Aiden | 18 | Male | Member
Everything was on fire and Aiden was standing at the center of it all.
Like the other kids in the soon-to-be-burning building, Aiden did not have a last name. He had joined the orphanage about five years ago, when he was six, and the only reason he had a first name to begin with was that he had a name on the tag of his coat. Some of the other kids did not come with any name at all, causing them to whisper with jealousy and envy— gnashing and gnawing their teeth with gossip— as he passed them in the halls or sat on the other side of the cafeteria.
Spite turned to anger when Aiden revealed he did not even remember anything about having parents or if Aiden was even really his name.
“I cannot believe him! He’s such a lunkhead!”
Aiden looked up from his near empty plate of food to the table across the room from him. Sarah, the red-head with pigtails, her army of dolls, and freckles, lead the conversation and Aiden could instantly tell it was about him as both Joshua and Peter glanced back at him and snickered.
“I woulda never forgotten my momma and dadda if I had one. I’d be a goldang just to have one!”
“Of course Aiden doesn’t remember. That’s Aiden for ya.”
“You know what? I bet he’s probably just lyin’. Knowing that pinhead, his parents probably didn’t love him!”
“You’re probably right! No one ever would give a damn about—”
“Joshua, Sarah, and Peter, do not use words like that in a house of God.”
“Sorry Sister Florence…”
Sister Florence never gave a fuck about what any of the other boys or girls said about Aiden because she too thought they were true as event in the way she wielded her ruler around him. Aiden used his left hand too much and that alone was enough for Sister Florence to hate him. Her stepping in that day to stop their conversation was only a result of the swearing, but he could feel her eyes on them as if asking— begging— for Joshua, Sarah, and Peter to continue to berate Aiden.
Aiden’s eyes fell down onto his lap as his hands tightened on his pants and his lip trembled. Maybe if he squeezed his eyes tight enough, he could just disappear entirely. Aiden instantly tested this idea as he choked back a sob. His thoughts rang out with the word ‘disappear’ over and over and over again. Disappear, disappear, disappear. The chanting grew louder as he heard Frank, Rosa, Bertha, and Issac’s chanting along with him. They all wanted him to disappear too. Disappear, disappear, disappear. Nothing happened.
Aiden felt a hand on his shoulder and his head snapped up.
“Don’t worry ‘bout them, Aiden,” Julie whispered as she smiled with a big toothy grin, her front tooth missing but not her kindness. “They are just annoying windbags. They’ll leave ya alone soon enough.”
They would not.
“They will learn to love you the same way I do!”
They would not.
“One of these days, things will get better, and we will teach them all a lesson!”
That had been far from the last time something like this had happened and things did not get any better.
“Why—” Henry struck Aiden in the stomach with his foot— “do you—” and again— “get to be happy??” Henry slammed his foot down on the boy’s ribs, causing a small whimper and cough to escape him. “You had the family that none of us did and you don’t even remember them!” Aiden could see Henry’s eyes and fists were red with tears and blood respectively. Curling into a tighter ball, Aiden hugged his ribs and shut his eyes tightly. “It’s not fair!”
“I-I’m so— I’m sorry that—”
“Shut up, shut up!!” Henry slammed his heel into Aiden’s stomach, forcing what little the boy had in his stomach to rise up his throat and spill out his mouth. Aiden could not move his head let alone his broken body and had to remain unmoving from the greenish-yellow and chunky liquid that he vomited. Henry removed his foot from the boy’s stomach as he recoiled in disgust. Suddenly, distant giggles from the two female spectators erupted.
“Ewww, he is sooo gross, Sarah! He’s just laying in it!”
“Gee, you’d think he was a pig!”
“Oh my God, you’re right! He’s just like a little piggy!” Sarah approached with a giggle, giving a little dainty kick to the boy’s face that was not nearly as hard as Henry’s abuse. “Come on, say it! Say you’re a little piggy!”
Aiden opened his mouth, but blood spilled out. Everything was going fuzzy, even the pain feeling distant. As his vision finally started to grow black and his eyes felt heavy, Aiden felt his head being pulled up by the hair on his head. The pain was sharp enough that Aiden could not possibly pass out under these conditions. His eyes would not focus on who was ahead of him and he could only whine weakly.
“Say it.”
It was not Sarah’s voice; it was Nike’s. His body burned with shame as he started to shake. Nike was kind but honest. She had been there from the moment Aiden joined the gang when he turned twelve. She had supported him through everything. She had no ulterior motives, no desire to cause unnecessary harm, but an aura that left anyone incapable of disobeying her. Aiden tried to though, he tried to say no, to disobey her and he was punished harshly for it. Aiden’s head was shoved harshly back down into his own puke.
“If you can’t admit what the fuck you are, maybe you don’t even deserve to breathe.”
Aiden’s eyes were finally fully working now upon the threat of death, his arms weakly flailing about as he tried to push himself up, but Nike’s arm was too strong and the floor was too slick with his own blood and vomit. The heels of his hands slipped the moment he tried to push himself up, scraping against the sharp wood and already feeling a shard of wood lodging itself in his left thumb. His lungs burned for air and he felt himself grow lightheaded. The moment he thought it was over— that he was about to die— his hair was yanked upwards again, allowing him to gasp for air.
