
*she started to growl a response then smiled with pride as Bella handled it* it's OK love, if you hadn't i would've *she gently cleaned the blood from Bella's fur* i'll handle it, you worry about the pups [Amber] i'll protect Bella and the pups, don't worry Star [Star] i'm not, I know she's safe in your care

she starts to cry "but everyone will know I'm a murderer...I did it in camp, sweetie! I killed someone.."

Shh, you did it in self defense and in defense of the pups, that doesn't make you a murderer love *she laid her forehead against Bella's, her wings wrapping around them both gently*

she breathes deeply "kids! Let's go to sleep!" she kisses her and lays next to her, cuddling the pups and her

I'm gonna handle this real quick, be back soon *she picked up Astro's body and carried it out then handled some Alpha/Ultima stuff before coming back with fresh blood on her face and body but it wasn't hers*

she looks worried "uhm..dear? w-what happened?"

Nothing, don't worry love *she cleaned the blood from her fur* i'll have to put out a search team for Alexander and Astro though, they mysteriously went missing (lol aka she dealt with Astro's body and killed Alexander)

she chuckles "oh, okay..i did kill Astro, but good distraction!"

*she chuckled softly* i told you i would handle it love, put it out of your mind *her eyes glittered, a little bit of her Ultima blood red showing in her blue-gray eyes*

she sighs "as long as you're safe, my love." she falls asleep with the pups, gently cuddling them