
Name: Titan Gender: Male Age: 32 Role: Hunter Rider: Open (PM me) Appearance: Titan is a large dragon, his body length from tail to teeth being 45 feet long, and his wing-span being 72 feet. His main body color is a rustic red, with specks of black and white on top of his wings. The undersides of his wings are black with white specks, like the night skies and stars. He has horns on the top of his head, and they were red as fresh blood. His eyes were a dangorus yellow, with flecks of gold in them. His claws were 5 inches each, and black as night skies. His teeth were 7 inches long, and the colors of the sun-stained yellow from eating meat all his life. His tail spikes were a gradient from red to blue, and they were as long as his claws. Crush: None yet (PM me) Mate: None yet (PM me) Kin: Titan is the oldest of 14. His father is un-known, and his mother is dead. His aunts and uncles don't care about him, nor his siblings, so he's on his own. The second eldest dragons are twins, a male and a female. They both are 21, and help Titan take care of the hatchlings. Personality: He is a very protective dragon, and will fight to the death for his siblings, and anyuone from his tribe. If he even so much as suspects something from anyone, he won't be scared to step forward. He trains for 12 hours a week, keeping his body in shape, and making sure he's ready for anything. Strengths: +Strong +Large +Easy to please +Led by his head first, then his heart Weaknesses: -Large -He makes enemies quickly if they did him wrong -He holds grudges -Hot headed towards people he doesn't like -He doesn't know his own strength, so sometimes he'll hurt people, then blam himself so much, he can't see straight Likes: He likes flying with his siblings, sleeping under the stars, hunting, training, protecting his siblings, and spying on humans and elves. Dislikes: He very much dislikes when humans or elves try to tame or take one of his siblings. He hates when it rains, because then he can't see the stars, and it's easier to lose dragons in floods. Other:

Can I reserve a human warrior and elven trainee?

of course! Qyusen said: Can I reserve a human warrior and elven trainee?

The bang of the castle door hitting the far wall echos throughout the chamber. Golden eyes blazing and black hair flying through the air, general Aletheia of the Great Ridge strode into the room. The council sighed as she saluted stiffly. "After 2000 years of seeing us every day you should know by now you dont need to do the whole saluting thing" said a man, putting his feet up on the table and grinning." We're all friends here". "With all due respect, Ezekiel, no-one said we were friends" she replied. "With all due respect Allie" he said with a mocking grin "I think I just did. And please, call me Zeek". My pointed ears twitch and I duck my head under the outside window sill just as the male dragon "Zeek" I think he said his name was, looks my way. To close Autumn, WAY to close. If they see you now they will never let you into the ceremony, I think to my self. My finger slips from the rope I hung from the top of the tower, very precariously now that I think about it...

Do the dragons have a human form? also is interspecies romance allowed?

No the dragons can't shapeshift. And I'd prefer to not have interspecies romances. Edit: Just had the thought, if you're referring to human/elf romance, those are completely allowed. Dragon/human or dragon/elf romances are not. LaLuna Azul said: Do the dragons have a human form? also is interspecies romance allowed?
Edited at September 4, 2023 04:29 PM by Shenzu

Name Neryth n-air-rith Age 236 years Gender Female Rank Head Dragon Appearance Image credits belong to MonsterBrainSoup.com Neryth is relatively large female. She stands at 57 feet tall, with a length of 73 feet and a rather immense wingspan of 135 feet. She weighs approximately 6500 pounds, or three and a quarter tons. Every inch of her immense wings is needed to lift her weight. Neryth has a muscular build, with powerful legs that can launch her twice the length of her body with a single leap. In terms of proportions, her tail makes up a majority of her length, being the length of head, neck, and torso all put together.
Neryth is a deep grey, close to black in color. Her scales are dappled with white flecks along her spine and tail, as well as across her shoulders and thighs and the top of her head. A pair of deep red stripes run from her eye down to nearly the tip of her tail. Her wing arms are the same color as her body, while her wing membranes are a deep red. Her underbelly is a lightish grey, a shade or two lighter than her scales. A line of plating runs down the front of her shins to her talons. This plating is a dark grey. For her spines and claws, they are a pure black, a black as smooth as obsidian. Her horns are mainly black, but fade to a shade closer to white at the tips. Neryth's eyes are like burning embers, orange, red, and gold, and seem to glow with an inner light. Smoke typically coils up from her snout and wraps around her horns. She has a black, forked tongue.
Neryth has a pair of large black horns on the back of her head, which curve gently downwards and then back up in a loose S shape. A line of sharp white spines run down her spine to the tip of her tail, slowly increasing in size from the top of her head to middle of her back, then steadily decreasing in size down to her tail tip. There is a small gap by her shoulders, making space for a saddle and rider to sit comfortably. Riders should take care to mind her neck spikes however, as they can be somewhat close to one's face while Neryth is standing with her neck upright. Neryth has 5 claws on each of her paws, sharp curving black crescents that are perfect for ripping apart meat.
Navi's presence commands respect. She has a way of standing, holding her head and wings, that simply commands attention and respect. She stands out among her fellow dragons, even among those her same age, partly because of her large size, but also because of her aura. Personality Neryth is a bold character. She is unafraid to speak her mind, and will not hesitate to tell you precisely what she thinks. She can sometimes come off a bit rude, but she is simply bluntly honest. She thinks it's better to be honest than to tell a lie about what she thinks and feels. She is fiercely protective and loyal, and will fight to protect anyone she cares about, even if it means her own death. Rider Open Abilities •Heat proof - Neryth has a high tolerance for heat. She is not fully fire proof, too much flame exposure for too long will eventually burn her, however she can tolerate extremely high temperatures for long periods of time, and can withstand fire exposure for up to one minute. •Fire breath - Neryth can breathe fire that is more of a red shade than your average flame. She can breathe fire for up to 10 minutes at a time, and a length of one and a half times her body length. Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths Loyal • Protective • Skillful hunter • Heat proof • Very skilled at sweet talking others • Quite agile and fast
Weaknesses Not fully fire proof • Strong fear of water • Fear of abandonment • Dislikes the cold very strongly Likes & Dislikes [Optional] Likes Warm Temperatures • Being with friends • Meat • Grapefruit • Humor • Flying
Dislikes Cold temperatures • Lettuce • Spiders Crush Open Mate Open Kin None Affiliations Open Other As the Head Dragon, Neryth is a fair bit older and larger than the rest of the dragons of the Rider's Order. Edited at September 4, 2023 12:48 PM by Shenzu