“Say it, piggy.”
“I’m… I-I’m a little piggy…”
“And what do piggy’s say?”
“Oi-Oink, oink.”
Sarah’s and that other girl’s— Olivia, was it?— shrill laughter filled his ears. Even Henry seemed amused.
“Oh my God, look at how pathetic! He really said it!”
“It’s what a shithead like him should be saying.”
“Henry, don’t say that while we’re in church!”
Aiden could not help but give a weak chuckle (more like a sigh of amusement) at the irony of Olive’s words. Beating Aiden was fine but God forbid they swear?
“The hell’s so funny, piggy??” Henry barked, delivering a kick to his spine. This instantly shut Aiden up. “I wanna know whatever kicker was that you were smirking about, you—”
“Shoot, that crazy freak’s coming this way!” It sounded like Joshua’s voice, but had he really just been watching the whole time? Aiden would not have been surprised. Hell, he would not have been surprised if everyone, from Benny who just turned four to Clarissa who was going on sixteen, were there to watch him suffer.
“Come on! We gotta bounce!” Ollia hissed, tugging on Sarah’s arm.
Aiden could distantly hear several pairs of feet scrambling away and out of the room, but Aiden could not care less. Julie began calling him, but she felt so distant. Even her nudging and shaking him did not feel real in the slightest.
Aiden could not keep his eyes open any longer.
Then he heard an eruption of screams.
It was as if all the pain instantly was numbed as he was brought to another memory, one where he was resting in the bed of the nursery wing in the church as the building’s walls were engulfed in flame. He could hear his heart pounding in his chest as he scrambled to his feet and stumbled to the door. The smoke stole the air from his lungs, causing him to cough in order to try and rid himself of the burning feeling in his chest. With the door just out of reach, Aiden could not help but let out a broken whimper as his toe stubbed on a loose floorboard and he tumbled to the ground. Looking back at his legs, he realized that they were bandaged and bruised, barely able to help support his own weight from some previous injury that he did not remember. Aiden had no real choice though. Standing on his now shaking legs, Aiden reached out for the door and—
From above, a massive support beam fell just inches from him, sending up sparks and a wave of heat that caused Aiden to stumble back.
“No… please no…,” Aiden prayed, but it was all too real. A beam had blocked off his only reachable exit, bending the door just enough that it splintered and gave him a window to the other side of it.
Through the hole, he witnessed Henry half-carrying a weak child while Peter and Sarah scrambled out of the building behind him, sobbing and gagging on the thick, black air. Sister Florence followed, taking the rear of the three of them as she seemed to be motioning for other children to follow. A look of desperation and distress on her face was uncanny compared to her calm, collected self who almost never showed off any emotions whatsoever. The fire from the beam was growing higher and hotter, making sweat drip down his neck, but he reached through the hole in the door and tried to wave for her attention, not caring how much it burned to be close to the flaming beam.
“S-Sister! I’m in here! Please, please the door— It won’t— I can’t—”
“Aiden?” Aiden pulled his hand away and out of the hole as soon as she acknowledged him. A smile of hope appeared on his expression until he was able to peer through the hole and see hers. “You! You must have caused this!!” She scrambled for something in her pocket as Aiden had turned pale.
“I didn’t— Sister please! I didn’t do nothin’! I—”
“Liar!” She thrust her holy cross out of her pocket and brandished it like a sword as she walked towards him. “You’re the spawn of Satan! I should have known when you came to the orphanage because of the devilish burns on your body!”
“Wh-What? But I— Sister Florence, I— Please, I would never do it…!” Aiden’s words broke off into coughs and sobs as he fell to his knees, unable to support himself as the nun continued to scream at him.
“Return from the Hell from whence you came, Lucifer! No son of Satan will be allowed to walk this Earth any longer after what you did!”
“I didn’t do it…! Pl-Please, listen never did a damn—”
“You did everything Aiden,” Jacob hissed.
Whipping around for the source of the sound, Aiden audibly gasped as he saw the mangled corpses of his fallen friends crawling towards him, Jacob’s with a bullet lodged in his head.
“You caused this.”
“No, no, no, no, no, no, no!”
Blood gushed from Jacob’s eyes as splinters dug under his fingernails from the force of which he was crawling towards Aiden, scraping his body against the sharp floor.
“You could have fixed this.”
“J-Just stop already!”
More beams fell from above, crushing the others and causing Bertha’s eyeball to partially roll toward Aiden and Issac’s brain matter to splatter on his legs. Even though a beam also fell on Jacob, it only crushed his waist and legs, allowing him to detach part of his body at the cost of losing his blood and intestines on the floor and under the beam.
“This—” Jacob grabbed only the shaking legs of Aiden and pulled himself closer— “is all—” Jacob crawled across Aiden even as the boy pressed into the smoldering beam in a weak and painful attempt to get away— “your—” Jacob dug his nails into Aiden’s face as he stared at him with scorn and hatred— “fault!”
Aiden woke up quickly and barely had enough time to grapple onto a pillow and stuff it into his chest before he burst into loud and ugly sobs. Beating his fist into the pillow, he had to bite into it from screaming out in guilt, anger, and sadness.