
If you don't mind, I'd love to apply for a general position as well. Humans/Elves Name: Kiran Aedos Gender: Male Age: 465 Race: Elf Rank: General Dragon (write Open for now)(not all characters must have a dragon)*: Open (PM) Appearance (at least 6 sentences): General Kiran stands at 5'10", one of the tallest of the Elven people. His tanned skin, leathery from years spent in the sun, possesses multiple scars from his face to his feet. Notably, the scar that curves from the back of his head towards his collarbone distinguishes him as a formidable general. Eyes so dark they appear black are framed by salt-and-pepper hair and stubble along his jawline. A sharp, pointed nose gives a fierce appearance to the general's face, matched only by the aura he radiates - one of assured victory. Often found in flight leathers, General Kiran can be seen training on the fields before the sun rises to keep his muscular phisique up to par. Crush: N/A. Significant Other: N/A. Kin*: Open (PM) Personality: Ambitious | Strong-willed | Assertive General Kiran was not chosen for his position simply by his battle expertise; his driving desire to maintain control of the continent placed him above his peers, and his ability to dictate and lead them towards certain victory secured his place. Although cold and indifferent, Aedos is inclined to protect the continent and all that inhabit it. He believes rules are instilled to provide an anchor, and that disruptions in the rules are punishable by varying offence. Strengths: + Determination: + Leadership Qualities: + Ambition: Weaknesses: - Rule-abiding: - Narrow-sighted: - God-complex: Likes*: Dislikes*: Other:

Are dragon applications still closed? If so could i be notified when they open again? Thank you!

Sure thing! Luna Tenebris said: Are dragon applications still closed? If so could i be notified when they open again? Thank you!


Question, if i'm signing up as a dragon without a rider yet, would it be a trainee?

mistake Edited at September 7, 2023 11:31 AM by Luna Tenebris

Trainee dragons are typically younger dragons that have not bonded in the past. They can be older dragons, too, but in either case, they are dragons that have not yet bonded with a human or elf within their lifetime. Other ranks are dragons that have bonded at least once in their life, and so have completed their training. Luna Tenebris said: Question, if i'm signing up as a dragon without a rider yet, would it be a trainee?

Dunno why I double posted Edited at September 7, 2023 01:08 PM by Shenzu

I see, so could i just do it where like my dragon has had a bond in the past, but the rider died in battle or something? Shenzu said: Trainee dragons are typically younger dragons that have not bonded in the past. They can be older dragons, too, but in either case, they are dragons that have not yet bonded with a human or elf within their lifetime. Other ranks are dragons that have bonded at least once in their life, and so have completed their training. Luna Tenebris said: Question, if i'm signing up as a dragon without a rider yet, would it be a trainee?

Exactly! Luna Tenebris said: I see, so could i just do it where like my dragon has had a bond in the past, but the rider died in battle or something? Shenzu said: Trainee dragons are typically younger dragons that have not bonded in the past. They can be older dragons, too, but in either case, they are dragons that have not yet bonded with a human or elf within their lifetime. Other ranks are dragons that have bonded at least once in their life, and so have completed their training. Luna Tenebris said: Question, if i'm signing up as a dragon without a rider yet, would it be a trainee?