
Name: Charlie Dariel Day Name Pronunciation: Charlie: chaar·lee Dariel: deh·ree·uhl Day: day Age: 25 Gender: Male Sexuality: Romance couldn't be farther from his mind. He has no idea what he prefers. Birthday: December 13th Fame Origin: Video Content Creator Appearance: Charlie has the body structure of his mother, but, much to his dismay, the appearance of his father. While he doesn't appreciate having his mother's body type, he much rather look like a kid than look anything like his father. That is why he always dyes his hair and puts colored contacts in. And when I say always, I mean always. His little sister literally doesn't even remember his normal appearance, nor has his friends and teachers from highcshool ever seen an un-dyed strand of hair on his head. Naturally, this leads his hair to be very unhealthy. It's extremely brittle, rough to the touch and it has so many split ends you can't count them all. But that doesn't stop Charlie from continuing to dye it, because he refuses to look like his father. Now, you may be wondering, what does his father even look like? Well, Andreas has smooth chocolaty brown hair with a rectangular eye shape that is greyish blue in color. Charlie is the spitting image of his father in these two categories. . Normally when Charlie dyes his hair, it's usually some shade of pink or blue. This time around, however, Charlie ran out of his pink hair dye. He didn't want it to look weird, so he did the only logical thing someone can do in this situation - he opened the box of blue dye that he had on hand and finished the job. That is how he came to have a random patch of blue color on the right side of his head. Granted, he could've just gotten more pink dye and dyed over the blue once everything was said and done, but he decided he liked the unique look. Besides, it was another way to rebel against his father. There was no way he could let the opportunity go! As for his contacts, he has quite the collection of different colors and types. But his favorite pair is what the box says is a "buttery salmon" color. . Moving on, as I lightly mentioned earlier, Charlie looks quite child-like. He gets mistaken for a kid pretty often. This is thanks to his mother's dang body type that she just so kindly gave him. The round face, the small nose and mouth, the wide hips but narrow chest... none of that helps his case, especially when as of right now, Charlie is only 5'2. You could easily describe him as a cute young woman or a little boy. Neither of which he appreciates being called. That's why he hates tight clothes - they just intensify his large hips and small chest(or lack of muscle, whatever you want to call it). If you're thinking that baggy clothes will just make him look more like a kid, you wouldn't be wrong, but Charlie just hasn't quite figured that out yet. . The only thing Charlie has in his arsenal that his parents don't is a dapple of freckles on his nose and cheeks. This addition comes from his mother's father and is the only body feature of his that he isn't self conscious about. As for the freckles themselves, they start darker on his nose and lighten as they move across his cheeks. Speaking of his cheeks, Charlie almost always has bandaids and scratches on his face, or on his body in general, due to his constant adventures and the risks he takes. But he doesn't mind in the slightest because he thinks it makes him look like a cool gangster or something. . Clothes wise, as I said earlier, he always wears slightly baggy clothes. He doesn't really have a set style other than that, he just buys and wears whatever he thinks is coolest that day. He does, however, have some recurring accessories that he likes to wear. - Baseball Cap; Charlie found this hat in the attic of his father's mansion. When he asked who's it was, his mother told him it used to be her father's. From there, he kinda fell in love with it. He doesn't know why he likes it so much, but he does, and wears it whenever it's a good day for a hat. - Necklace; When his sister was only seven, she saved up her allowance money to buy a present for her only and favorite big brother... Charlie hasn't taken it off since. Touch it and he will kill you. - Fingerless gloves; This was Charlie's first ever accessory and the first thing he ever bought with his own money, so it holds a special place in his heart. He doesn't like to get them dirty but wears it quite often despite that. - Bandage wraps; These were literally just last minute purchases because he thought it would make his father angry(which it did). He's literally only had them for about a month now, so he couldn't really care less about them. Personality: Nonconformist To kick things off, we'll start with Charlie's most prominent trait - his nonconformist attitude. He absolutely hates being restricted or being forced to do something. Now, if someone doesn't tell him to do something but instead suggests it, he will think it over and chances are he will listen. And of course, he's not so extreme that he will break the law or ignore the words of an authority figure just because he doesn't like it, but you can bet he will be pretty annoyed with said law or authority figure. He also hates routines because to him they are restricting, and like I said before, he hates being restricted. You might think he hates small spaces, but he's actually fine with them as long as he chooses to be in the tight space. While he doesn't enjoy them, he also tolerates crowds just because he knows people are apart of life. So the moral of the story is if you ask Charlie nicely, he will probably listen. But if you force him to do it, he will fight back and most likely hate you for a day or two. Also, just let him do whatever he wants and he shall more than likely love you <3 Adventurous The second most prominent trait of this human called Charlie is his adventurous spirit. He loves to try new things and eat new foods. He's always on the lookout for new experiences and challenges. He loves to go to places he's never been before and explore everything that place has to offer. And while he likes going to new restaurants or shops, the thing he loves to explore the most is the outdoors. Take him to a walking trail or a park on a nice day and he'll be content to stay there for literal days. He loves climbing trees, smelling flowers, watching wildlife, playing in the brooks and streams, listening to nature sounds... Seriously, what isn't there to like about nature? Yeah, he may be a tad bit childish, but sometimes you just need to let your inner child shine. And If he's having a down day, he'll instantly feel better if you take him on an adventure. Just let this man explore and be free and he'll be happy. Spontaneous Charlie can be quite spontaneous at times, and his adventurous personality doesn't help. He's the type of guy who'll drop almost anything to go on a road trip with his friends because he thinks it'll be fun. He's practically the king of last minute things. In the middle of the night he can decide he wants to go swimming and then follow through right that second. He will completely forget about sleep and go swim in a lake or something instead. You might think I'm exaggerating, but I'm not - he's literally done it before, much to his parents's disapproval. So yeah, wanna have last minute crazy fun? Just go ask Charlie what he feels like doing. Bold Charlie isn't afraid of failure or saying what's on his mind. And you've probably gathered by now that he isn't afraid to take risks. Afterall, what's life without atleast a little bit of risk involved? He knows he's not perfect, but at the same time, he doesn't let that define him. Sure, bad things can happen when you are in the unknown, but who knows when you're going to have another chance at finding something worth while or important? He stands up for others and protects them, even if he doesn't even know them. He's just that type of guy. However, he's not flawless and when faced with his insecurities, like his body, parents or love in general, he does tend to clam up. But otherwise, you can bet he's gonna speak up. Curious Ever since he was young, Charlie has always had a desire to explore, learn and discover. He's a natural scientist! That is, if he had better focus. He is curious about a lot of things, yes. Since he's grown, though, he isn't interested in everything like he used to be. When he does want to learn about something, he's the best student you can have. He always asks questions, he loves learning and he loves to test out theories. But when he doesn't feel excited by the topic of study, he becomes extremely bored and turns into one of the worst students you could have, always daydreaming or messing around. So yeah, he can be really hot 'n cold when it comes to school/learning. But overall, he isn't a horrible student. And he usually has atleast a little bit of interest in whatever you're talking about. Carefree Charlie just doesn't get very stressed about everyday problems. Oops, he forgot his password. Oh, and look at that