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Can I reserve a Guard heir

Can I resrve the hunter heir and a mother?

Yes, and yes Blaze said: Can I reserve a Guard heir
Long Wang said: Can I resrve the hunter heir and a mother?

Name: Onyx Age: 3 years Gender: Female thought on what's happening ( optionall): Onyx feels overwhelmed about the situation. Her parents are to week to bargain with the other packs so that leaves her to take responsibility. Onyx things that she isn't quite ready to be alpha yet. Current rank: Main heir Desiered rank: Apperance: [IMAGE REMOVED: no credits] Onyx is a pretty wolf. She has a almost tortishell pelt with mottled patches in shades of orange on a black base pelt. She has one forest green, and one warm brown eye. She has thick fur that is medium leanth. Her right ear was torn when she was a trainee when fighting a pack in their old territory. Personality: Onyx is a wolf that is nervous when faced with something new. She gets stressed quite easily. When she gets more experience in a skill or activity most of the time she get quite good at it. She is a friendly but introverted wolf. She likes to have a few close friends but accepts that she will have to at least pretend to like everyone in the pack for things to go smoothly. She has a bad side if she doesn't like a wolf. She will mostly ignore them and speak to them harshly and scold them for a small mistake that would go unnoticed if another wolf did it. Relations: parents: alphas Siblings: other heirs Mate: in roleplay pups: other: other: Edited at February 11, 2024 05:05 PM by Vennenum

Name: Wither Age: 4 Gender: Male Current Rank: Main Guard? Desired Rank: None really Appearance: Removed, no credits. Kind of a dark-ish wolf, but mostly brown Personality: Almost emotionless, unless he knows someone else well and is quite serious about his rank in the pack Relations: Ask, none yet Edited at February 6, 2024 06:02 PM by Vennenum

You need to have more words in both personality and appearance. And re read the rules. And ranks. Suspicious Stew said: Name: Wither Age: 4 Gender: Male Current Rank: Main Guard? Desired Rank: None really Appearance: Kind of a dark-ish wolf, but mostly brown Personality: Almost emotionless, unless he knows someone else well and is quite serious about his rank in the pack Relations: Ask, none yet
Edited at February 6, 2024 06:02 PM by Vennenum

Name:Huo (fire) Age: 3.3 years Gender: female thought on what's happening ( optionall): thinks the pack should be agressive to the other two for the territory they have and/or will rightfully claim. Current rank: heir (hunter heir) Desiered rank: hunter heir Apperance: Huo is a silver wolf with dark violet eyes that hold a certain spark behind them. The supposed spark is what gives her her name. Her violet eyes are framed by yellowish white swirls that give a slightly abstract appearance of glasses or tears. Her forehead has a small light blue-grey star six point star shape and her ears are edged spotted grey with a black tip on her left and white on the right. her neck fur is thick, making it hard for others to harm him accidentally and protects him from the cold. However, it may get hot for him during the summers. Her underbelly and chestfur are a pure white. her grey fur is slightly outlined in a dark midnight black in a slight mud puddle shape. Her fur is dappled with dark blue-grey splotches. Her front legs are in leopard print and are long for her size. Her left front paw is a black while her other three paws are white. Her hind legs are striped tan, and slightly shorter than the front legs though are still longer than what's porportional for her size. She stands at about three feet from her shoulder and hopes to grow larger. her tail is large and fluffy, and a pale, shimmering, crystal blue-grey. Personality: Huo is a shy wolf, preferring to be alone with her thoughts. Huo doesn't really want the alpha, but enjoys the perks of her position in the pack. She is loyal to the pack and the alphas, unsure if it came to it, which it would be. She sees the two as the same. Huo is careful and doesn't enter anything until she knows what to do. Her respect (other than the alphas) are hard to come by, but once she does, she will protect you with her life. Relations: alphas (parents) other heirs (siblings) other: other Name: Bing Age: 5 years Gender: female thought on what's happening ( optionall): Current rank: mother Desiered rank: content Apperance: . Bing has a brown pelt and light blue-grey eyes. Her eyes are borderline grey, giving them a icy look which gives Bing her name. Her ears are wide set apart and sit on top of a large black six point star. Her ruff is lined with white, giving her a collared look. Her pelt is dappled with yellows and oranges on top of a brown coat. Her legs are slightly underporportioned, but it has never hindered her. Her legs are the same as her pelt. Save for the black paws, her legs blend into her body. Her tail is a grayish-blur, short and often found swinging. Personality: Bing often has a brave spirit, not afraid to announce her thoughts when it comes to it. Bing is protective and loyal to those she loves. Bing isn't afraid to ask questions to get what she wants and finds her voice a powerful weapon. She is often against violence in its physical form. Relations: need a mate offspring- Ventur (played by Austin vindar) other: other Edited at February 11, 2024 10:40 AM by Long Wang

Please reread the rules and roles. Long Wang said: Name:Huo (fire) Age: 1.5 years Gender: female thought on what's happening ( optionall): thinks the pack should be agressive to the other two for the territory they have and/or will rightfully claim. Current rank: heir (hunter heir) Desiered rank: hunter heir Apperance: Huo is a silver wolf with dark violet eyes that hold a certain spark behind them. The supposed spark is what gives her her name. Her violet eyes are framed by yellowish white swirls that give a slightly abstract appearance of glasses or tears. Her forehead has a small light blue star six point star shape and her ears are edged spotted grey with a black tip on her left and white on the right. her neck fur is thick, making it hard for others to harm him accidentally and protects him from the cold. However, it may get hot for him during the summers. Her underbelly and chestfur are a pure white. her grey fur is slightly outlined in a dark midnight black in a slight mud puddle shape. Her fur is dappled with dark blue splotches. Her front legs are in leopard print and are long for her size. Her left front paw is a black while her other three paws are white. Her hind legs are striped tan, and slightly shorter than the front legs though are still longer than what's porportional for her size. She stands at about three feet from her shoulder and hopes to grow larger. her tail is large and fluffy, and a pale, shimmering, crystal blue. Personality: Huo is a shy wolf, preferring to be alone with her thoughts. Huo doesn't really want the alpha, but enjoys the perks of her position in the pack. She is loyal to the pack and the alphas, unsure if it came to it, which it would be. She sees the two as the same. Huo is careful and doesn't enter anything until she knows what to do. Her respect (other than the alphas) are hard to come by, but once she does, she will protect you with her life. Relations: alphas (parents) other heirs (siblings) other: Name: Bing Age: 5 years Gender: female thought on what's happening ( optionall): Current rank: mother Desiered rank: content Apperance: . Bing has a brown pelt and light blue eyes. Her eyes are borderline grey, giving them a icy look which gives Bing her name. Her ears are wide set apart and sit on top of a large black six point star. Her ruff is lined with white, giving her a collared look. Her pelt is dappled with yellows and oranges on top of a brown coat. Her legs are slightly underporportioned, but it has never hindered her. Her legs are the same as her pelt. Save for the black paws, her legs blend into her body. Her tail is a grayish-blur, short and often found swinging. Personality: Bing often has a brave spirit, not afraid to announce her thoughts when it comes to it. Bing is protective and loyal to those she loves. Bing isn't afraid to ask questions to get what she wants and finds her voice a powerful weapon. She is often against violence in its physical form. Relations: need a mate/offspring other:
