
Granted, but you die at a early age
I want to marry a celebrity and become famous

You do, however, your husband/wife dies and you are no longer considered "important".
I wish to be a unicorn

Granted, but the horn is a long tooth and you get toothaches every month
I wish to have a boyfriend/girlfriend

Granted, but it turns out they are in a secret engagement with someone else and they eventually dump you.
I wish for an indestructible tablet with infinite memory and power that can be summoned by myself and myself only when thinking about it, which is able to display any knowledge which can be known, provided it is true knowledge with as much information as will best benefit me, and created in such a way which is in full accordance with my intent, with no attempt to cheat me, and no drawbacks which can be introduced by any loopholes.

Granted, but the knowledge is only limited to stuff we know in 2019
I wish for my crush like me back and date me forever.

Styelis said:
Granted, but the knowledge is only limited to stuff we know in 2019
I wish for my crush like me back and date me forever.
Did you read the entire description?
"...which is able to display any knowledge which can be known..."
I'll ruin your wish anyways: Granted, but your crush will never marry you. Dates aren't marriages.
I wish I can live a long, fulfilling life Edited at June 29, 2019 09:32 AM by PhantomSpirit204

Granted but you live for so long, despite fulfilling all you wanted, you must watch all around you live short unfulfilling lives.
I wish for a way that humans can safely bring back to life any extinct species.

Yes, but unfortunately, a Jurassic Park scenario happens. Dinos break out of their cages and start killing people. Jurassic Park wasn't safe...
I wish we'd use war elephants like Hannibal did. I mean the USA. Edited at June 29, 2019 12:38 PM by PhantomSpirit204

Granted, but they soon trample everyone
I wish to be beautiful

Granted, but you're so beautiful that everyone wants to be your spouse. You will never be able to live in peace.
I wish there was such a thing as an incorruptible wish