
Always love *she finished cleaning the blood off of her fur then laid down on the other side of the pups, her tail wrapped around Bella's and her wings making a natural shelter for the family*

she watches how they sleep, but goes for a walk "star, if you're awake, do not follow me. i will be alright."

*she sighed and murmured a soft* fine but a guard is going with you, I can't and won't change that rule, just be careful and their only there to shadow you, not to interfere *she shifted, her normally blue-grey eyes now a blue-red as she studied Bella's slim form* most likely VolcanicSand will be going with you, I trust her or StormyBeach will be going and I trust him as well Edited at July 31, 2024 10:20 AM by Star Tha AOD

she walks to her and kisses her "no need. i will be just fine." she runs to the forest

I know you can handle yourself love but she's still going she returned the kiss then nuzzles her face into her tail to create a shield [VolcanicSand] *she noticed Bella leaving and silently followed, sticking to the shadows and giving her space but staying close enough to help if needed*

she walks with a smirk on her face "you know you can't sneak up on me.." she turns around with a smile, but realizes it's not VolcanicSand, but a huge bear "oh, no you don't!" she claws the bears stomach and avoids its hit "I got this." she bites the bear but the bear gravely wounds her "guess i was weak after all."

[VolcanicSand] she noticed the bear and pounded, her slim form launching out of the shadows and she killed the bear without a problem then picked Bella up and raced back, whimpering softly because she should've protected her and she hated not doing her job [StormyBeach] he heard his sister's whimpering and went over, helping her bring Bella to the med den [Amber] she heard them coming and went to get the stuff to heal her [Star] *she looked up and saw Bella hurt, which set her off but she kept quiet for the pup's sake, growling deeply but softly*

(she will live, i just want a little drama xD) she weakly but worriedly looks at Star "I should have listened to you...I'm sorry.." she lays down on the moss on Ambers den and whimpers

[Star] it's OK love, this is why I had VolcanicSand go with you [VolcanicSand] I am so sorry, I should've dealt with it before it even got to her! [Star] it's not your fault, you were following orders to stay out of Bella's way she got up and laid down beside Bella is she gonna be OK Amber? [Amber] yeah, it's deep but not lethal [VolcanicSand] *she laid down next to the pups to keep them warm*

she looks at Star "take care of the pups. i love you." she kisses her and puts her ears and head down in sadness