
~Enika~ 20 | Female | Bi | Telepathy | Second year | M: Mavis The alarm sounded and the blaring music in her ears silenced as a small voice appeared in her earbuds. “Workout concluded. Total time: One hour and thirty two minutes. Would you like to hear-” The voice began, but Enika tapped her earbuds and with a firm voice, replied,” No.” The voice went silent, leaving the young woman alone in the large gym. She let out a breath and looked around where she sat on the floor from her sit ups, taking control of her breathing once again. Sweat dripped down her brow and the edges of her hair line were soaked. Her determined eyes closed for a moment before they opened again, and she pressed her hands beside her, pushing off the ground as her lungs expanded. ‘Guess its time.’ The young girl rotated her shoulder with a long stretch before she snatched the pink water bottle that had sat near a bench in the large room filled with various machines and weights. Enika took her time and guzzled down the ice cold water, soothing her throat and quenching her thirst. Once she’d emptied the bottle completely, the young woman ran her tongue across her lips and wiped her mouth in satisfaction. ‘That didn’t feel like an hour and a half. But its already after noon. I guess my roommate may already be there.’ She thought quietly. Enika started cleaning up, using an alcohol spray bottle and a cloth to wipe away any sweat she left behind on the machines she had used as well as the mat she’d performed her sit ups on. She wiped down each surface as much as she could so the next person that used them wouldn’t have to worry about a mess. The girl only wished everyone were like that. Once she’d cleaned up, she placed the bottle back on the windowsill where three other bottles lay, and glanced behind her as she heard the door open. A man and a woman entered, dipping their heads at Enika before they went to do their workout, and Enika let them be, snatching her water bottle and her bag which contained her jacket, wallet, and keys. She then walked across the room and pushed the door open, entering a well lit hallway. Across from her was another hallway which led to the indoor basketball courts, and to her left was a larger but more public gym where a bit more people were. Enika preferred the crossfit room since it was a bit more private and had more weights and less machines. The girl took a sharp left turn down the hallway, passing an empty cycling room and entered the lobby and passed the doors that led to the pools. Enika walked to the marble front desk where a clipboard lay, and she signed her name on one of the lines, and the time she’d spent in the gym. “Guess it’s not busy because of the move in day,” A young man behind the desk commented as he began to file some paperwork. Enika glanced up at him and dipped her head in agreement before she walked onward. ‘Yeah, I guess that’s right. I suppose not many people would be out and about in this traffic.’ She wondered to herself. Before she left completely, Enika paused by a water bottle filling station and refilled the water bottle, looking down at the little screen that counted the plastic bottles the machine had saved. As it had been since summer, the counter was broken and needed to be reset. Enika knew most of that was because of her and her dinted pink water bottle that desperately needed to be replaced. The lid had already been replaced once and was cracked once again, but Enika wanted to get as much life out of it as she could. When the bottle was filled, Enika screwed the lid on tightly and took a quick sip before dropping it in her bag and put it over her shoulder, pushing the large glass doors open with her back. Immediately, the cool breeze met her face, cooling her body and relaxing her burning muscles. She loved the fall for this very reason. It wasn’t a pain to workout and be met with the unbearable heat, and morning jogs were icy, just how she liked it. The only thing she didn’t like was how loud and busy the town was now. Half of these people didn’t even seem to know how to drive most of the time, and groups of people cluttered the sidewalk, standing directly in the middle, forcing Enika to weave through them. Luckily, Cherry Dorms had a gym in it, and once everyone was moved in, she could return to her beloved private gym once again. With having a gym just a few floors down, it made it easier for the young woman to get in a quick workout in the mornings before classes, especially when she felt a bit sluggish and didn’t want to jog across town. Sure, she could use the bus, but Enika knew on foot would be faster. ‘At least the leg hasn’t been giving me many problems.’ She thought to herself. Having already moved in that morning, Enika was free to calmly walk to the dorms, drinking in the nature and the fresh air around her and listen to the birds chirp. ‘Halfway there… halfway there…’ Eventually, she found herself all the way up to her dorm, at least quicker than she thought. She took another sip of her water and slipped her card across the door, swinging it open it. The girl jumped, not quite expecting to see someone inside. She paused. “Ah… sorry. Didn’t mean to barge in,” The girl apologized at once,” I didn’t intrude, did I?” This is my room, right?

Kalen Hemera // 23 // Sophmore // Shapeshifting // Mentions: Talon // Kalen's frustration at the door was not particularly the prettiest of sights. It may or may not have involved quite a bit of subtle cursing, mumbling under his breath and a few steadying paces back and forth up and down the hallway. Of course. Of course the card he had wouldn't work, why would it? Something just inevitably would go wrong the first day on anything he ever did. It didn't matter what and at this point, Kalen should've been used to it. But here he was, swearing at a door. The sound of the elevator caught his breath and he half glanced down the hallway. He raised an eyebrow slightly, studying the newcomer that was dragging luggage behind him. The amount of freckles on that kid was probably enough to rival stars in the sky. It took him a moment to figure out that his eyes were two different colors, not that he really caught a good sight of that under the absolute lion's mane of red hair. He nearly said something when, instead, he kept walking forward--headed straight for the door. Oh this... was... fantastic. Cutie? So he was overcompensating for something, likely the lack of actual light behind his eyes but Kalen wasn't in the mood to throw shade at the moment. Shade would take too much energy, too much effort. Instead, he'd just play along with the little flirty game. Besides, he wanted to see if he couldn't get that pale skin under his freckles to match this kid's hair color. Kalen's piercing green eyes flickered before he flashed him a rather cunning grin, swinging his luggage in the dorm room and dropping the duffle bag on top of it. Talon introduced himself and stuck his hand out. A proper greeting, of course, which Kalen returned. He took his lanky hand in his own, thicker hand, gave him a sharper grin and winked. "Kalen, guess we're roommates, eh?" He let out a short teasing laugh. "Y'know what they say about roommates... but I guess as long as there's five feet between us in a hot tub we should be fine," he bumped his hip--lightly--against the other's. He didn't dare shove him too hard, Talon didn't have enough meat on his bones to feed a starving vulture. Heaven forbid he actually hurt him, that would be a rather ideal story to tell the RAs... and he wasn't planning on doing that any time soon. "Major?" Kalen finally asked, leaning against the hallway wall, arms slowly crossing over his broad chest.
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Bodhi Ariti | Sophomore | Dark Magic | M: Lorelei (d) Ofher students (ind) . Bodhi couldn't help the relief that flooded his features when she agreed for a more low-key evening. It had been a long day moving in, and he hadn't been looking forward to going out to see all the annoying football players who would inevitably be throwing huge parties, but he'd been willing to suck it up for his girl. He knew that she was a pretty social individual, and he would have gone through the trials of being polite, repeating his major twelve million times, trying to convince people that he was not in fact single, and having to sip cheap, repulsive beer if she had wanted to go. He didn't have many friends at the college, if he was being honest. The other law students were tolerable, and he'd done multiple projects with them before, but outside of that, he didn't chat with many people. He really wasn't sure how he'd managed to catch Lorelei's attention in any way, shape, or form. Bodhi didn't often speak unless spoken to, and thus, didn't have many acquaintances. These thoughts slipped through his head as he studied each feature of her face, his gaze softening as he finally comprehended how often she put up with his unsocial ways. His dark eyes slowly dropped to the table, and a lock of dark hair fell over his forehead, contrasting his pale skin. "I love you," he murmured, reaching across the table to draw lazy, affectionate circles over her knuckles. "I don't want to go out at all, actually. Let's order food, they can bring it here, and then we can just stay in all evening." He wasn't sure what time it even was, probably mid-afternoon, or something like that. His hands still felt freezing to him, but the tea had helped somewhat, and he was ready to move on from the dark thoughts that seemed to hang like a heavy cloud over him. Bodhi pursed his full lips, scowling out the window between the kitchen and sitting room. "It's freezing her. I want to go back to Italy. I didn't have to layer up so much," he complained, pulling at the jumper still snugly around his upper body, and the grey sweatpants that hung low on his slender frame. He missed being able to walk right outside, and feel the sun practically dripping over his skin, only having to wear the barest amount of clothing. Bodhi's personal favorite outfit that he'd worn while in Capri was a pair of black linen shorts that clung to his lower body, and, if necessary, a loose white shirt to match. The sun had finally given his deathly pale skin a bit of a more healthy look, and he had let his hair get long and wild. He'd cut it once he'd gotten back, his father had called it unprofessional, and had scheduled an appointment right away, so his once luscious locks were closer cut to his head now. This was one of the few things Bodhi didn't agree with his father on. Mr. Ariti was firm in the belief that no matter the age of his children, he knew what was best for them, which often lead to screaming matches, especially with Iris. She was a strong soul, and didn't take criticism or suggestions very well. Bodhi wrinkled his nose as he flicked a longer strand of dark hair out of his eyes. He wasn't a fan of his new haircut, but it was finally growing out enough that he want humiliated every time he left the house.

Lorelei (Laurie) Perez | Junior - Writer | Precognitive Dreams ⁄ Timewalking | M: Bodhi (D) . A small smile curved onto the woman's lips, her heart practically melted when he said the three words. Every single time... Lorelei always seemed to get butterflies in her stomach. And her smile only widened when he agreed to staying in tonight, "A wonderful idea, love," she studied his face for a few moments. Laurie wasn't exactly sure what the expression a few moments ago that had appeared on Bodhi's face was- had he been concerned? Relieved...? It was hard to read how he was feeling sometimes, but Laurie thought she did a pretty decent job of it most of the time. Laurie bit the inside of her cheek, a not so wonderful habit that she had picked up along the years. Her eyes slowly wandered off from his face, landing on the window outside as she watched the clouds slowly move across the sky, she leaned back in her chair. By this time the tea Bodhi had prepared for her was cooled down, so she didn't have to worry about burning the inside of her mouth. . Her hand shifted slightly under the young mans, her fingers gently interlacing with his as her other hand brought the tea cup to her lips, taking a slow sip and bringing it away with a small sigh. "I agree, its far too cold here- wonder what's up with the weather..." She trailed off slightly, "Its been weird lately. Hm." She murmured, her voice slightly lazy before she spoke again, "Well, if we aren't going out tonight I might as well change into something more comfortable. I'll be right back." The young woman stood from the wooden chair, her hand slipping out of his. She paused briefly, turning to face him again, bending at the waist with a soft smile, raking a hand gently through his hair, "The new cut looks good," she giggled, "But I liked it messy." Ruffling his hair before walking off to her room to change. . A quiet humming came from Laurie's room and she searched through the clothes she had sorted out earlier, pulling out the hoodie Bodhi had given to her in Italy. She also took out a pair of baggy sleep pants and her slippers. Walking into the bathroom she shut the door behind her and fit on the clothes, pausing midway into pulling on the hoodie, her hand drifting to her stomach. She swallowed, her skin going slightly pale as she noticed the small bump growing. Letting out a slightly shaky breath she finished putting on the hoodie, it still fit perfectly, great. Putting her hair down Lorelei clipped it up again but in a loose manner, having more of a messy bun look. She slipped on her slippers and unlocked the bathroom door, exiting her room and entering back into the kitchen, walking a few more paces to the small living room where she then plopped on the couch with a content huff. "So, what place are we thinking of ordering from?" She turned her head to look at Bodhi, propping herself up with her elbow.

