
All are reserved Long Wang said: Can I reserve alpha male and a fire pup?
I plan to be more active in RP-ing, shifting my focus a bit.
Crazydayz said: May I reserve a fire pup?

I have some time for this! I'll be on regularly.

Name: Leaf Nicknames/ What wolves should call them: Beta Leaf ( does not apply to family members/ close freinds age: 6 years Gender: male Role: beta Role wanted: Alpha Male Apperence: Leaf is a huge wolf. Easily at least a head taller then all the other wolves in the pack. He has black fur that is long and very thick. He is muscular. His eyes are olval shaped and the color of gold coins. All together he has a frightening appearance. Personality: Leaf is a ambitious wolf. He wants to rise to the top of the ranking. And he's almost there. He can be strict and doesn't like it when wolves don't do or compete their job. leav is a wolf who doesn't show much fear. He would rather fight then flee. He likes most other wolves. Or at least tolerates them. He cares a lot for close family and friends. powers ( if firepup): none family: Mate: Luna ( starlight dreamer) Pups: open ( 3-6. Months) other relationships: open backstory: optional What they think of the situation: Leaf is scared of the forelings, even though he doesn't show it. He loves his home and doesn't want to have to leave it. He thinks it's unfair that the Firepups has to be locked away but understands that it's what has to be done. other: Edited at March 19, 2024 08:11 PM by Dawnforest

Name: Frida Meaning peace Nicknames/ What wolves should call them: Fri (For close friends) age: 2 months old Gender: Female Role: Fire pup Role wanted: Trainee. She just wants to be seen as normal and make it to that stage. Appearance: Frida mainly looks like any normal wolf pup for the most part. She has a beige undercoat with grey markings faintly blended in along her back that may grow more obvious as she ages. She has a grey muzzle and one front left grey paw. Frida's fur is fairly thin in comparison to other pups. This may be to compensate for her warm temperature caused by her birth 'defect.' It's when you look at Frida's ears and tail that you notice something is off. The tip of her tail and ears are lit with flames. She also may let out a smokey breath from time to time. These appeared around a week after her birth. It is yet to be seen if any other physical features will appear. Personality | Skittish | Jumpy | Introverted | Gentle | Anxious | - Frida is a relatively quiet pup, all things considered. She tends to stick to herself or the other fire pups. This is potentially caused by what the other pack member think of 'her kind.' She's also fairly likely to spook if snuck up on. Frida also dislikes surprises, prefering predictability and routine. Despite the stereotypes, Frida is a very gentle pup. She does her best to not harm others or the world around her. Frida is actually fairly affectionate, if given the chance. She gets really worried at times that her flames may cause problems. Powers: As mentioned before, Frida has firey tips to her ears and tail. She also has the ability to exhale clouds of smoke which could be useful for defensive attacks. This could develop further in the future since smoke is a sign of fire. family: Open! other relationships: Open! backstory: Frida was born seemingly normal. She felt a little bit more warm than other pups, but apart from that there was nothing notable about her. It was at around a week old that it was noticed that there was bits of smoke around her ears and tail. At around 2 weeks, full flames had developed. Frida was extremely confused with how the pack treated her. As she has grown older she's realized that life just isn't fair. What they think of the situation: Frida is very anxious that the pack will decide to get rid of her and the other fireling pups. She's doing her best to cause as little problems as possible while trying to prove her usefulness towards the others. Frida hopes that if she shows that she isn't a threat they'll let her stay. other: Reusing this girl from the last time this was made. Let me know if more is needed<3 Fun fact: Frida loves watching the sun-rise at dawn whenever she wakes up early enough. Edited at March 9, 2024 04:56 PM by Crazydayz

Name: Xing Nicknames/ What wolves should call them: Alpha Xing or just Xing to those close to him age: 5 wolf years Gender: male Role:alpha male Role wanted: content Appearance: Xing (credits to me for everything) Xing is a dark gray-brown wolf with dark green eyes. His face is mostly a light gray, but there's patches of light and dark blues (storm blue not neon) and browns. He has a pink nose. His ears are gray with light brown splotches. His right ear tip is white and his left black. He has a muscular build, with thick fur. His underbelly is a dark yellow-gray (I messed up in the art piece I really should use another piece of paper to test out colors). Most of his body is just a really dark gray-brown. His legs are a dark brown with paler orange patches. (I also messed up there) His left front paw is a light gray and his right black. Both his hind paws are a dark gray. His tail is mainly black with a light brown underside. Personality: Some may say Xing shrinks from responsibility, but in truth, he was born shy. He's mostly grown out of it and is ready to take on responsibility. Just because he might not want to start a conversation doesn't mean he can converse with others. He usually gets his meaning clearly across to other wolves and isn't afraid to take the lead. He sees most as equal, except the fire pups, he isn't sure about them. He thinks that everyone has a voice (also excluding fire pups) but it's up to him to show them that. powers ( if firepup): family: other relationships: backstory: optional What they think of the situation: Optional other: sunrise or sunset. he loves the mix of colors and a view of what the sky is, more than just a pale blue with white clouds. Other other: I have to go, my fire pup form will be made a bit later, hour at most. Edited at March 9, 2024 09:05 PM by Long Wang

