifically the first line of code, but the rest is useful with bg images too. Just put that within the { }'s Demon Mistress said: Dulling Melodies said: so that it doesint move- Nevermind figured it out- how do you make things transparent ;-;
Howd you do it?

How would I change the opacity of an image? Specifically the page bg Or just gradient in general Edited at January 16, 2021 06:06 AM by BearPaw

I'm not sure how to do it with coding, but you can just make a copy of your image and go over it with a low opacity white/black/whatever overlay and it gives it the same effect. That's what I do anyways BearPaw said: How would I change the opacity of an image? Specifically the page bg Or just gradient in general