he ran out of milk for his ceral. And now his friend is late for their meeting. He responds to all of these problems by saying, "Too bad. Guess I'll just have to work around it." And getting over it. He doesn't waste a single thought towards the problems that he views as small. That is to say, he does worry and get stressed. Especially when things pile up or big, dramatic things happen. But for the most part, he's chill. All he worries about is being happy and living life to the fullest. Ambivert Charlie is totally okay with being by himself or sitting alone for lunch. At the same time, he's down to talk and hang out with his friends, or even chat with someone entirely new. He's always open for interactions with people, but he also values silence and his alone time. He's a good listener and a good communicator. He's very flexible when it comes to social situations, often becoming more chill for introverts but being able to be just as loud as the extroverts. He is a perfect mix of introvert and extrovert. Now, with all of that said, Charlie is also quite independent. He doesn't need or want anyone's pity or help. He's content to take care of himself and be on his own most of the time. Nonjudgmental Charlie always has a "you do you" attitude towards people and he expects them to have the same attitude towards him. He couldn't care less about what you're doing as long as it doesn't negatively effect him or those he's close to. Sure, he might think it's weird or whatever, and he'll probably tell you that, but he won't think bad things about you. Believe me, he rather focus on your good traits than the things he doesn't agree with. Plus, he always trys to make sure to ask questions and use the facts to determine whether your hobby or personality is good or not. However, if you are his father or anything like him, you won't get any mercy and he will straight up judge you to your face. So goodluck with that. You will need many prayers ;) Weaknesses: 1. Charlie is easily riled up and can be quick to anger because of it. 2. He doesn't really know how to love someone romantically. 3. Though he may not act like it, Charlie is very insecure when it comes to his body and appearance. His father often shows disdain for his androgynous features, but seriously, it's not like he asked to have a girlish appearance! So yeah, Charlie hates it when people call him cute or small. Strengths: 1. A couple of years ago Charlie went through a 'different languages are so cool' phase and because of that he knows quite a few different languages. Keep in mind, he isn't fluent in basically any of them and really only knows a few sentences in each. He knows Spanish, Korean, Chinese, French and German. The only two languages he is fluent in are English(obviously) and ASL. 2. Charlie is a quick learner and quite good at remembering things when he actually pays attention and trys. 3. Charlie is basically a monkey. Because he's so small, he can fit into basically anything and anywhere. Plus, he's just naturally flexible. He's also gifted with agility and the ability to climb. So bottom line is that there is nowhere you can hide from this boy. Backstory: Both Charlie's parents are important people in the business world. To further their companies and social standing, they entered into a marriage of convenience. Of course, that means there was no love involved. The sole reason Charlie has two older sisters is because his father wanted a son to take over his side of the company(his younger sister was a last ditch effort to get a boy). But then he got Charlie, a good-for-nothing in his eyes. So yeah, his father isn't exactly very happy. Whatever the case, because of his loveless home life, Charlie doesn't really believe in love. I mean, he wouldn't mind having someone who stayed by his side through thick and thin and wherever he wanted to go, but does a someone like that seriously exist? Besides, what is love anyway? And most importantly, even if love is real, who would want a reckless wild child(according to his father) like him? . Charlie hasn't changed over the years - from kid to adult, he's always been his crazy self. However, now that he's older, he's learned to control his urges better. But he's still just as spontaneous as back then. Speaking of when he was a kid, Charlie never wanted to be famous. Sure, he thought it would be cool to be a celebrity for a day, but he never really strived for it like alot of his friends did. The only reason he started a channel was because he didn't want to get left behind when all of his friends were getting famous. He didn't want to not belong with his only true friend group. Little did he know that he would gain popularity faster than his father did in the business world. And now he's stuck in a life he never really wanted. But that's okay, because most of his followers are about as crazy as he is. Affiliations: Family Andreas Day - Father Bianca Day - Mother Edith Day - Oldest sister Lucy Day - Big sister Scarlett Day - Little sister Extra: 1. Even though Charlie will eat spicy things just for the heck of it, he really can't handle spicy foods. 2. For better or for worse, Charlie's face is very expressive. 3. Charlie never wanted to be iconic 4. Charlie loves basically any sport that involves teamwork and running around, but he especially loves volleyball. It's his favorite sport ;)


Name Donovan Lark Armani Name Pronunciation Don-o-van Lark Ar-mahn-ee Age 26 Appearance Donovan is the kind of man whose presence fills a room effortlessly, exuding the allure of a leading man straight out of a golden-age Hollywood film. At 26, his classical handsomeness is the product of symmetry, charisma, and refinement, giving him a timeless appeal that transcends fleeting trends. His features are striking and meticulously proportioned, yet there’s an understated quality about him that makes his beauty feel genuine rather than intimidating. His face is a masterpiece of strong angles and soft contours, blending strength with elegance. A prominent, chiseled jawline frames his face, its sharpness softened by the slight curve of a faint cleft in his chin. High cheekbones catch the light in a way that highlights his symmetrical face, while his nose is straight and subtly aquiline, lending him a refined, noble air. His lips are full but not overly so, perpetually poised between a reserved smile and an expressive smirk that hints at an underlying playfulness. When he does smile—a wide, magnetic grin—it reveals perfect, pearly white teeth and deep dimples that add a boyish charm to his otherwise mature appearance. His skin is flawless, with a golden undertone that suggests both a healthy lifestyle and a lineage blessed with good genetics. There’s a natural glow to his complexion, as though he’s spent just enough time in the sun to achieve that ideal balance between vitality and sophistication. His face is devoid of blemishes or imperfections, yet it remains grounded in authenticity—a few faint freckles across his nose hint at a younger, carefree side of him that contrasts with his polished demeanor. Donovan’s eyes are perhaps his most captivating feature. They’re a deep, mesmerizing shade of ocean blue, flecked with silver undertones that catch the light like a calm sea under the sun. His gaze is piercing yet warm, capable of both disarming intensity and quiet empathy. Framed by thick, dark lashes and perfectly arched brows, his eyes convey a depth of emotion that can shift effortlessly from smoldering intensity to gentle humor. When he looks at you, it feels as though you’re the only person in the room—a trait that makes him impossible to ignore. His hair completes the picture of cinematic perfection. A rich, chestnut brown with natural highlights, it falls in soft waves that seem to have a life of their own, always impeccably styled yet maintaining a touch of effortless, devil-may-care charm. The strands are thick and healthy, with a natural sheen that suggests he could walk straight off a red carpet at any moment. He often wears it swept back or tousled just enough to give the impression of casual elegance—a look that seems unintentional but is undeniably polished. Standing at an impressive 6'2", Donovan’s physique mirrors his facial appeal: strong, athletic, and impeccably balanced. His broad shoulders and defined chest taper into a lean, sculpted waist, his muscles honed through discipline rather than brute force. He moves with an effortless grace that feels almost choreographed, his posture straight and confident without seeming stiff or rehearsed. Every gesture, from the way he adjusts his cufflinks to the way he leans casually against a wall, carries an inherent elegance that seems to belong to a bygone era of gentlemen and stars. His style is the perfect finishing touch, blending classic tailoring with modern sensibilities. Whether he’s in a tailored suit that hugs his form with precision or a simple white T-shirt and dark jeans, Donovan manages to look both polished and approachable. His choice of accessories—a sleek