
"Nexus" // ???? // M: Darcy At the words she spoke, Nexus let out a loud and hearty laugh. The kind of bellowing laugh that shook their chest and shoulders. They shook their head slowly, looking up at the principal. She really thought...? "Darcy," they whispered shortly. "I don't need to kill them at all. All I need is to see them," their eyes flashed--almost glowing--as they leaned back. "Have you forgotten so quickly? While getting rid of you and your idiot son would be beneficial... I don't need to. But I just have to see them, just watch their abilities and I have them." Nexus tutted softly, idly, and stood up slowly. "Besides, it was far too easy to poison your unicorn. And not one of your other students can fix him."
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Alex Wolff || Thunder Student || Animal Shifter || F - "Pierce! Where are you." I yell into the night. I run faster going in circles. I stop, only to admit I am lost. "Anyone?"

Lyka|F|Fire Leader|Power- Animal Shifter, Fire controller|M: Open I listen, and flinch. "The nexus... Moon... that sounds like a VERY bad thing. And also, you have 13 monsters?" I close my eyes and concentrate. Full wolf form is hard to get. Even my full winged shifted form was hard, but to be an actual fire wolf was nearly impossible.

Pierce || Male || Thunder Student || Power: Shapeshifting, Controlling Weather, Talking through mind I whip around when I hear a voice, reconizing it. I raised my hackles, and spoke wairily, "Hello?" I crouched, ready to spring.

Alex Wolff || Thunder Student || Animal Shifter || F - I step out of the shadows, "Pierce? Is that you?" I ask, not letting my guard down. I pad forward, nose to the wind. He smells like Pierce.

Pierce || Male || Thunder Student || Power: Shapeshifting, Controlling Weather, Talking through mind I stay crouched. "Alex?! What are you doing out here?" I slowly get up to sniff. Yes, its Alex.

Alex Wolff || Thunder Student || Animal Shifter || F - "I came to look for you. Lyka and Skylar are hanging out and I got lonely." I walk closer and boop his nose with mine. "I wanted to know if you are okay."

Skylar|Male|Thunder Leader|Power: Lightning and AnimalShifter|M:Lyka I start walking towards the barn and open the door slightly and closing it." No no no no. She's in there and so is Moon. First don't let Moon see your power he can instantly take them. This is why I have monsters because they don't have powers like us." I back away from the barn door and start trembling

Pierce || Male || Thunder Student || Power: Shapeshifting, Controlling Weather, Talking through mind I sit down. "Im fine. Skylar yelled at meabout how I dont know what its like to loose someone but-" I look at the trees surrounding us. "But I know VERY well what its like."

Alex Wolff || Thunder Student || Animal Shifter || F - "It's okay, I know too. Skylar does not know what he is talking about." I sit next to Pierce and lean against him. "If you need to talk..." I don't finish that sentence 'I will always be here.' I think. Shoot, I forgot he could read minds. Stupid.