
Pierce || Male || Thunder Student || Power: Shapeshifting, Controlling Weather, mind reading I look at her and smile. "Hmm? Oh, you heard my talk in you head, huh? I can talk through my mind, you know now. Waht powers can you do again?" I sit up and cock my head.

Alex Wolff || Thunder Student || Animal Shifter || F - "I can only shift, But I like iit that way. No extra drama." I say, walking back. I shift to a fox to prove my point. Then back to a wolf. I wag my tail slightly.

Pierce || Male || Thunder Student || Power: Shapeshifting, Controlling Weather, mind reading "Lets see... I can shift, manipulate objects, control weather, and read minds. Sometmes I like having powers, sometimes I dont." I stand up and sniff the air. "That deer isnt gone yet. Want to hunt it?"

Alex Wolff || Thunder Student || Animal Shifter || - "Why not?" I ask before trying to locate the scent. I find the scent, but I let Pierce take the lead with this one. It is his turn.

Skylar|Male|Thunder Leader|Power: Lightning and AnimalShifter|M:Lyka "Lyka get out of here. It's not safe go back to the school." I make a barrier around us and see Ms.Darcy in the barn I run towards her but it's to late she's in there trapped and Nexus set the barn on fire." No no no. Nexus why now." I charge towards the barn maneuvering over beams and reaching Ms. Darcy I untie her and get her out of the barn.

Lyka|F|Fire Leader|Power- Animal Shifter, Fire controller|M: Open I freeze, my mouth half open. Then I scream. "Skylar!" He's in a burning barn! I can't leave, but I can't go get him. I turn to Mrs. Grey, but the teacher isn't helping. "Wait..." I mutter. "Mrs. Grey?" I snarl, which even in human form had to be pretty terrifying. Edited at March 27, 2024 09:54 PM by Broken Rivers of Ice

Askel/Male/Star Student/Water&Ice manipulation/M: Layne others ◊ "Maybe they have a high tolerance to the cold like I do?" I replied with a shrug. I watched them walk outside. Then I saw one of the faculty members walk out with a nasty looking wound on his side. I ran over to him and asked if he was okay.

Alex Wolff || Thunder Student || Animal Shifter || F - I trot along the deer scent following Pierce. I all but forgot about Lyka and Skylar. I speed up to walk at Pierce's side.

Nexus // ??? // M: Darcy, Skylar, Lyka Nexus, had in fact, not set the barn on fire. They could do a lot of things but posing as Fabian was the one they were focusing on. Whatever had started the fire wasn't them. The being at that current point in time tutted and shook their head, tossing the silvery white mane. "We need to get back," they insisted to Lyka, nudging her shoulder with their nose. The unicorn glanced back toward the barn before urging Lyka to turn back to the school itself. "Miss Grey is a strong warrior, she will be able to handle this and Skylar will help her. But we have to make sure the others are safe." Layne Marie // 17 // M // Star Lead // Respawn/Winged // M: Askel, Fabian Layne hurried after Askel, kneeling beside the Vice Principal. The stained darkness traveled like ink along the unicorn's fair skin. But the older man pushed the two back. "Don't touch it," he insisted, voice shivering. "Don't--don't you touch it. It's... not good." Layne sucked in a deep breath. "What do we do? Askel, who... we need a healer."
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Lyka|F|Fire Leader|Power- Animal Shifter, Fire controller|M: Open "The others are fine." I snarled. "And I'm not scared of the fire. I'm scared for Skylar!" I start pacing. I also don't want to follow Darcy. I don't like her much, and why isn't she helping with the fire? Darcy would normally be helping Skylar. I mean, maybe she's just trying to get me out of danger?