
https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=6&t=34013 Adoptables! https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=2227055
- Male
- G3 - DH Accepting offers!~
I'm too lazy to write everything again c;

don't even ask

Ah! Its a... Mitsunari!
I love my boy <3 Edited at February 17, 2019 11:47 PM by Touch of Serenity

Your wolves played: Stella CL G3 SV challenges King Anakin CL G4.


Christine Ace || F || Guard || 23 || M: Tiberias, Cip, Dragos, Onyx, room Chris bit her lip at someone's comment about 'mommy issues', trying very hard not to laugh. She looked over at Onyx, raising an eyebrow. Don't say anything, don't say anything. "I'm really sorry, but last time I checked this was a 'civil' discussion, wasn't it? And I'm sure the Emperor can handle this himself, or ask somebody if he needs any help coming up with comebacks. Now please don't antagonize any further or one of us will escort you outside" She said casually, still standing tall at the Emperor's side. She said that respectfully, right? After all, the Emperor could handle himself, and if he couldn't, he'd ask somebody to take care of it. Frankly Chris thought the woman should just shut up.She looked back at the resistance leader with curiosity in her eyes. She was raised in the Empire, trained for the Empire, but that didn't mean she loved it. She was just to terrified to do anything about it. The resistance? They were brave. Stupid, but kinda brave at the same time.So far, this looked like war was happening. The entire meeting wasn't to stop it, it had been practically going on already, it was just to try and hope and pray to postpone it any further. She shot a glance at Ari who was standing close to the Emperor as well. Damn, why didn't she know everybody's ranks? Maybe he was one of the more suspiciously unspoken ranks. Most likely. She sighed, shivering slightly from the sudden adrenaline rush as she spoke.She wouldn't get in trouble, right? Even though she talked to a higher rank? Or were they more equivalent? She was a lead something, but Chris was there for the Emperor's protection, and Miss Loud Mouth making the other side angry was probably not safe for Tiberias.
(Lol, Chris is being feisty X'D)
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Valentine Day Spell If you even misplace a hair on Echo's head, I swear to Eru...
There I go again, being over protective of my friends lmfao