Accepted Long Wang said: Name: Xing Nicknames/ What wolves should call them: Alpha Xing or just Xing to those close to him age: 5 wolf years Gender: male Role:alpha male Role wanted: content Appearance: Xing (credits to me for everything) Xing is a dark gray-brown wolf with dark green eyes. His face is mostly a light gray, but there's patches of light and dark blues (storm blue not neon) and browns. He has a pink nose. His ears are gray with light brown splotches. His right ear tip is white and his left black. He has a muscular build, with thick fur. His underbelly is a dark yellow-gray (I messed up in the art piece I really should use another piece of paper to test out colors). Most of his body is just a really dark gray-brown. His legs are a dark brown with paler orange patches. (I also messed up there) His left front paw is a light gray and his right black. Both his hind paws are a dark gray. His tail is mainly black with a light brown underside. Personality: Some may say Xing shrinks from responsibility, but in truth, he was born shy. He's mostly grown out of it and is ready to take on responsibility. Just because he might not want to start a conversation doesn't mean he can converse with others. He usually gets his meaning clearly across to other wolves and isn't afraid to take the lead. He sees most as equal, except the fire pups, he isn't sure about them. He thinks that everyone has a voice (also excluding fire pups) but it's up to him to show them that. powers ( if firepup): family: other relationships: backstory: optional What they think of the situation: Optional other: sunrise or sunset. She loves the mix of colors and a view of what the sky is, more than just a pale blue with white clouds. Other other: I have to go, my fire pup form will be made a bit later, hour at most.

I would re read the rules. Crazydayz said: Name: Frida Meaning peace Nicknames/ What wolves should call them: Fri (For close friends) age: 2 months old Gender: Female Role: Fire pup Role wanted: Trainee. She just wants to be seen as normal and make it to that stage. Appearance: Frida mainly looks like any normal wolf pup for the most part. She has a beige undercoat with grey markings faintly blended in along her back that may grow more obvious as she ages. She has a grey muzzle and one front left grey paw. Frida's fur is fairly thin in comparison to other pups. This may be to compensate for her warm temperature caused by her birth 'defect.' It's when you look at Frida's ears and tail that you notice something is off. The tip of her tail and ears are lit with flames. She also may let out a smokey breath from time to time. These appeared around a week after her birth. It is yet to be seen if any other physical features will appear. Personality | Skittish | Jumpy | Introverted | Gentle | Anxious | - Frida is a relatively quiet pup, all things considered. She tends to stick to herself or the other fire pups. This is potentially caused by what the other pack member think of 'her kind.' She's also fairly likely to spook if snuck up on. Frida also dislikes surprises, prefering predictability and routine. Despite the stereotypes, Frida is a very gentle pup. She does her best to not harm others or the world around her. Frida is actually fairly affectionate, if given the chance. She gets really worried at times that her flames may cause problems. Powers: As mentioned before, Frida has firey tips to her ears and tail. She also has the ability to exhale clouds of smoke which could be useful for defensive attacks. This could develop further in the future since smoke is a sign of fire. family: Open! other relationships: Open! backstory: Frida was born seemingly normal. She felt a little bit more warm than other pups, but apart from that there was nothing notable about her. It was at around a week old that it was noticed that there was bits of smoke around her ears and tail. At around 2 weeks, full flames had developed. Frida was extremely confused with how the pack treated her. As she has grown older she's realized that life just isn't fair. What they think of the situation: Frida is very anxious that the pack will decide to get rid of her and the other fireling pups. She's doing her best to cause as little problems as possible while trying to prove her usefulness towards the others. Frida hopes that if she shows that she isn't a threat they'll let her stay. other: Reusing this girl from the last time this was made. Let me know if more is needed<3


Sorry! It should be fixed now.

Accepted Crazydayz said: Name: Frida Meaning peace Nicknames/ What wolves should call them: Fri (For close friends) age: 2 months old Gender: Female Role: Fire pup Role wanted: Trainee. She just wants to be seen as normal and make it to that stage. Appearance: Frida mainly looks like any normal wolf pup for the most part. She has a beige undercoat with grey markings faintly blended in along her back that may grow more obvious as she ages. She has a grey muzzle and one front left grey paw. Frida's fur is fairly thin in comparison to other pups. This may be to compensate for her warm temperature caused by her birth 'defect.' It's when you look at Frida's ears and tail that you notice something is off. The tip of her tail and ears are lit with flames. She also may let out a smokey breath from time to time. These appeared around a week after her birth. It is yet to be seen if any other physical features will appear. Personality | Skittish | Jumpy | Introverted | Gentle | Anxious | - Frida is a relatively quiet pup, all things considered. She tends to stick to herself or the other fire pups. This is potentially caused by what the other pack member think of 'her kind.' She's also fairly likely to spook if snuck up on. Frida also dislikes surprises, prefering predictability and routine. Despite the stereotypes, Frida is a very gentle pup. She does her best to not harm others or the world around her. Frida is actually fairly affectionate, if given the chance. She gets really worried at times that her flames may cause problems. Powers: As mentioned before, Frida has firey tips to her ears and tail. She also has the ability to exhale clouds of smoke which could be useful for defensive attacks. This could develop further in the future since smoke is a sign of fire. family: Open! other relationships: Open! backstory: Frida was born seemingly normal. She felt a little bit more warm than other pups, but apart from that there was nothing notable about her. It was at around a week old that it was noticed that there was bits of smoke around her ears and tail. At around 2 weeks, full flames had developed. Frida was extremely confused with how the pack treated her. As she has grown older she's realized that life just isn't fair. What they think of the situation: Frida is very anxious that the pack will decide to get rid of her and the other fireling pups. She's doing her best to cause as little problems as possible while trying to prove her usefulness towards the others. Frida hopes that if she shows that she isn't a threat they'll let her stay. other: Reusing this girl from the last time this was made. Let me know if more is needed<3 Fun fact: Frida loves watching the sun-rise at dawn whenever she wakes up early enough.