Bodhi Ariti | Sophomore (Law) | Dark Magic | M: Lorelei (D) . Bodhi watched her walking out of the room, his face flushed. He was slightly embarrassed that she had so quickly noticed his haircut, and since it still wasn't where he wanted it, he almost wished she hadn't. With a sigh, he ran a hand through his dark locks, and finished his tea, taking the mug over to the sink, and beginning to run the hot water. It took a while for it to heat up properly. The apartment was in a good part of the campus. and Bodhi's father had paid quite a bit for the better rooms, but it still wasn't a top tier place. As the warmth flowed over his hands, he smiled slightly, feelings the tingling of rushing blood in the tips of his pale fingers, and he fell into an easy rhythm as he cleaned off the mug, rinsing the suds from it's green-glazed sides. He was half listening to Lorelei, he could hear her soft humming despite the rush of the water, and his face softened. She had a very distinct voice, and he realized that he had gotten used to hearing her soft tones every day while they had been in Italy. He finished washing his mug, and carefully dried it off, slipping it back into the cupboard, his attentions slowly drifting from the pretty girl in the back bedroom to his upcoming class schedule. His current plans were to throw himself completely into the classes, and with luck, finish a year early. It wasn't a guarantee that it would come to fruition, but he was pretty sure that if he took very little time for himself, his friends, and other futile ventures, it could lead to a less stressful junior year, and the possibility of an early graduation. Bodhi frowned slightly as he realized what that was really going to mean for his relationships, especially with Lorelei. His eyes drifted to the doorway, where he could see her shadow on the wall, and smirked at her pretty figure reflected with less detail onto the clean, white paint. He knew that she would end up coming back out, swaddled in oversized hoodies and sweatpants, just like she always did when it got too cold for her. Turning back to the table, he caught sight of a pile of mail he'd brought up with him, and was halfheartedly skimming through it when she walked back out, and he couldn't help but smirk when he recognized the hoodie, and the place he'd gotten it for her. He walked over, brushing his fingers over her cheeks. At her question, he sighed, and crossed the room to sit beside her, pulling her onto his lap so she was facing him, and hid his face in her neck. "I don't know," he muttered."What sounds good to you? Chinese? Pizza?" He waited for her answer, his dark eyes searching her face for any sort of hesitation. "Do you want one of my hoodies?" He murmured after a moment of silence, resting his cheek against the side of her head, his lips ghosting over her ears. "You stole one in Italy, and I still haven't gotten it back. But I'm guessing it smells like you now," he teased, running his fingers through her hair.

~Talon~ 22 |Male | Pan |Teleportation Invisibility| Senior | M: Kalen(D) The boy sucked in a deep breath as he gazed around the room curiously. What more was he expecting though? Blank off white walls, two beds opposite of each other with a bathroom off to the right, and a decent sized window in the middle of the far wall; Plain and ordinary as always. Talon may have gotten his way into Clearwater, but he had no means of getting an apartment. Well, maybe if he didn’t waste his money on alcohol that is. At least his roomie hadn’t started dressing the room without him. Though Talon didn’t have much in terms of decor. In fact, the boy didn’t have really anything. It wasn’t that he couldn’t afford it, though there wasn’t always that much money at the end of every month. He just… didn’t see the point in it. Besides, Talon found himself preferring a clean set up. Oh, if he only studied, he’d be able to match that clean aesthetic. He grunted softly as Kalen bumped into him, but he gave a toothy grin and nudged him back playfully. He then slipped his keycard in his pocket and stretched with a brisk yawn as he stepped deeper into the dorm room. “Oh I could use a hot tub right about now. Bus ride up here got my bony butt all outta wack,” He snickered. The bus ride always took a lot out of him, even if he slept most of the time. His parents insisted on him driving but… well, he preferred to far away from the wheel. The sad part was, he didn’t really live all that far from Clearwater. Maybe a thirty minute trip. And in the end, he never really found himself ever truly leaving this place. It just made him wonder what would happen after graduation. Suddenly, Talon snapped back into the present when he heard Kalen ask for his major. He wasn’t exactly sure how much time had passed, but he whipped around, tilting his head to the side. “I’m working on my Drinking Degree, actually,” He retorted sarcastically,” It’s pretty useful. Heard you can get a lot of jobs with that kind of education.” The boy grinned and walked to his bed, looking it up and down. He casted a glance over his shoulder, continuing his playful banter. He took a moment to examine Kalen closely, and maybe a little too long. Even if he was a no good person or student, at least he was perceptive. Afterall, he didn’t want to be roommates with an actual bad person. Sure, Talon wasn;t the best, but he took others into consideration. “ Taking a quick look, I can see it’s not your first year up here. I mean, the freshmen here? Woof, the most annoying people on the planet. Though, what can I say, Clearwater does something to people,” Talon paused for a moment, and for a split second, his demeanor changed into something more serious. It only lasted for a second, if even that long. But something flickered in his eyes. Clearwater changes people. It traps people. Am I trapped here? But the thought disappeared and his liveliness returned moments later. “So, since you’re not a freshman, I expect some fun outta ya. Whatcha like doin’? You look like a gym rat. You a party animal too?” Talon smiled.

