
Alex Wolff - Slowly, the grave gets bigger. It is right under a bush with flowers on each side. All my anger and hate dissolves. Pierce's brother lays still and sollom. I dare not disturb it's slumber. When the grave is the right size, I start to dig down.

Skylar|Male|Thunder Leader|Power: Lightning and AnimalShifter|M:Pierce,Alex,Lyka "Well have fun. Don't die stay safe. It's my motto." I jump onto a tree branch and make sure Cay Bob and Luis follow me." Well I'm going bye." I start running towards a abandoned barn and whistle for the rest of my crew to come

Lyka|F|Fire Leader|Power- Animal Shifter, Fire controller|M: Open I sit down once I'm inside and just start crying. Skylar seems to hate me now, and I don't even really know what I did. I had just been hanging out with Pierce because he hadn't been talking to me. And Pierce liked me... I didn't like him back that way. I think of him more like a friend than a boyfriend. I sob harder, wrapping my arms around myself.

Skylar|Male|Thunder Leader|Power: Lightning and AnimalShifter|M:Pierce,Alex,Lyka I hear a distant cry and back away from the barn running back to Lyka and taking her in my arms snuggling her and kissing her forehead." Hey it's okay. I'm back I won't leave you anymore."

Lyka|F|Fire Leader|Power- Animal Shifter, Fire controller|M: Open I feel his arms around me and look up at him. "Really?" I ask. I bet I look terrible. "I-I won't leave you anymore either. Ever." I press in closer, sniffling. I never want to have him again. Ever.

Skylar|Male|Thunder Leader|Power: Lightning and AnimalShifter|M:Pierce,Alex,Lyka "Yes I'm serious." I kiss her cheek and swipe her tears away kissing her." Hey I love you I don't hate you I'll be here for you." I say after the kiss

Pierce || Male || Thunder Student || Power: Shapeshifting, Controlling Weather, Talking through mind I hear Lyka crying but know Skylar will be with her. I look at my hands, then reach into my pocket to grab a pen and paper. I write a letter that says: Going to the woods for a bit. Dont now if you'll miss me, but I wont be back for a while. -Pierce I throw the paper before shifting to a hawk and catching it. I dove down to the ground and set the letter down before taking off to the forest.

Lyka|F|Fire Leader|Power- Animal Shifter, Fire controller|M: Open "Thank you," I say, kissing him back. "Thank you." I hug him, and ask, "Are you okay, my darling?" I hope he is. I smile at him, a bit sadly, but just so happy that he still likes me.

Alex Wolff - I finish to grave and leap out. I shift into a tiger and drag the body in. I fill in the hole and watch my friends through the window. I feel rejected and defeated. I walk into the woods to hide. I follow a hidden game trail farther in than I have ever been. Then I curl up and sleep. Even if there are monsters, let them come. They will not leave with their life.

Skylar|Male|Thunder Leader|Power: Lightning and AnimalShifter|M:Lyka I lay down laying Lyka by me and kiss her." I'm okay love. Are you okay?" I ask and snuggle my head into her chest where did Pierce go?