
Torka looked up at Opal then looked around. "She was here a moment ago, she must've just got to her room or something. I'm sure she'll be back soon." Her ears then perked and she smiled as she put her apron on. "Actually she left something for you while you wait." The wolf then vanished into the back, before coming back several minutes later with a plate of beautifully cut shark meat with steamed rice and a side of lemon. -You've been gifted a Meal!- Shark Fillet Permanent Effects +5HP +3 DPH(Damage)

Opal - "Oh my goodness! This is delightful, I need to remember to thank her when she comes back!" The cat took the meal happily and walked over to a table to sit down, eating the delicious food happily. After a few bites Opal looked down into her bag again, the little one was still sleeping..."Now, what to name you.". The little dragon was darker green shades with black mixed in at some places, he reminded her of...! "Fern...that shall be your name little one." The large feline nuzzled the dragon with her nose.

Ocean walked out from her room, shaking sleep from her eyes. She saw Opal and walked over. Sorry I was sleeping, glad you made it back!

The little dragon trilled up at Opal before reaching up and sniffing at her plate. Torkas ears perked and she giggled to herself in a tone that Opal hadnt heard from the wolf yet. "Ooohh a baby dragon?! Here I've got some food you can have for him." She returned a moment later with a little bag of what looked like white beef jerky. "It's bone jerky, basically a marshmallow without the sugar. In the wild these guys are actually scavengers and just eat bones, that's why his teeth are part of his skull in a sort of beak rather than growing teeth separately. " She smiled and waved to Ocean as she came back to the lobby, leaving the bag of chewy bones with Opal as she returned to her counter Edited at July 12, 2023 04:54 PM by Sunset Ghosts

Opal - "Thanks Torka! This is going to be quite helpful along the way I assume." Opal smiled to the wolf before turning her head to Ocean. "Hey! Yeah, some interesting things happened to me today. First off, I started growing crystals out of my wrist...which was kind of painful but I'm fine now! And second... Meet Fern!". She gestured to the baby dragon and chuckled as he sniffed her plate, " That's not for you!".

oh wow! A dragon?? That's amazing! hes smaller than I though a dragon would be... huh. Well it's very interesting! And glad you don't have crystals on you anymore, though I'm sure they were pretty, shame they hurt. Anyways what's the plan?

Opal - "Okay, so I'm thinking we could go down to the triplets and see what kinds of fishing quests they have open. I forgot to get fishing supplies so I would need to run over there quickly, and then we can go fishing! Am I missing anything?".


Opal - "Okay! We can head over to the Quest Board, one moment." She quickly finished her food, and grabbed a small piece of bone jerky and gave it to Fern then placed him back in her back, "Don't eat it all now, save some for the trip." She whispered to the dragon as she hid the rest of the treats in a pocket in the bag. "Also, thank you for the yummy meal, it was a big suprise! Okay hm," Opal did one last check around her before giving a slight nod, "You ready to go?".

Tragedy enters the inn with a puff, a bit exhuasted with all the work, but refreshed that his journeying was finally being used to help others rather than harm. He makes it Torka and offers up his wares with a smile. - "Heard I could sell these to you! I was also wondering if I could get some fish and chips. Gotta fuel up my buddy before we head out." He smiles as the sea creature perks it head out at the sound of food.