leather watch, perhaps, or a pair of vintage sunglasses—adds subtle flair without overshadowing his natural charm. Personality Donovan's personality is as magnetic as his looks, a compelling blend of confidence that borders on arrogance and an undeniable sweetness that wins people over. He carries himself with the kind of self-assurance that can only come from a lifetime of being admired—whether it’s for his sharp mind, his natural charm, or his striking appearance. Donovan knows he’s attractive, and he doesn’t shy away from using it to his advantage. He’s quick with a smirk, a clever remark, or a flirtatious glance, exuding a charisma that makes people want to impress him. At times, his confidence can come across as cocky. He has a habit of assuming he’ll be the best at whatever he sets his mind to, whether it’s navigating a heated debate, acing a challenge, or charming a room full of strangers. This self-assuredness isn’t rooted in malice or condescension; it’s simply an intrinsic part of who he is. Yet, Donovan’s arrogance is tempered by an overwhelming kindness that seems to take even him by surprise. For all his bravado, Donovan is deeply empathetic, with a knack for reading people’s emotions. He’s the first to notice when someone is feeling out of place and will go out of his way to include them, often with a teasing comment that puts them at ease. Beneath his polished exterior is a man who genuinely cares about others, even if he sometimes tries to hide it behind a façade of indifference. He loves to make people laugh, his sense of humor veering between playful sarcasm and outright silliness. Donovan’s sweetness shines most in his relationships, where his loyalty and generosity become impossible to ignore. He’s the type to remember the smallest details about his friends and loved ones, surprising them with thoughtful gestures that reveal how much he’s been paying attention. His arrogance softens in these moments, revealing a vulnerability that few get to see. He also has a deep sense of fairness and justice. While he’s not afraid to take center stage, he’s quick to step aside when he believes someone else deserves the spotlight. He respects hard work and talent and isn’t above admitting when he’s wrong—though you can expect him to turn the apology into a charming anecdote that somehow leaves everyone laughing. Donovan thrives on challenges, whether intellectual, social, or physical. He loves the thrill of pushing himself, and his competitive streak can make him seem relentless at times. But his competitiveness is balanced by a deep respect for those who challenge him in return. He admires strength in others, especially when it comes with humility—a trait he secretly wishes he had more of himself. In short, Donovan is a man of contrasts. His confidence can be maddening, but his charm makes it nearly impossible to stay annoyed with him for long. He’s a bit of a show-off, but his heart is always in the right place. Voice & Accent Donovan’s voice is a masterpiece of refined elegance, imbued with a deep and resonant timbre that demands attention. His British accent is unmistakably polished, the kind that suggests an upper-class upbringing with years spent mastering the art of articulate speech. The sharper inflections in his words lend an air of authority and precision, as though every syllable has been carefully considered before it leaves his lips. Each sentence flows with clipped diction, his speech clean and deliberate, reflecting a man who values both form and function in communication. There’s a melodic quality to his tone, a natural rhythm that alternates between commanding and conversational, making it easy for people to hang on his every word. When Donovan wants to be persuasive, his voice takes on a smoother, almost hypnotic cadence, drawing listeners in effortlessly. In lighter moments, his British accent softens, the crispness giving way to a more playful, teasing quality that reveals his charm. But when the situation demands seriousness, his voice sharpens like a finely honed blade, cutting through the noise with steely conviction. He has a way of making even mundane statements sound important, a gift that serves him well in both social and professional settings. Strengths Graceful Charismatic Unstoppable Flirt Weaknesses Sucker for compliments Overly Dramatic Food Lover Fame Origin Modeling (He’s a Nepo Baby) Affiliations TBA Other ✧

Name Harper Filch Name Meaning: The name Harper derives from the English language and has its roots in the word harp, which refers to a musical instrument often associated with angels and heavenly beings. Name Pronunciation: Har-per Fil-ch Age: 26 Appearance: Harper Filch, a striking 26-year-old woman, stands at 5'7". Her slender frame, honed by years of ballet before her current career, is accentuated by the fluid movement of her long, dark brown hair. It often cascades in loose waves, occasionally pulled back into a sleek ponytail or a loose braid. Her eyes, a captivating blend of deep brown and almost black, hold a mysterious depth. Her heart-shaped face, framed by high cheekbones and a delicate jawline, is softened by fair skin with a subtle rosy glow. A small, upturned nose and full, slightly pouty lips add to her allure. Her graceful neck, adorned with a delicate silver necklace, leads to a confident posture. Harper's style is a harmonious blend of classic elegance and modern flair. She favors flowing dresses in rich, earthy tones, often paired with tailored blazers or leather jackets. Her wardrobe also includes sleek pencil skirts and tailored pantsuits, always accessorized with statement jewelry - bold necklaces, delicate earrings, and stacked rings. Her footwear ranges from sleek stilettos to comfortable ankle boots, depending on the occasion. Her makeup is minimal, emphasizing her natural beauty with a touch of eyeliner, mascara, and a soft, glossy lip. Her overall appearance is one of refined sophistication and effortless grace. Her confident stride and warm smile draw people in, making her presence both magnetic and inviting. Personality: Harper, despite her poised and elegant exterior, possesses a vibrant and often chaotic inner world. Beneath her serene facade lies a mind that races with endless thoughts and ideas. While she presents a composed demeanor to the world, she can be quite impulsive and spontaneous, often surprising those who know her with sudden bursts of energy or unexpected decisions. Her quiet nature often masks a sharp wit and a quick temper. She can be brutally honest, sometimes to a fault, but she is also quick to forgive and forget. Harp values her independence yet she also craves deep connections with others and can be fiercely loyal to those she trusts. She is passionate about her beliefs and will defend them with unwavering conviction. Yet, she is also open-minded and willing to consider different perspectives. This combination of strong conviction and intellectual curiosity makes her a stimulating conversationalist. Despite her strong personality, Harper is deeply empathetic and compassionate. She has a talent for understanding others and offering comfort and support, even when she herself is struggling. While she may appear distant or aloof at times, she is fiercely protective of those she cares about. Voice & Accent: Harper's voice is soft and melodious, with a slight huskiness that adds depth and warmth. Her accent is a unique blend of Eastern European and American English, a result of her multicultural upbringing. The Eastern European influence gives her speech a lyrical quality, while the American accent adds a touch of modernity and ease. Her voice can shift from a gentle whisper to a powerful, commanding tone, reflecting the complex nature of her personality. Strengths: * Empathy and Compassion: Harper possesses a deep understanding of others' emotions and a genuine desire to help. She is often sought out by friends and family for advice and support. * Intellectual Curiosity: She is constantly seeking knowledge and new experiences. Her open-mindedness and thirst for learning make her a fascinating and engaging person. * Strong Work Ethic: Harper is dedicated and hardworking. She is highly motivated and will go the extra mile to achieve her goals. Weaknesses: * Impulsiveness: Her tendency to act without thinking can sometimes lead to poor decisions. * Sensitivity: She can be easily hurt by criticism or perceived slights, and she may retreat into herself when feeling overwhelmed. * Overthinking: Harper often gets lost in her own thoughts, which can lead to anxiety and stress. Fame Origin: Harper is currently a Singer/dancer but was formerly a ballet competitor Affiliations: Open for any! Other: Harper has never really cared for any of the usual iconic pets and adores the fish she cares for even if they are only fish. Edited at December 10, 2024 09:32 AM by Opal Fruits

Sorry for being late guys! ^^ @Brew, Lackadaisy, Opal Fruits, Tenebinth Wolves, All accepted and will be adding to the list! @Leviathan's Ghost, For sure!
