
Thor looked at both females thinking what he shall do if he attacks or gives them a chance, still confused about the first wolf that showed up how did she knew his name.

Dove glared at the new comer " what do you want, stranger?" she asked snarling. Now protective over her mate and unborn child

Scare "Nah. No point. Other wolves pass by here often so its probably those other wolves your smelling." She said to him.

No, she though as she neared the den, they would never leave me! But they had. They had. She sat there, whimpering and crying. A small bit later, she rose to her feet, wobbly and unsteady, she decided to look around for signs of where her pack had gone. She crept through the brush silenty, then heard voices, two wolves near a riverbank. Now a third had joined him, they looked tense and ready to fight. Edited at October 10, 2021 04:24 PM by Pack of the Alpha

She froze where she was."Im sorry but i live near here." she said to the she wolf. her ears perked up and heard a wolf crying. She headed towards the sound and past the wolves

Thor laid down and licked his muzzle, still looking at both females there were still other wolves nearby as he could smell them @packofalpha. "Don't you have packs to go to" Thor said to the females

Gotta go, be back in like 5 mins.

Dove winced as she felt a kick " Damn it... whoever was the father of this baby really is giving a good fight" she said satting down. But she knew it was Thor. " No I live here" she replied to the male Edited at October 10, 2021 04:26 PM by Empress of Evil

She headed into the woods and found a she wolf crying."Are you ok?" She said as she approached the she wolf

Thor turned the other way and started walking in a different direction he was a lone wolf his pack was killed by hunters from that day forward he chose to be alone.