

I name my wolves like tribe cats from warriors, but here's some normal names.
Cassidy (F) Jasper (F)
Cadence (F) Cameron (M/F) Sunny (F)
Bear (M) Edited at October 29, 2017 08:34 PM by Back Pack

October Opal Spark Dusk Molly Bee Wasp Sting

Horus M, Eclipse B, Brynngar M, Ferrus M, Pertarbo M, Soratis F, Adeptus M, Dallia F

Deniz- Turkish for 'Ocean' F Yildiz- Turkish for 'Star' F Atta M Kara- Turkish for 'Dark' M or F Tilki- Turkish for 'Fox' M or F Demitri M Eros- Greek God of love and/or chaos M Hebe- Greek Goddess of youth F Nike- Greek Goddess of Victory F Silva- Latin for 'Forest' F Hestia- Greek Goddess of home and family F Artemis- Greek Goddess of the moon and hunting F

Khanna Rakris Kayshen Minos Abaddon Syrakul Litus Deradaeon Karadon Janiper Egon Hektar Regulus Comnenus Khitas Frome Falkius Rogal Sanguinus Angron Khan Yttrium Luc Qruze Krasten Avris Carnis Borodin Kyril Ignace Torgaddon Sejanus Hastur Lupercal Tibor Vipus Zakias Kalus Verulam Tykus Kalagann Ullanor Balthazar Omakkad Kasheri Erebus Zakes Urisarach Trajus Goshen Tybalt Quallodon Xozer Xorianne Tsi Corax Dion Phraster Roget Titus

Zinq (Both Genders) Blitz (Both Genders) Myth (Female) Britt (Female) Ryuu (Both Genders) Nyu (Female)

My name is on this list xD