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Name Dorian Kane Name Meaning: Dorian; A name of Greek origin meaning "of the sea" or "descendant of Dorus." It reflects a certain depth and fluidity to his character, much like the tides. - Kane; A name of Celtic origin meaning "warrior," symbolizing his inner strength and resilience. Name Pronunciation: DOHR-ee-uhn KAYN- Age: 23 Gender: male Sexuality: pansexual. Theme Song: "Control" by Halsey The haunting lyrics and powerful beats reflect Dorian’s internal struggles and his desire to reclaim control of his life, despite the chaos around him. --- Appearance: Dorian is strikingly unconventional in his appearance, turning heads wherever he goes. His tousled auburn hair is tied into a casual yet deliberate bun, with a few stray strands falling across his forehead. Freckles are scattered across his pale, smooth skin, softening the sharp angles of his face. His piercing, fiery orange-red eyes hold an almost hypnotic intensity, often unsettling to those who meet his gaze. He has several silver ear piercings on both ears, adding to his edgy and rebellious aesthetic. Around his neck, he wears a sleek black leather choker with a silver O-ring at the center— a symbol of individuality and subtle defiance. His fitted black button-up shirt, often left slightly unbuttoned at the top, complements his lean frame and gives him an effortlessly cool vibe. Dorian’s slightly pronounced fangs, noticeable when he speaks or smiles, add an air of mystery and danger. Some say it’s part of his image, while others suspect there’s something more supernatural about him. --- Personality: Dorian is a paradox—a perfect mix of magnetism and mystery. He’s the kind of person who draws people in without trying, his aloofness only adding to his appeal. Beneath his confident and charismatic exterior lies a deeply introspective soul. He feels things intensely but rarely shows vulnerability, preferring to keep others at arm’s length. His sharp wit and sarcastic humor often act as a shield, deflecting attention from his inner turmoil. Yet, he has a compassionate side that surfaces in subtle, unexpected ways Like writing songs for fans who share their struggles or staying up late to reply to heartfelt messages. Dorian thrives on rebellion, challenging norms and finding beauty in the unconventional. He’s fiercely loyal to those he considers family, but trust doesn’t come easily to him, and betrayal cuts him deeply. Voice & Accent: Dorian’s voice is deep and velvety, with a smooth cadence that can command attention or lull someone into a sense of ease. His slight British accent—likely a remnant of his upbringing or environment—adds to his enigmatic charm. He speaks deliberately, choosing his words carefully, but can slip into a rapid-fire, biting sarcasm when provoked or excited. Strengths: Charisma: Dorian’s magnetic presence makes him the center of attention without even trying. He’s a natural performer, capable of captivating an audience with just a glance or a few words. - Resourcefulness: Dorian is incredibly quick-witted and adaptive. Whether it’s improvising during a live performance or navigating personal challenges, he finds creative solutions. Artistic Vision: As a musician and artist, Dorian has an innate ability to turn emotion into something tangible. His music, lyrics, and visuals resonate deeply with those who experience them. Empathy: While he may not always show it outwardly, Dorian has a deep understanding of human emotion and pain, which allows him to connect with others on a profound level. Weaknesses: Recklessness: Dorian often throws caution to the wind, especially when emotions are high. This impulsive streak has gotten him into trouble on more than one occasion. Stubbornness: Once Dorian sets his mind to something, it’s nearly impossible to change his course. This trait can make collaboration challenging. Trust Issues: Dorian’s past experiences have made him wary of trusting others. He keeps people at a distance, which can sometimes leave him feeling isolated. Emotional Turmoil: Despite his confident exterior, Dorian battles inner demons that often threaten to overwhelm him. --- Fame Origin: Dorian first gained recognition as an independent musician posting hauntingly beautiful songs on social media. His raw, poetic lyrics and soulful voice struck a chord with a niche audience, and his fanbase grew rapidly. He later expanded his platform by streaming late-night sessions, where he performed acoustic covers, shared stories behind his songs, and connected with his fans in real time. Dorian’s candid and authentic approach, combined with his mysterious aesthetic, turned him into a cult icon. Now, he’s known both for his music and his enigmatic online persona, blending artistry with raw vulnerability. --- Affiliations: Record Label: Independent, producing under the alias “Aether Reign.” - Streaming Platforms: Known for his moody late-night streams, which feature live music, intimate Q&As, and gaming sessions with his fans. - Artistic Collaborations: Occasionally works with other indie artists on music videos, short films, or visual art projects, always bringing his unique style to the table. Other Advocacy: Dorian uses his platform to raise awareness about mental health, openly sharing his own struggles and encouraging fans to seek help when needed. - Hobbies: He has a passion for sketching surreal landscapes and designs, often incorporating these into his album art or merch. He’s also a fan of gothic literature and can often be found reading in his downtime. - Supernatural Rumors: Some fans speculate that Dorian’s fangs and fiery eyes aren’t just for show, but part of a deeper secret. He neither confirms nor denies these rumors, letting the mystery fuel his mystique. Edited at December 13, 2024 11:12 AM by Leviathan's ghost

Name: Janelle Dee Landen Name Pronunciation: Janelle: juh-NELL Dee: dee Landen: LAN-den Nickname(s): Ella, Nell, Nellie, Jay, JJ She's heard them all. Don't be shy - call her whatever you want, she won't mind ^^ Age 27 Gender Female Sexuality: Straight Appearance: Skinnier. Bigger eyes. Smaller nose. Glowing skin. Janelle has always strived for these things. In fact, at one point, they idea of 'perfect beauty' took over her life. She refused to eat and she was constantly using makeup to try and "fix" her appearance. But she never could live up to the standards, to be just right like she wanted. It honestly sent her into depression. Especially when her grandmother ended up dying. But that's a story for another time. . Her natural appearance is, well, alot more natural. She isn't like those skinny models, always flaunting their looks. She has a round face shape, which she just doesn't see how beautiful it is. Sure, it gives her a babyish look when her hair is down like she often does, but when her hair is put back, the round face shape actually makes her look mature and gorgeous. And yeah, sure, she has a fleshy nose and thick eyebrows, but it's just part of her unique charm. On the bright side though, her ears are cute and small and so are her hands. Her eyes, although a boring brown, are big and beautiful, often looking as if universes fit within her irises. She also has long eyelashes which frame her eyes perfectly, making them pop. . Janelle stands just over 5'6. Although she's a normal weight, she has a naturally bigger build than most women. Because of this, people tend to presume she's chubby even when she's not. As for her clothes, in the summer, spring and fall you can count on her to be wearing either tie dye or something denim. Usually both. For the winter though, she changes it up, instead wearing big warm sweaters and either sweat pants or leggings. She doesn't fail to switch out her style every winter and take it back every spring. She does also wear the occasional dress when she's going somewhere nice/fancy but for the most part, she'll stick to her pants, thank you very much. . Growing up, Janelle always had long hair. It was usually either shoulder length or longer. The longest she's had it was to her lower back. However, when her brother got cancer and started to loose his hair, he felt ashamed. So Janelle did the only thing she could think of to make him feel better - she shaved her head along with him. Honestly, she hated it because she was used to her long beautiful hair. But she didn't let it show, always acting as a confidence boost for her brother. It's been about two months since it happened so now her hair is about four inches long. Despite wanting to do it for her brother, she usually wears beanie hats to cover her lack of hair. As for her actual hair color, just like her eyes, her hair is a normal brown. Although it does have lighter streaks hiding within her thick locks, giving her hair an almost sun-kissed look. Personality: As a kid, Janelle had always been shy. But she was a bit more confident back then, always making sure to talk to the people around her who seemed lonely. But nowadays, instead of getting braver, she just got quieter. She still trys to include people, but other than that, she can never seem to break out of her shell. It's not like she hates socializing or being around people, but she's so self conscious nowadays that she's always worried about how she comes across to other people. The stress causes her to retreat into her little shell and never come out. Well, usually never. Sometimes, on some occasions, her friends may be able to get her to let loose and actually have fun once in a while. But other can that, you can know that whenever you talk to her, she's silently over analyzing each move she makes. . Beneath all that insecurity, though, lies a creative and loving soul. She's extremely talented at being creative, whether it's making music, writing, creating something new or just solving problems in general. Although she is a tad bit better at creating different types of art rather than actual problem solving. But some of that is because she's too stuck in her head, worried about what others would think of her sometimes unconventional solutions. And honestly, it also effects her writing as well. She never releases the songs that come from deep in her heart because she afraid others won't understand or like the song. And yet somehow she still always manages to make hit songs for her loyal fans. She cares about everyone and everything around her. That's what leads her to often go behind the scenes and take care of people when