Kalen Hemera // 23 // Sophmore // Shapeshifting // Mentions: Talon // Kalen didn't bother much with decorating things. Not that he could've gotten a head start in decorating the dorm anyways, considering the fact his mysterious keycard had decided to conveniently not work. Oh, how ironic. Kalen didn't spend much time indoors or at least at a 'home' anyways, he only needed a dresser, bed, bathroom and that was that. So, the room was more than enough for himself. A nice view at the least. Kalen's thoughts broke as he bumped against him, grinning back at him. The much taller young man looked toward Talon with glittering vibrant green eyes studying the way he moved. He either missed the joke entirely or wasn't up for more ribbing, considering he mentioned a bus ride and the lack of meat on the kid. One eyebrow raised just slightly as Kalen dropped his bag on the bed he claimed as his own. A drinking degree? "Oh yeah, a degree in a six foot dirt nap, the inside of an urn and--hey--if you're lucky, maybe shine bright like a diamond," Kalen responded idly, not too worried. It was only after he spoke that he remembered not everyone was as okay with the dark humor as he was. Either way, he ignored that comment and went for the fact that he mentioned it wasn't his first year. The silence though, that sent a small start through his chest as he looked back at Talon. For the briefest of seconds, perhaps there was a touch of pure unguarded concern in the thinner man's eyes, a serious wonder that perhaps scared him. But before he could really wonder what he meant, he mentioned fun. Kalen rolled his eyes slowly before shaking his head. "Radiology Technician," he finally stated. "It's an associates degree, I'm on my last year. I don't drink, I do work out..." Kalen trailed off for a moment. "Haven't really been to parties since, y'know, I don't drink and most parties involve drinking," he managed a weaker smile at that before shaking his head. "Unless you count the gym fun, unfortunately, I'm not your guy..." he glanced back toward Talon. He hadn't thought Talon gave him those vibes initially but now that he thought about it? The washed-up senior barely surviving? Oh it definitely fit now that he had a moment to pin the personality on the person. Pity.
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Enzo - 23 - Senior - Telepathy/Shapeshifting - M: Talon, Open ... As soon as he'd gotten together Enzo checked his phone, not for his girl of the week, her notifications were muted, but for Talon. This was gonna be their year, and he already knew they'd rule th party scene. He smirked and let out a light chuckle at Tal's reply, this party was going to be a great start to the year. Lorenzo slipped his phone into his pocket and headed towards his apartment door, grabbing his keys at the exit and swinging them around his finger. His apartment was near the top floor, so Enzo decided it was best to just take the elevator. The keys to his porsche were cold in his hand, he'd been home so often it felt like weeks since he'd driven anywhere. Now that the semester started he could give his baby the love she deserves. His car is a bright red 911 GT3 with a black hood and wing. Enzo trailed his hand down the car and let his mouth form a smile. She was one of the few gifts his parents actually put thought into. Sitting in the drivers seat, he took a relaxing breath, feeling calm in the car. Enzo turned the key, listening to the soft purr she let out. He needed to stop by the liquor store and pick some out for the party later that night. Enzo has never shown up empty handed. The liquor store was nearby the campus and frequented by all the party goers. Ofcourse he made sure to gently close the door to his car and made his way inside the small store. He recognized a few faces, probably also buying for that party, but none were close with him. He glided through the sections, walking past the weak wines and mixed drinks. Enzo needed something strong. That's when he got to the moonshine, some of the strongest liquor you can legally buy. Grabbing a few bottles of varying brands, He pulled himself to the counter to pay for them. The clerk didn't have to ask for his ID, he'd been there enough the past few years to be considered a regular. Not in an alcoholic way, he'd never drink on his own, but he went to a lot of parties on the weekends. They each made small talk, nothing important enough for him to really put effort in, it was just a natural flow of words between them. Without a second glance, Enzo swiped his card through the reader, never needing to check the prices. He knew he was privileged, but all he could do was accept it and enjoy it while he had the chance.

