
*she blushed adorably, rolling onto her side but looking away even though Bella could see she was blushing like a pup*

she chuckled, which turned into a laugh "honey, are you turning into a tomato?" she asked while laughing "by the way, i want you to guess my favorite color! that okay?" she smiled

maybe a little and i'm guessing blue

she didn't even have a favorite color until Star yelled out blue. she couldn't see blue different after that. she noticed it's in everything. she smiled and blushed "you're right! i love blue. it's so calming."

she chuckled i figured you did since its the color of my eyes *she had a point, her eyes were a mix of blue and gray*

"heh, you're right, my dear, and it's the color of the sky, the moon river out of our territory, and many more things." she kissed her "i guess it's so calming because you calm me down."

mhm *she returned the kiss, smiling gently*

she yawned and looked at the sky "oh look, it's night. the stars are so interesting. " she noticed a gliding star and nudged Star "honey! honey, look! a gliding star!" she started to make a wish "star light, star bright. first star i see tonight. wish i may, wish i might. have this wish i wish tonight." she made a wish •in her mind• i wish to be with this girl forever and ever. - she chuckled "wish made."

she smiled, having made the same wish silently i noticed, the stars are beautiful but not as beautiful as you

she blushed a deep crimson and tried to hide her face with her wings. she was screaming inside and rolled into a ball. she silently let out a high "ee"