they least expect it. She may always look away when someone meets her eye, but that doesn't mean she doesn't see the person. Most of the joy in her life comes from seeing other people happy or helping them. Yeah, she may be uncomfortable with people everywhere knowing who she is, but her kindness will never waver, even under all of her fears. Voice/Accent: Janelle's voice is characterized by a soothing gentleness. Her voice is naturally soft and quiet, so much so that she has to repeat herself alot just so people can hear her. Ever since her career started to take off, she's learned how to make her voice louder and more upbeat than normal for the sake of her concerts and whatnot. Unfortunately doing it drains her so she only does it when she absolutely has to. Strengths 1. Dedication; Once Janelle puts her mind to something, she isn't going to give up on it so easily. The same can be said for her relationships. She always makes sure to give some of her time to her close friends, no matter how busy she is. 2. Creativity; Janelle has a healthy imagination that aids her in her pursuit of music and the arts. 3. Maternal instincts; Janelle is naturally a perfect mother. She's the type that can soothe any panicking kid or animal with a combination of her calming voice and gentle actions. Weaknesses: 1. Gets emotionally attached too easily; Janelle gets attached to things way too easily. If one of her favorite foods run out at a restaurant she will get very upset and sad. It's the same principle for clothes, animals, furniture, jewelry, or anything eles. Especially people. It's extremely hard for her to let go of the people she loves. 2. Insecurity; She's always in her head, worrying about others perspectives of her. 3. Quiet demeanor; Because shes so quiet at times she can often get accidentally left out and fade into the background even when the people around her don't mean to leave her out. Fame Origin: Music; Janelle released her first song at the age of seventeen. After that she went on to release hundreds of song covers as well as write her own songs. She is now a semi famous vocalist, though she isn't as big as most of her childhood friends are. Backstory: Both Janelle's parents were actors. In fact, acting is how her parents met. It's safe to say that they wanted their daughter to be an actor too. Even since she could walk, her parents would find roles for her to play. Except, Janelle wasn't exactly camera friendly. She hadn't been born to act like her parents had been. However, after her father died, she ended up taking acting lessons to please her depressed mother. Janelle took on a few more roles after the lessons but ultimately gave up on acting when she turned ten. This is around the time she started hanging out with the friend group and met Mara. . At the age of twelve is when Janelle became obsessed with beauty. A year later, her grandmother died, leaving her more depressed than ever. Her and her family had lived with her grandparents ever since her father had died and Janelle had grown pretty close to her grandma so the loss was exceptionally hard. If it had not been for Mara, Janelle probably wouldn't be where she is today. . At seventeen, Janelle released her first song and about a year ago is when her brother was diagnosed with cancer. Her brother is three years younger than her but they are inseparable nonetheless. Sure, they have different hobbies and things they like, but they always make time for eachother. They make sure to keep in touch, even as Janelle became an adult and got semi famous. To this day, her brother is her biggest supporter and she is his. Her brother is actually the one who encouraged her to go live with her love for music, so she owes him a great deal. That's part of the reason she shaved her head for him even as her heart begged her to stop. Affiliations Beaudan - Boyfriend Janelle got with Beau purely because, well, when presented with the opportunity, she just couldn't refuse. She's always desired and longed for a romantic relationship, so there's no way she could refuse a boyfriend. Plus, she was hoping he would fill the ache in her heart from being too shy to go up to a certain someone and confess. But after dating him for a few months, she has grown quite attached to him and actually does love him to some extent. . Mara - Crush Janelle has always been closer to Mara than the rest of the friend group. While she may not have been his best friend, he was definitely hers. Not to mention Janelle had always found him cute, even from the first day they met. But she didn't really start falling for him until he helped her out of some depression. After that, though, she was head over heels for him. Back then he didn't notice because of childhood ignorance, but he won't be fooled again. Other: 1. One of the songs Janelle wrote is called 'Iconic' 2. Janelle has a kitty cat named Mary(she totally didn't name her after Mara...) The cat is literally a dog in a cat's body, always following her owner wherever she goes. Mary is five years old and a grey-brown tabby. Edited at December 14, 2024 08:53 PM by Terebinth Wolves

Name Mara Elise Holloway Name Meaning Bitter, Gods Promise, Holy Spring Name Pronunciation MAH-ruh, eh-LEES, HOL-oh-way Age 25 Appearance Mara is 5’10, with a slender build that’s more of a personal choice. He loves throwing people off by looking super feminine. Even though he’s got that delicate, almost angelic look, his punches pack a mean hit, so underestimating him would be a big mistake. His skin has that golden sunkissed glow, with faint freckles he usually hides under makeup, though his skin is naturally smooth. His eyes are what really catch everyone’s attention: a light violet shade, kind of like lilac but slightly darker. It’s so rare in humans that it’s one of the reasons he’s famous. People always assume he’s wearing contacts, and he can’t help but laugh about it. His lips are heart-shaped and full, with the top lip naturally a little darker than the bottom. He’s into black lipstick and edgy makeup when he feels like it, but most of the time, he keeps it simple because doing a full face is just annoying to him. His ears are slightly pointed, giving him a bit of an “elf” vibe, which he doesn’t mind since he finds it flattering. His hair is naturally a deep, dark black, but he loves switching it up by dyeing it blonde or adding deep purple highlights. It’s soft, wavy, and always shoulder-length, long enough to keep up the feminine act, but short enough not to bother him. Most of the time, he keeps it simple and flat unless he’s got some fancy event or camera time. Mara carries himself with this confident, relaxed posture that screams “I know exactly what I’m doing.” It’s intimidating when it needs to be, but mostly he just looks like he’s always in control. He has a fox tattoo sleeping on a crescent moon on his back and another on his right arm of a fox curled up with roses in front and on its back. His wardrobe leans toward tech streetwear, but he always makes it his own. Instead of plain black, he’s all about orange paired with black or white. He’s definitely an orange kind of guy. The only jewelry he wears is a single gold ring on a black chain choker. His aura is playful, mischievous, and super friendly, the kind of vibe that draws people in. But if you’ve ever seen him mad, you’d know that sweet, angelic look can flip into something downright scary in a flash. He saves that side for anyone who tries to mess with him or his friends. When he walks, there’s this bold confidence, almost daring you to find him attractive or even be jealous. It’s subtle but impossible to ignore. Personality Mara is the kind of person who makes you look twice. He’s confident but not in a cocky way, more like he knows he’s good at what he does and doesn’t need to prove it to anyone. He’s quick on his feet, always the one with a sharp comeback or a clever way out of any situation. He doesn’t like people getting too close unless he lets them, but once you’re in his circle, you’re there for good. He’ll defend his friends without hesitation, and if anyone messes with them, they’ll regret it fast. Mara’s protective in a way that feels almost territorial, like he’s claiming his space and the people in it as his own. He loves snacks, always has something on hand. It’s one of the few things he won’t share unless he really likes you. When he’s eating, it’s serious business, don’t interrupt him unless it’s life or death. He fidgets a lot too, like he can’t sit still for long. Sometimes it looks like there’s an invisible tail swishing behind him, especially when he’s excited or bored. Mara’s got this way of walking that makes people notice him, like he knows exactly what he’s doing and dares you to look. He’s playful but sharp, always teasing or pulling little pranks to keep people guessing. He’s not reckless, though, everything he does feels like it’s part of a bigger plan. He’s good at reading people and loves catching them off guard, whether it’s with a joke or something more serious. He’s not afraid to stand out, and it shows in the way he carries himself. Whether he’s wearing something casual or dressed up for an event, he makes it work without trying too hard. He doesn’t always say much, but you can feel his presence in a room. People either want to impress him, be him, or get out of his way. Under all that confidence, though, there’s more to him. He’s loyal, maybe a little too much sometimes, and he’ll go out of his way to protect the people he cares about. But don’t mistake that for softness. Mara knows how to be mean when he has to, and if you’ve ever seen him mad, you’d know why nobody crosses him twice. Mara’s bad traits? Yeah, he keeps those to himself. He won’t say a word about them, but if someone hurts his friends or partners, he’ll get his revenge in the quietest way possible. He’s sneaky about it, making sure no one knows he’s behind it. He’s not the type to make a scene. He’ll just wait, plan it out, and when the time’s right, he’ll strike. No one will see it coming, and by the time they do, it’s over. And he’ll never admit it, either. He hates people seeing that side of him, so he just deals with it on his own. He’s protective in a way that’s almost a little scary, especially with the people he cares about. It’s not just ‘looking out for them,’ it’s like, don’t touch what’s mine kind of thing. If he’s got your back, he’s got it all the way. But if someone crosses that line, they’ll