
10/10 love it, very pretty Sylvie

7/10 Gives me old witch lady in the woods vibes XD Asarae M'halom

8/10 I have bad memories of someone with a similar first name. No offense, don't want to relive those memories. Pepper Yang

9/10 Love the name, but my first thought was Marvel. Tundra

5/10 Scares the living daylights out of me. A character in a series im reading is named Tundra and she is terrifying. That name is ruined because of her. But thats just a me thing :) great name anyways, not to original Sunfox Edited at November 26, 2023 09:40 PM by Whispering Rain

1/10 I mean, it does sound pretty but it sounds too much like you put two simple things together and left it ~ Knox Blackwell
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10/10 I absolutely love this name. I sounds so cool and I think the the first and last name are very complementary without being too matchy. . Azzi

9/10 it's a cool name Cloudberry (no she's not a warrior cat OC)

7/10 I get a pretty image thinking of a berry cloud, yknow? ~ Aurelian Gloom
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9/10 that last name fits my life perfectly. Aurelian, I mean it fits, but something about it, I can't really explain. Dante Seer