~Talon~ 22 |Male | Pan |Teleportation Invisibility| Senior | M: Kalen(D), Enzo (D), JJ (IND) - The young man started to unpack during the conversation. In contradiction to his laid back nature, Talon thrived best in a organized living situation, and he could tell that Kalen probably wouldn't be all that messy. At least he hoped. If he is, maybe I can get him to pay me to keep this place clean. Talon started pulling out his clothes and stacked them neatly in the little drawer upon entry. He folded everything besides his shirts which he hung, dusting them off and making sure they were hung straight and correctly. The boy surprisingly took much care in doing so until he stepped back, putting his hands on his hips. "Radiology? Haven't really heard that a whole lot," Talon smirked, retreating back to his bag. There were only a few more items left neatly tucked away. He pulled them out, placing two towels, shampoo, conditioner, soap, and other toiletries to the side, neatly putting them in a small container. "I mostly hear law or teaching round here," Talon stood up and carried the items into the bathroom. He stacked them away carefully, and eventually returned, dragging what was left further into the dorm. By now, he was already out of breath, though he couldn't feel bothered to be embarrassed. Afterall, this was his fault. I REALLY gotta cut back. He put his hands on his hips and looked Kalen up and down again before he dressed the bed up. It was a sorry attempt, the man flailing around while trying not to his his head on the raised bunk. He then snickered, hearing the rest of Kalen's speech. "No drinking? Ah, you're a goody-two shoes," He teased," Listen, I can't be a good roomie if I don't show you how to live. You're paying a butt load of money to be in this stupid town. Might as well live a little." Now Talon knew he'd dug himself so deep in a hole he'd never get out. He guessed after graduating, he'd just stay in Clearwater. Find a job with whatever degree he came out with, if he did, and just... stay. He couldn't go back to his parents. The summers were suffocating enough. And they'd never miss him. His life was set, so he may as well have a little fun with it. But for Kalen, Talon wasn't going to drag him down, as if he could. He could tell Kalen was determined and not easy to be swayed. In some ways he found that admirable. Then, an idea came to him. A small grin crept up on his mouth. "What if you do go? To a party I mean. You don't gotta drink, you just gotta go. You'll see if you like it or not," He offered, slipping down from his bunk. The boy faltered, but he quickly found his footing before putting his hands on his hips. "My friend, Enzo, he's the best. Throws the best parties as well! You'd like him!" Talon snickered," Oh! And JJ too. We gotta get everybody there!" He patted himself down and found his phone before shooting a quick text off to Enzo. "You mind if I bring a plus two?" He then texted JJ, just as quickly. "Party? Sending deets soon." The boy then looked up to Kalen and grinned. "You got no choice, roomie."

Kalen was relatively unsurprised as Talon began to unpack most of what he had. Most of his stuff was easy to put up in the closet, simple and rather clever hangers made for a quick and out-of-the-way fit for the majority of his clothing. A few pairs of shoes rested on the floor below his few hangers of clothing. Law and teaching? That was a vast difference between degrees and yet, he wasn't surprised. "Well, someone has to take pictures," Kalen mused idly, a faint smile on his face. "Radiology technician, it's just... It's the person who takes the pictures. The X-Rays, CT's, all of that jazz," the young man waved one hand for a moment or two. The suitcase was more or less unpacked and slid easily in the corner of the closet, neat and nice. Kalen didn't bother with messy rooms or anything of the sort, that wasn't his way in life. He preferred things to be clean, neat and organized. Everything had its place. "Can't drink," Kalen finally said, leaning back against the wall for a moment and tipped his head downward. "Doesn't sit well with me and, hey, doctor's said not to do that or I'll die. So, figured it's best to stay on the 'don't do it side' than push my luck." He was thoroughly amused as he watched Talon struggle to put the sheets on his own bed, hiding most of it under a warm and short neutral sort of look. The way Talon spoke gave him the notion that either he wasn't really planning on leaving or he didn't plan on surviving that long to really make nay plans more than live life now. Kalen shook his head for a moment, stepping toward his own bunk as he fixed the sheet on slowly. "It always seems so loud, so..." he trailed off for a moment. So much? "A lot more rambunctious and chaotic than what I'd prefer. Besides, I've heard it's best if you just... get your degree, keep to yourself... and leave as fast as you can." His voice was slightly diminished, subdued even, as if he was even doubting what he said. But it was just one party. "As long as it's not too loud," Kalen finally relented. "And it's not too late at night."
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