regret it. He doesn’t need to make a big deal out of it, he just takes care of it in his own way. Mara can be manipulative too, but he’s not obvious about it. He doesn’t do it for fun, but if it’s necessary, he’ll do what he has to. He knows exactly how to get people to do what he wants, and he won’t hesitate to use that power if it means protecting the people he cares about. He’ll never flaunt it, though, he’d rather keep that part of himself hidden. He’s also possessive, but not in an obvious way. It’s more like a silent, watchful kind of thing. He doesn’t let people get too close to his friends or partners unless he’s okay with it. If anyone tries, he’ll be watching them, making sure they know their place. He won’t always say anything, but trust, he’s noticed. And if it ever goes too far? He’s got ways of handling it, quietly and without anyone knowing. He likes to keep the bad stuff to himself, buried under that confident exterior. No one needs to see it. Voice & Accent Mara’s voice is a bit of a trick. He can make it sound whatever way he wants, depending on the situation. His real voice is deeper, kinda smooth, with a rough edge to it, like he’s been through a lot, but he can shift it easily. When he wants to sound more feminine, he’ll lighten it up, make it higher pitched, more soft and sweet, like a girl’s voice you’d hear online when someone’s pretending to be a girl. It’s convincing, like if you weren’t paying attention, you’d never know it’s him. His tone gets softer, his words more rounded, and he even changes how fast he speaks, a little slower, almost like he’s teasing you. When he’s being himself, though, his voice is fuller and richer, still smooth but with that edge, like it’s got something rough hiding underneath. His laugh? It’s low and almost a little dark, but you can tell he’s enjoying himself, even if he’s keeping his distance. When he’s mad or wants to get serious, his voice drops lower, and you can feel it in your chest, like he's trying to make you pay attention. But when he shifts to that feminine tone, it's like a mask, something he can slip on and off as easily as changing his outfit. You wouldn’t guess it’s the same voice. It’s all in the way he holds his breath, the way he shapes his words. And no matter how he sounds, there’s always a little bit of that edge to it, a reminder that Mara’s never just what you think he is. Strengths Hyper-Awareness. Mara’s always paying attention, even when it doesn’t look like he is. It’s like he’s got this radar that picks up on everything around him. He notices small stuff, like the way someone’s holding their drink or how someone’s posture shifts when they’re about to say something. It’s not even something he tries to do; it just happens. This makes him really good at reading situations fast. If someone’s planning something, he’ll sense it way before they do it. He’s never really caught off guard. Fast Reflexes. Mara’s quick, like, super quick. If something’s about to happen, his body reacts before he even thinks about it. It’s like a reflex, so he’s good at dodging stuff, whether it’s a punch or a random object flying at him. And it’s not just physical things; he’s fast in conversations too. He can think on his feet and come up with a comeback or reply way faster than most people. It’s just how he works, his body and brain acting at the same time. Memory for Faces. Once Mara sees your face, that’s it. He won’t forget it. He’s got this crazy ability to remember every detail about someone’s face, like the little stuff, too, like the way their nose is shaped or the freckles on their cheek. If he’s met you once, you’re not getting away unnoticed. And if someone’s trying to hide or disguise themselves, Mara’ll spot it right away. He just doesn’t forget faces, no matter what. Impersonation Skills. Mara can copy people like it’s nothing. He can change his voice, mimic their walk, even pick up on their little habits. He’ll just study someone for a little while, and before you know it, he can act just like them. It’s a little freaky how good he is at it. He can pretend to be someone else so well that you might believe it if you didn’t know better. He doesn’t always do it, but when he does, it’s pretty impressive. Immunity to Peer Pressure. If someone tries to push Mara into something he doesn’t want to do, it’s not gonna happen. He’s not someone who cares about what other people think. He doesn’t care if everyone’s doing one thing and he’s the only one doing something else. He knows what he wants, and if you can’t handle it, that’s your problem. People can’t make him do anything because he’s just not bothered by what they say. He doesn’t care if they’re pressuring him, he’s doing his own thing. Natural Predator. Mara’s got this natural way of moving through the world. He knows how to get what he wants, and he’s really good at reading people. He can tell when someone’s lying, when they’re hiding something, or when they’re about to make a move. It’s not that he’s out to get anyone, but he knows how to use people’s weaknesses without them even realizing. He’s always thinking ahead, even if it seems like he’s not. People might notice him, but they don’t always know what he’s really after until it’s too late. Weaknesses Overconfident. Mara thinks he can do anything, even when he probably shouldn’t. He’s always sure he’s got everything under control, and sometimes that leads to him jumping into things without thinking. He’ll take risks just because he feels like he can handle it, but it doesn’t always work out the way he expects. He won’t admit he’s wrong, though. Even if things go south, he’ll act like it’s all good. Sometimes he just needs to realize he’s not always right. Trust Issues. Mara doesn’t trust people easily. He’s been burned before, so now he keeps people at a distance. He’ll question why someone’s being nice or if they really mean it. Even when someone’s been around for a while, he still wonders if they’ve got an agenda or something to hide. It’s like he’s always waiting for the other shoe to drop. He doesn’t want to feel like that, but it’s hard for him to fully trust anyone. Guilt. Mara hates it, but when he messes up, he can’t let it go. He’ll beat himself up about it and replay the situation in his head over and over. Even if it wasn’t a big deal, he’ll feel like he should’ve done better. He tries to hide it because he doesn’t want anyone to know, but it eats at him. It’s hard for him to move past it sometimes because he’ll keep thinking of ways he could’ve fixed things, even if it’s way after the fact. Jealousy. Mara doesn’t like to admit it, but he can get jealous. If someone’s getting attention or something he wants, it bugs him more than he lets on. He’ll try to hide it, but sometimes his mood will shift, and you’ll know something’s off. He doesn’t like feeling like that, but it happens. He hates the idea of showing it, so he’ll just act like it doesn’t bother him, even if it does. Hard to Apologize. Saying sorry is tough for Mara. If he messes up, he has a hard time owning up to it. He’ll avoid it for as long as he can, making excuses or pretending like it wasn’t that bad. It’s not that he doesn’t care, he just doesn’t want to seem weak. Even when he knows he should apologize, it feels like admitting defeat to him. It’ll take a while for him to come around and say the words, but deep down he knows it’s something he should do. Overthinker. Mara spends a lot of time in his head. He’ll go over everything in his mind a million times, whether it’s something someone said or something he did. He overthinks conversations, actions, and even what he’s going to do next. It can mess with him, making it hard to focus on what’s actually happening. He knows it’s annoying, but he can’t help it. His mind just doesn’t know how to shut off, and sometimes it makes him second-guess everything. Fame Origin Fashion Model & Influencer Mara didn’t exactly stand out in high school, at least not in the way most people would expect. He was just a typical middle-class guy, blending in with everyone else. But, even back then, he loved messing with people, especially when it came to convincing them he was a girl. He wasn’t super feminine, but he liked how people would do a double-take when he pulled it off. It was funny to him, and it kind of became his thing. After high school, things changed. He didn’t really plan for it, but modeling just seemed to fall into his lap. People liked him. A lot. Maybe it was his look, maybe it was his confidence. Whatever it was, it caught the attention of the right people, and he ended up getting into modeling. It didn’t take long for his face to show up in campaigns, especially for makeup companies. People loved him. He was just the kind of guy everyone wanted to see, whether it was on a billboard or in an ad. While modeling became his thing, he also developed a real love for fashion. It wasn’t just about looking good for the camera; he started to care about the outfits he wore, the trends he followed, and the way he presented himself. It became a huge part of his identity, and he wasn’t afraid to experiment with bold, out-there looks. On top of all that, he found time for YouTube. Nothing too serious, just some silly makeup videos he liked to do in his downtime. He never cared about having a ton of subscribers, though he got a pretty decent following over time. It was more for fun than anything else. He’d mess around with makeup looks, giving tips here and there, all while joking around and being his usual playful self. Now, Mara’s a well-known face in the industry. People recognize him not just for his looks but for that effortlessly cool, laid-back vibe he gives off. He’s not just famous for being a pretty face, though, it’s his personality and charm that keep people hooked. Even though he’s living the dream now, he still has that mischievous side, always finding ways to make things fun, just like he did back in high school. Affiliations TBA Other Mara’s favorite quote is “Welcome to the future, it sucks here!”. His favorite song? Belong Together by Mark Ambor, no contest. When it comes to colors, orange and purple are his top picks, why choose one when you can have both, right? He’s fluid when it comes to sexuality, but hasn’t figured out the whole poly thing yet. He just knows he’s fluid, and that’s cool with him. He likes being single most of the time and hasn’t really gone past one-night stands, but he’s not in any rush to change that.
