
Avika : Elf : Queen : Female M: Zynar & Kiran (dir.) She smiled again. "Yes. My name is Avika, and I am the Queen of the elves." Avi noticed Kiran's approach, and subtly waved him back. She knew this dragon meant her no harm, she liked his energy. She could sense the nervous excitement coming from him, and she could understand perfectly. She couldn't quite let herself believe she had actually been chosen.

Vervada : Dragon : Warrior : Female M: Neryth & Arya (dir.) Others (ind)
Vervada's piercing gaze was broken as another dragon seemd to find it's rider. Her eyes widened in shock as the dragon strode up to the elf queen and claimed her! Well that hadn't happened the other times! A prickling suddenly ran through her scales, not the tingle from before, but more of a warning. She scanned the clearing once more, ignoring the girl in line carefully, and then she scowled.Oh great, Neryth was stomping her way over.
Quickly she rose to her full height, although the head dragon still towered 25 feet above her. The dragon's deep voice rumbled over her and she frowned, doing her best to keep her flames from rising in her throat at this annoyance. Still she nodded her head just a little bit in deference. "What did I do wrong now?" She hissed sarcastically, making now effort to keep the venom from her tone, spiked by the horribly familiar tinglings running through her. Edited at September 12, 2023 08:00 AM by Luna Tenebris

Neryth : Dragon : Head Dragon : Female M: Vervada (dir) She sat down, her tail flicking around her claws. 'I see you struggling,' she said sympathetically. Her gaze flickered towards Arya for a moment. 'I know you're struggling with the loss of your rider. But you can't ignore the Bond.' Her voice was gentle, not wanting to offend the female, simply wanting to give her a gentle nudge. 'Go over there. Talk to her. I remember her from training to be around dragons. She's different from others, she wouldn't hurt you.'

Arya : Human : Warrior : Female M: Vervada (dir.) Arya watched quietly as the Head Dragon approached the purple female. Her curiosity was high, but she knew better than to approach an angry dragon. She really badly wanted to go over, but she knew not to. The dragons were to make the first move, she knew that rule. She hoped that she hadn't offended her in some way, but she just couldn't help feeling sympathy for the large dragon.

Zynar | Dragon | Male | Trainee | Bonded Mentions: Avika (dir.), Neryth (dir.), General (ind.) Zynar turned towards the male who had halted his approach. As he blinked, the words slowly registered. Queen. Well, that was unexpected. He returned his gaze to the female before him - Avika - before bowing once again. Briefly, he questioned why she had yet to be chosen, but he gently shook the thought off. That was for another time. Now, he was too preoccupied with the notion that he was bonded to the Queen to worry. Although the dragons regarded Neryth as their leader, he understood the importance of this female - especially with Neryth's own rider glowering at him from where he remained stalled. "Well, Queen Avika of the Elves, I do agree that makes you rather important. Unfortunately for Neryth, I believe that by default, that also makes me a bit more important than I was moments ago. I'm sure she'll be utterly chuffed by fate's design." Lowering his head slowly, Zynar placed his nose inches from Avika. He would allow her to touch him first, lest he move too quickly and startle her - or the male who belonged to Neryth. He faintly recalled hearing of her bonding to the general; perhaps that was why the male held his sword with such revere. He nearly snorted at the thoughts circling his head, but refrained with great concentration.

Asteria | Human | Warrior | Female Mentions: Navi
Aster listened as Navi gave her a couple questions and smiled with amusement. "Well... I don't really have a favorite color... I like serving her majesty, and training. And.... I like milk." She looked up to see if Navi was satisfied with her brief response. "And youself? What do you normally eat?"

Avika : Elf : Queen : Female M: Zynar
Avika paused for a moment, before reaching up and lightly placing her hand on his nose. The scales were surprisingly warm, for some reason she'd always expected them to be slightly cold. Though, now that she thought about it, it made sense that the scales were more warm. After all, these creatures could breathe fire any time they wanted. It wasn't very surprising, then, that the scales would be warm. She smiled faintly, her fingers lightly tracing a scale. They were smooth, hard as diamonds, and glimmered in the sunlight. She couldn't help admiring the color and the strength of such small objects. Edited at September 12, 2023 11:13 AM by Shenzu

Navi : Dragon : Trainee : Female M: Asteria
'Myself? Well. I like the color blue, obviously,' she paused to wave one clawed foot at her dark blue scales. 'I've never had milk, though I've heard good things about it. I like eating fruit, especially nectarines and watermelon. I know, it's odd for a dragon.' She shrugged, not particularly caring about what others thought of this strange fact. 'I greatly enjoy flying. After all, I was made for it.' Flaring up her wings, Navi flicked them slightly, gently, but even that small movement created a powerful gust of wind. She was made for flight, with her lithe body and narrow features. She was quite arodynamic, her form able to slice through the air with relative ease.
Edited at September 12, 2023 11:18 AM by Shenzu

Junover | Elf | Trainee | Male Mentions: Asteria & Navi, Avika & Zynar Junover's enthusiasm was beginning to fade, but he did his best to hold onto hope- the ceremony wasn't over yet, right? He saw multiple bondings happening to people around him- the queen, and somehow even the bland-looking human next to him. He bit the inside of his lip and looked around. There were still other dragons, and he'd been so lucky all his life. Calm down. One of them will find you. Surely...

Asteria | Human | Warrior | Female Mentions: Navi
Asteria's blank expression finally gave way to a small, mild smile. "I guess I could say something similar... In way, I was made for running, too." Navi flicked her wings lightly and Asteria felt another gust of wind, which nearly caused the elfling to fall over completely. She could see that he was on the verge of a hissy fit, as he still hadn't gotten a bond. "Other than milk... I guess I don't really have a favorite food. I'll eat what gives me energy, I suppose."