
Alpine Alpine's eyes flickered with a spark. A look of fire dying in them. An anger slowly falling away. He had to admit, this she wolf was like an rain that was extinguishing his fury. His tail calmed as he admired their situation. "Yeah, It's nice I enjoy it." He woofed with a laugh in it as he slipped into a lay and admired the water reflecting the beautiful lush forest. "If you want we can meet back here anytime you want." Alpine offered charmingly.

Winter lays next to Alpine. This wolf seems to wipe away her troubles. It is almost as if she could relax."I would like that." She says. Winter looks at the water and sighs. Alpine's presence is calming. A waterfall after a rain shower. Winter closes her eyes and breathes deeply the scents of these woods. She should probably be heading back to her camp, but she doesn't want to. Just 5 more minutes her inner voice says.

Alpine Alpine stared at Winter admiring her calm. On the outside it seemed she was able to deal with her issues well. But he didn't want to judge, she could be drowning in responsibility. "We should be headed back unless you wanna catch something to eat real quick." He offered whilst bring his gaze into her eyes. Alpine was truly amazed at how well they were able to get along in such short amount of time. He was happy they were able to be calm around each other. Alpine sat up pushing himself to his paws. "So hunt or head back to the border?" He added a teasing tone to it. Sitting beside her he flicked the tip of her ears with his tail playfully. You could tell he wanted to tease her a bit more. It was truly fun to see her playfully mad.

"I should be getting back, but I am a little hungry." Winter says. Her stomich growls in agreement. Maybe giving the rabbit to the omaga was not a good plan. She stands up slowly. Is he acualy asking her, or teasing? Winter smiled as best as a wolf can smile and locks her gaze with this devilish wolf. She does not want to give him the satisfaction of winning. But the tempation is too great. Winter reaches her paw out and bats Alpine in the back of the frount paws, causing him to fall back down. "Well, are you coming slowpoke?" Edited at March 27, 2024 02:34 PM by Bobcat

Alpine Alpine smirked quickly scrambling back up before launching himself towards the tunnel. His tail was whipping back and forth as he quickly maneuvered through the brambles. As soon as he saw the sunlight his paws slowed down waiting to see if she was following. When he saw Winter closely following he took off again. He made sure to pace himself so he wasn't too far ahead of her. His tongue stuck out hanging to the side as he galloped through the snow. He was yipping with glee and excitement. The eagerness was pulsing through him. This made him feel like a young pup again. To be running side by side someone having the best time of his life. This was the happiest he'd been in awhile.

Winter followed Alpine as close as she dared. She stretched out as she ran. Never before has she had this much freedom. Winter rushed forward, trying to over take Alpine, but he was just out of reach. Thud, thud, went her paws as she streaked through the snow. Winter lifted her nose to the sky and took a deep breath. It smelled like Alpine and pine and water. Winter rammed her shoulder into Alpine to set him off coarse and raced ahead.

Alpine Alpine stumbled in the snow as she shouldered him but he quickly gathered his balance and raced right back beside her. He confidently held his pack making sure to avoid the deeper spots of snow. As they raced toward the border he slowed down stopping half-way in the forest. "Alright, phew! Before we head back lets get something to eat." Alpine panted softly, he wasn't tired but he was evenly tuckered out. His tail continued to whip back and forth wagging like a storm. The joy was pulsing through his veins, coursing through his blood, racing through his heart. Giving small nudge to her should he then raised his nose to the air having a quick sniff.

Winter slowed down and stop next to Alpine. Sinking to her haunches, she started to pant slightly. She was a little tired, but she could go on for a while. Winter's tail started to wag. Tail wagging is apparently congest. Grinning slightly, too. Maybe that will be contestant. She gave the air a sniff, too. Rabbit and squirrel scents drifted past her nose. Winter's stomach grumbled again. She yawned, then sneezed. While sneezing, Winter bonked her head on her forearm.

Alpine "Perhaps we could snag a elk calf, with your help and avoiding the mom it should be fairly easy." Alpine suggested with a charming grin. He sat beside her giving her a playful nudge. (was rushed sorry short response)

"That somes good." Winter says. A quick sniff tells her the elk is close. She nudges Alpine back. Winter stands up and takes a step forward. "Come on." She says. Then she turns and trots toward the scent. Edited at March 31, 2024 06:39 AM by Bobcat