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Name Astra Valdaro Name Meaning Astra - Star; Valdaro - refers to the "Lovers of Valdaro" Name Pronunciation As-trah Vahl-dah-roh Age 26 Appearance Astra often garners attention regarding both her name and her appearance. Standing at an average height, with a build that appears normal under the loose shirts she often chooses to wear, her immediate defining feature is her blond hair, falling to midwaist in smooth waves. Golden skin accentuates deep blue eyes, so dark they appear black from a distance. Her soft, round face seems to draw others to her, and many times she has been referred to as "angelic" in nature. Her skin is always radiant, seeming to absorb the sunlight and turn her to one of its rays. Under her baggy clothes, a slight build features a faint hourglass and a plethora of tattoos. Among these, the largest [and most intricate] is a dragon appearing to scale her back, wings often peaking out above the collar of her shirts. Not one to showcase her personal art, though, Astra is often found in a baggy crewneck, leggings, and a pair of running shoes. She can often be seen with brows furrowed and hands wringing together as she sits in thought. Her face is dotted with freckles, which hide the worry lines that have begun to appear. Unable to be covered, though, are smile lines, still faintly set in her face, but noticeable. When she isn't stuck in her mind, Astra loves to laugh, especially with those who have stuck around in her life. Her smile is big, often crinkling her nose and closing her eyes due to its strength. Full, pink lips enhance the brightness of her smile, and the apples of her cheeks often turn rosy when she laughs for a while, giving her an innocent, lovely glow. Personality Astra is bold, to put it lightly. Her brazen actions and callous words have burned quite a few bridges, but in her opinion, if they left, they didn't deserve to stay anyways. Her form of humor often consists of snide remarks and quips, and she's beyond overjoyed when the sentiment is returned. Although bold, Astra tends to avoid crowds - people make her anxious. She's able to communicate effectively, but often becomes easily overwhelmed in settings that are out of her control, and will begin to devolve, resorting to anger to mask her fear. This can often end with fights, where Astra will try to win and often come up with an excuse to throw the fight if she feels she is losing. This may manifest in manipulation or gaslighting, or throwing hurtful words at the other in an attempt to force them to leave. When in public, Astra will be observing those around her. She never learned to mask her facial expressions, and will accidentally make faces at others without realizing she has done it. Though this sometimes leads to confrontation, she's never learned to control her face. This is true for any emtion, with any person. Every feeling, no matter how fleeting, will cross her face, and it can be offputting to see how rapidly she goes through emotions - always one to try and compatmentalize, Astra feels rapidly and settles on one emotion. Astra has always loved animals - no matter what shape, size, or species, she'll find them devastatingly adorable. Her favorite place is the ocean, because she's been fascinated by marine life since she was a child. She has no inhibitions when she is at the beach, feeling like herself on the few occassions she manages to escape life and take a break. Her biggest fear is the dark; she must have a light on when she sleeps, or else nightmares begin to creep in. After this, she is afraid of dying, of not knowing what lies beyond. The two often go hand in hand, as her nightmares consist of death, fear, and darkness morphed into some ungodly design. Astra is intelligent, and enjoys reading complex books to provide mentail stimulation. She can be messy, often forgetting where she's put things and tearing a room apart in search of something that's always right in front of her in the end. Voice & Accent Astra's voice is soft and higher in pitch, and while she has a predominantly Eastern coast accent, faint scottish lilts can often be heard when she's passionate about a topic. Her voice is captivating, drawing anybody nearby to listen as she effortlessly brings forth the emotion she wants to convey. Her inflection varies constantly - a testimate to her acting - and carries with whatever she may be speaking about. Despite this, Astra's voice is never raised. Even when angry, she keeps a cool, quiet tone. Strengths Persuasion. Growing up, Astra was acutely aware that her looks, voice, and a gentle personality could her anywhere. As she aged, her ability to persuade those around her only grew - though her ever-growing fanbase may have helped as well. Intelligence. In the world of fame, to be dumb is to fail, and Astra simply refuses to fail. Both in book and street smarts, Astra is constantly informed and perceived the world with a knowing eye. Creativity. In her world, creativity is key to keeping fame. Astra is constantly trying new hobbies, sports, and personas to see what resonates with the crowd. She can paint and sing like it's nobody's business, and never fails to come up with something new. Weaknesses Quick-tempered. Though she attempts to keep a level head around her fans, Astra has a short fuse - never grew out of it, and can't seem to shake it. She has no ability to mask her anger, and is quick to try and hurt those around her when upset. Clumsy. Despite her prestige and well-mannered voice, the ground always seems to find its way to Astra. She falls constantly, tripping over invisible wires set specifically to make her fall in front a camera, no doubt. Possessive. Once she has something, Astra is hellbent on keeping it - whether it be a note from a fan, a new article of clothing, or a person. She has trouble sharing her things, and it has often led to scuffles in her personal life. Fame Origin Actress As a child, Astra took any role she could find. From the time she could walk, acting was her passion - mostly due to the status of her parents, Christopher and Selene Valdaro. Notable actors in their prime, the couple was known around the world. As she grew up, her love for acting only grew, but Astra found herself drawn to sci-fi and fantasy roles above all else. With the new deluge of alien, dragon, and magical books and movies, Astra found herself hard-pressed to not find a role that suited her. Affiliations None currently [PM] Other Astra's book taste is absolutely iconic, as well as her music taste. Think about asking her to make you a playlist. ;)
Edited at December 12, 2024 05:46 PM by Acerbus.

