
@Swift She will be, that means pups. That means No More expecting mothers.

Crystal, Yup... Bobcat said: @Swift She will be, that means pups. That means No More expecting mothers.

I might make it so that she's not expecting pups, just so that other players have that opportunity

Wait for a bit. No one is joining.

Advertise in chat Bobcat said: Wait for a bit. No one is joining.

Name: Luna - Pronounciation: Lu-Na - Pronouns:They/them - Gender: Non binary - Rank: Medicine wolf - Sexuality: Aro-ace, non binary - Description: Black fur. Is thin, but not unhealthily before the famine. There is not another splotch of color on them besides their striking blue eyes Persanality: Luna is quite a loner and specializes in herbs and wounds. They never wanted to mate, so they jumped at the chance to be the medicine wolf, so she would usually be inside the den. She is quite cold at unreadable. She loves the night and moon and feels a special connection with it. - Strengths; Hunting, climbing, smarts, stealth - Weaknesses: Is bad at swimming, is taken by surprise easily, takes 5 seconds to recover, cannot run fast unless is actually scared, is barely ever scared - Likes: LGBTQ, Darkness, night, stealth, solitary, healing - Dislikes: Flirting, Sunlight, day, stuck ups, Homophobics (Yeah she supports LGBTQ. A lot. 🏳️🌈) - Other: My favorite shade of green is probably peacock green. 8.

Luna is accepted. Mind telling me their biological gender?

Name: Caspian (Cas) Pronounceation: Cas-P-an Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Rank: Beta Male Sexuality: Bisexual (preference in males) Discription: Caspian has medium shaggy fur, which is the colour of dry wheat. He is built to run fast, and it lean and larger than most wolves in the pack. He is also quite scrawny. His eyes are a deep emerald colour, and his ears are tipped with coffee brown fur. His paws have white marking on them, similar to little socks. He always carries a raven feather behind his ear, reminding him of his sister, who's pelt was ivory black. Personality: Caspian can be flirty and makes a lot of jokes most of the time. He's easygoing and friendly, but says the most stupid things sometimes. He's good at talking to people and empathising with them, but he's not much of a thinker or planner. He enjoys hunting and is quite fast. He enjoys other's company and making friends. Streghts: Caspian can be very empathetical towards others, and is encouraging and loyal. He will always have you're back if he cares about you. He's a strong swimmer and hunter, and is a valuable pack member. Weaknesess: Caspian lacks smarts, and is not very good at coming up with plans. He often runs head first into problems and it gets him or the people around him hurt. Likes: Caspian loves it when the wind whistles past his ears and ruffles his fur. He loves running through the forests, without a care in the world. He love playing with pups, or looking after them. He loves to make people laugh. Cas enjoys chatting with the alpha, nighttingale and is often involved in most pack problems. He tried to help whenever he can and is often pleased when he can contribute to pack activites. Dislikes: Caspian deslikes cold weather, he had always been a summer dog. He hates it when people are unkind or rude to him or his pack. He has always been protective over the ones he cares about, and he hates it when people are mean to them. Caspian is often easy going, but his patience has a limit and he can't stand people who don't know how to respect others. Other: Caspian is the brother of the alpha, nighttingale and loves her very very much. Mate is open (Beta female) (Fav shade of green would be forest green, and you forgot eight, silly :) Edited at June 12, 2024 09:19 PM by Ghosts of Glory


Name: Coriander Pronounciation: CORE-ee-an-der Gender: Male Pronouns: He/him Rank: Pack Member Sexuality: Pansexual Description: 
Coriander has sleek, shiny black fur with sandy orange splotches and a cream chest. His nose is black and his eyes are two different colors, one green and the other brown. His body is long and thin, but his legs are pretty muscular. He has short, sharp ears. The fur on the bottom of his tail and the top of his head is spiky. Personality: Coriander is devoted, blunt, sassy, and tough. Proud and independent, he has great difficulty admitting when he needs help, preferring to solve his problems on his own, with varying success. He's loyal to his pack, especially his friends, but is never one to follow them blindly-- if he sees that someone is doing something wrong, he'll speak up about it, no matter how close he is to them. He can be assertive and tough in speaking his mind, but he has a more caring side for wolves who need that. Like a rattlesnake, he gives fierce warning before causing a conflict-- but once he does start fighting, he has quite the venom to him. Strengths: A very skilled fighter, and stealthy, especially in the shadows. Weaknesess: He's terrible at swimming. He also has trouble holding his tongue when necessary. Likes: Lizards (his favorite prey), freedom, connection with his packmates Dislikes: He doesn't tolerate being belittled or insulted. Other: You forgot 8! I like sea green. Also, I might add another character if this doesn't get a lot of sign-ups! Edited at June 9, 2024 06:41 AM by Starlight Serpent