
Sign up form Name: Celestial Dreamer Nicknames/ What wolves should call them: Celestia age: 4 months Gender: Female Role: Pup Role wanted: Pup for now Appearence: Celestia is a pretty female pup, with extremely fluffy light brown fur. Her eyes are a gorgeous light blue, and she has a long build, which makes her stealthy. Celestia's fur darkens into a darker brown on her chest, and she has a small white star on her forehead. Her legs also darken into a darker brown, with her paws being white. Her tail is a even darker brown, with light brown shaded into it. She is a tall pup, although not the tallest, but her current height indicates that she may grow extremely tall. She also has a cute and sweet face, which makes it very hard to punish her when she does something wrong, which doesn't happen often, but still does. Personality: Celestia is a very energetic and friendly pup. She has quite a few friends, and absolutely loves playing. She can be mischevious, and when she gets a mischevious look in her eyes, watch out! She enjoys helping out, and she has a bold personality. Celestia is also a very adventurous pup, and has explored the camp so many times she knows it by heart. She can easily navigate the camp, and she longs for the day she is allowed to venture outside of the camp. She is also very confident in everything she does. powers ( if firepup): None- wishes for powers family: Dusk- mom other relationships: open backstory: optional What they think of the situation: Even though young, Celestia is very opinionated, not easily persuaded by people around her. She thinks that it's not fair for the fire pups to be locked up, and she often sneaks away to visit them, and she trys to be friends with them. other: Loves her friends, she also loves the mornings |

Accepted StarlightDreamer said: Sign up form Name: Celestial Dreamer Nicknames/ What wolves should call them: Celestia age: 4 months Gender: Female Role: Pup Role wanted: Pup for now Appearence: Celestia is a pretty female pup, with extremely fluffy light brown fur. Her eyes are a gorgeous light blue, and she has a long build, which makes her stealthy. Celestia's fur darkens into a darker brown on her chest, and she has a small white star on her forehead. Her legs also darken into a darker brown, with her paws being white. Her tail is a even darker brown, with light brown shaded into it. She is a tall pup, although not the tallest, but her current height indicates that she may grow extremely tall. She also has a cute and sweet face, which makes it very hard to punish her when she does something wrong, which doesn't happen often, but still does. Personality: Celestia is a very energetic and friendly pup. She has quite a few friends, and absolutely loves playing. She can be mischevious, and when she gets a mischevious look in her eyes, watch out! She enjoys helping out, and she has a bold personality. Celestia is also a very adventurous pup, and has explored the camp so many times she knows it by heart. She can easily navigate the camp, and she longs for the day she is allowed to venture outside of the camp. She is also very confident in everything she does. powers ( if firepup): None- wishes for powers family: Dusk- mom other relationships: open backstory: optional What they think of the situation: Even though young, Celestia is very opinionated, not easily persuaded by people around her. She thinks that it's not fair for the fire pups to be locked up, and she often sneaks away to visit them, and she trys to be friends with them. other: Loves her friends, she also loves the mornings |


Name: Kestrel Nicknames/ What wolves should call them: Kes age: 4 years Gender: Male Role: Pack member Role wanted: Beta Apperence: Kestrel is a black wolf with silver and white stripes like lightning running down his side. His tail looks the same but the tip is all white. His paws are golden brown, standing out amongst the black. His muzzle and ears are silver and his eyes are a bright amber yellow. Personality: powers ( if firepup): None, wants fire powers family: Pm me other relationships: Pm me backstory: optional What they think of the situation: Optional other Edited at March 25, 2024 07:58 AM by Whispering Echoes