Junover Calen
Nicknames: Juju, Juno
Gender: Male
Age: 150 (15 in human years)
Race: Elven
Dragon: Soare
Appearance (at least 6 sentences): BD (boiled down): Short, dark hair, thin, 5 ft tall Junover is blessed with a reasonably attractive appearance, which is a factor in his persuasiveness. He drew the short stick with his height of precisely 5 feet, which he partially makes up for with a supple, pointy frame. Juju’s complexion is warm. - His face has small ears and elven-typical high cheekbones, and could likely pass as human to the less observant. Juno’s eyes are a sharp hazel. His hair is fluffy and brownish-black, and reaches down to about the middle of his neck. - Juno cares an unnatural amount about his clothing and appearance. He wears bright colors when he can, and experiments with the occasional dress. I can write more if necessary. Crush: None- he often feels more aesthetic attraction over romantic.
Significant Other: Open
Kin: (Open) His family is part of the elven upper-middle class; open for siblings, but he gives youngest or only child vibes. Pm me.
Personality: (I can write paragraphs if necessary) -Superficial -Charismatic -Lucky (at least previously) -Often apathetic -Particular -Stubborn -Pursuasive
Strengths: Persuasive and charismatic Lucky, at least in the past A people person- high EQ, so he’s good at communicating. Good at lying and acting Flexible and nimble Persistent and resilient… given that he is passionate about what he’s doing, which is unlikely.
Weaknesses: Lacks passion and motivation Procrastinator Drunk on luck; not used to hardship. Spoiled, if you will. Often lazy; doesn’t like work, mental or physical. Easily distracted, unless he truly (and rarely) cares about what he’s doing. Below-average IQ; Logic is not his strong suit and he often has trouble processing information. Egocentric and cares too much about his appearance, although he will mostly repress it to make sure he doesn’t appear in a negative light. Fussy when it comes to looks and food
Likes*: Himself Clothes Pretty things and food Nature Fancy stuff
Dislikes*: Puzzles and logic games of any kind People that look down on him Working Swimming Other: Chaotic neutral; Doesn’t use his moral compass. Edited at September 5, 2023 12:00 AM by Qyusen

Name Navi nah-vee Gender Female Age 16 years Rank Trainee Rider Open Appearance Image credits belong to MonsterBrainSoup.com Navi is a somewhat small female. She stands at approximately 15 feet, with a length of 27 feet and wingspan of 35 feet. She has a slender build, lightly muscled, and elegant. Rather than the typical bat-like wings of most dragons, Navi has a pair of large feathered wings.
Navi is mostly black in color, however the lower part of her body, from approximately around her shoulders and below, her scales fade into a deep steely blue. Delicate white stripes and speckles adorn her scales in a beautiful pattern. The feathers of her wings are mainly black, with sky blue primary and secondary feathers. She has a mane of feathers on her head that are the same color, and a feathery plume on the end of her tail of the same color. A line of feathers of the same color run from a fifth of the way down her back, to just past the edges of her wings. Navi has golden eyes with a slight hint of orange, which glow brightly in sunlight and moonlight.
Navi has 5 talons on each paw, with curving white crescent claws. Her horns are pristinely white, curving in a vague S-shape, curving down and then back up. Her horns are approximately 4 feet long. Personality Navi is a very friendly dragon. She is kind and supportive, and loves making friends. Despite her kindness, she can also have a ferociously fierce side. Navi is fiercely loyal and protective. Though she is very trusting, that trust can be broken in the blink of an eye if you say or do the wrong thing to someone she cares about. Crush Open Mate Open Strengths •Camoflauge - Thanks to Navi's dark coloring, she is capable of blending into most shadows, and is nearly impossible to see in the night sky. •Agility - Navi's small size and large wingspan makes her an excellent flier. She is quite agile and flexible, able to twist herself into strange shapes and easily dodge oncoming attacks or missiles. •Graceful - Despite her large (at least compared to a human or elf) size, Navi is quite graceful. The female has an air of elegance and beauty. Her scales are always pristinely cleaned, feathers arranged neatly. Weaknesses •Stubbornness - Navi is quite stubborn, often in times that it is not very helpful. •Heat - Navi does not like heat, and does not perform well in extreme heats. •Slight Vanity - Though she'll never admit to it, Navi has a streak of vanity to her. She cares a lot about her appearance, and refuses to leave her cave unless her scales are polished clean and her feathers are arranged correctly. Likes Night time • Fruit • Friends • Being clean • Swimming Dislikes Chicken • Jerks • Dirty scales Other Ask! Edited at September 4, 2023 12:48 PM by Shenzu

Can I reserve a Warrior Dragon?? I should have my character sheet up soon!