Name Tatum Jane Hopkins Name Meaning “Cheerful”, “Full of Spirit” Name Pronunciation Tay-tm jane hop-kinz Age 24 Sexuality Bisexual Appearance Tatum is a medium sized girl standing at 5 '5 in height and weighing 134 pounds. Her frame is muscle toned with her body being slim, but athletic to look fit and right for her size. Her legs are long with a short torso. Her facial shape is slim and resembles an oval with her jawline sharp and agile. Her skin sun-kissed that gives her a medium skin tone with little freckles on her face. Her skin is not exactly soft or rough, but it is smooth enough to the touch. Her hands are what can be seen as a man’s hands. Her hands are rough and calloused from working hard and the times of exercising. Tatum used to have long and thick hair that flowed down past her shoulders. The color of strawberry blonde with strands of platinum blonde throughout. Now when her college career started, she had almost an identity crisis from the girl she once was into the girl she became. She didn’t touch any colors, but she grabbed the scissors and went to town with her hair. Of course, she has to get a stylist to fix her mistakes. After that she has been with her true love of her hair that is a shaggy and blunt bob that reaches just below her chin. Her eyes are soft and doe like that look almost memorizing to look at. Her eyes are a dark blue color that looks grey in certain areas of light. Her lips are faded pink with plump lips with bright and shiny teeth. A great flashy smile, too bad she is stuck in a frown or a soft smile. Tatum is very much a canvas for tattoos, she has both arms covered in tattoos. Her legs are next. She has tattoos on her ribs, chest, and a spine tattoo. Though her parents have never agreed with her destroying her beautiful skin. Though she always lets incoming tattoo artists or people decorate her skin like she is a canvas on display. Tatum has some scars from the car accident from her glass shards. Part of her corner lip has a jagged pink scar that is slowly fading to white and her on the outer rims of her face. Her nose is slightly crooked from having a broken nose that she chose not to entirely fix with any cosmetic surgery. Tatum's attire is usually in basketball shorts and t-shirt. But she can casually wear some baggy ripped jeans with a band t-shirt or some other item of shirt. She wears a collection of necklaces with her backwards L.A. hat that she sports on a regular basis. She has some nice feminine clothes in the back of her closet, but she won’t pull them out unless she has a good reason. Though she does not buy anything expensive even though she has the money for it. But she spoils herself with her shoes. She does not buy heels, boots, or even sandals. She usually buys Jordan shoes, converse, and vans, but has maybe a couple of slides in her collection. Personality Tatum is a secretive person not really letting anyone in her head or thoughts. But she covers it up being a very lively person and almost a party animal. She is the life of a party that will try to find the positive side of things. Though Tatum may act like the best person to be around with her playful banter and social butterfly to others. She also can openly flirt with anyone or everyone that she has no romantic feelings for. Though if she finds herself having a small crush on someone, she is awkward and shy. She will talk to them really fast and pretty much share anything about her. She gets jittery and unrelaxed from the moment she realizes until it ends. Tatum can be stereotyped as a jock from the first glance and her sporty background. But she is very much a nerd. She has learned slowly that basketball is not her only passion and can’t be the only thing that she has. She has dove back into her college life focused on a new passion of being a prosecutor or lawyer. She has begun her classes of criminal justice and law with other studies on the side. She is a huge nerd other than in her school work with her reading and writing poems in her free time. Tatum is a harshly loyal and trustworthy person to her core. She has been known to get in fist fights for her friends. She also is the friend if you need to be told something in true honesty. She will give you what she thinks about you or a situation without sugarcoating it. From your lovelife to what you are wearing. Tatum can be a little off putting in that way due to her kindness and being an incredible people person, as she can bitter it with the harsh criticism for others to hear. She can be incredibly impulsive and reckless at times making brash decisions for the fun of it. She does not do it in serious situations, but spontaneous situations. Though they can have pretty bad consequences later on, she will do it for the moment. As she does it for the moment, she has learned that she needs to live in the moment as life is too short. She will do anything for fun and to try it once. Call it stupid or call it adventurous. She sees it as her coping with her brother’s death even though it’s been 10 years since he died. She does not want to do something where she will be lying in the bed regretting she never did that one thing. Tatum is an incredibly self reliant and focused person. She has a certain drive that most would find jealous of her capabilities. She is able to keep great determination and focus on the prize in the end. Negative remarks will never strike her down if anything it’s her fuel to keep striving to be on top. Tatum can be very petty at times as she is usually a cool headed person. Though if she gets crossed in any way she will bear down on anyone and make their life a personal hell. She has no fear for what people have to say about her or even her being the bad guy. Voice & Accent Contralto voice with no crazy accent. She has a little midwestern accent from her childhood that has never faded. Strengths Athleticism Tatum is insanely athletic and can learn how to play sports quite quickly. People person She can talk to others quite easily. She can connect with others from being empathetic or just finding similar interests. Standing Up for herself and others She is a great advocate for herself and does not let others walk over her or anyone around her. Competitive She is insanely competitive with anything that gives her an adrenaline rush. She does not care if she loses or wins. It’s more of a fast paced and the urge to go against others. She can play dirty or play fair. Weaknesses Stage-Fright: She hates all the attention on her, though with basketball she can distract herself and make it like she is the only one in the room. She knows how to drown out the room. Work-a-holic: She throws herself into her work from working out, games, practices, brand deals, and her studies. She never knows when to take a break. She has been hospitalized for her lack of breaks to her just needing to rest. Not Exactly Best Dressed Tatum has never really cared what she looks like. Speaking of the girl who would wear pajama pants and tank top to basketball games with a huge audience. She has never cared for what she looks like. Never been in a serious relationship or a relationship Tatum has never given herself the time or dedication to try to be in a relationship. She has a couple kisses from high school and college. But they were meaningless from a dare or just a thing that happened. Though she has never given herself the chance to take the next step forward. She is not necessarily a romantic, actually she gets awkward and very talkative if she is around someone she remotely has feelings for. Fame Origin/Backstory (How they got famous. Streaming, acting, etc.) Basketball player / Songwriter Tatum was the youngest born out of her family of seven. The only girl from her four older brothers that she has looked up to her whole entire life from learning how to fight and fish. From having indoor fighting rings in their basement and playing the unfair 3 on two basketball games in their driveway. She has never known anything that was a slow paced environment, all she knew she had to keep up. With that she was thrown into the life of sports to keep her always busy and on her toes. She was a three sport athlete from volleyball, basketball, and track with her coaches mainly being her brothers taking her to pick up games at their local park or to their track practices. The love of basketball was where she found herself. Especially after her oldest brother Calvin passed away in a car accident at the age of 24, when she was 14 and she and her brothers were in the car when it happened. As they were coming back from a concert that Billie Eilish was playing at. The only time she could really feel connected to her brother was with a basketball in her hand. With that drive and her determination to try and play basketball for as long as she can, she put in the work from school and on the court. Where she got herself a full ride scholarship to a great school to play some basketball. Though she did not get her fame until a mysterious video of her singing on a piano of a song that she wrote about the death of her brother that she made in highschool. She went viral for her talent and song writing which boosted her athletic career from then. Though she made a public announcement that she would never sing out loud for anyone again. Her following never receded with that, she got brand deals from major businesses. With that Tatum used this drive again into her basketball court to start setting records from little as minutes played in a game to the most points scored in a game. Though she secretly writes songs in the little free time she finds herself to have, she keeps them locked away. Familial Affilations: Percy Hopkins (Father 57) Aubrey Hopkins (Mother 55) Calvin Hopkins (Eldest Brother, Forever 24) Archer Hopkins ( Brother, 31) Jaxon Hopkins (Brother, 27) Jaden Hopkins (Brother,27) Affiliations Open Theme Song(s): We Own It - 2 Chainz and Wiz Khalifa NDA - Billie Eilish Kiss me Thru the Phone - Soulja Boy Other -
Her favorite fruit is gala apples -
She hates the sound of people eating with their mouth open -
She thinks skater dresses are iconic, but she could never wear them. -
She hates being in the car and would rather walk -
She loves Billie Eillish, but she can’t listen to her music anymore. -
She loves basketball but she enjoys the days of sitting around and watching tv.