
Ruby was super excited to have this other small cup joining them. She bounced around as they made their way to the bakery. She didn't mind the dark all that much, considering in all reality she was a rogue. Remembering that her new found friends still didn't know this she calmed a little and acted worried about the oncoming darkness. Also remembering that her bouncing and prancing around made Klaus uncomfortable. Saliva nearly dripping from her mouth and fighting the urge of a sugar rush from just hearing all the different types of sugars. "I hope they have something rhubarb. Oh I just LOVE rhubarb!" She exclaimed.

Klaus is distracted from any worry they have concerning the setting sun when they hear Ruby's excited voice chime in to the conversation. "I'm not sure there will be any but it's worth a look." They tell her. It always seems like rhubarb pastries only pop up during certain times of the year. Who knows though. Maybe the humans kept some frozen this time around and are still using it.

Ruby giggled and seemed to hop instead of walk for a moment. Her feathers ruffled excitedly as she began to salivate just thinking of the yummy pasteries. She knew her favorite treat was scarce until a certain time of year although every once in a while she would get lucky and there would be some. She regained her composure and looked up to Klaus. "I hope they have your favorite treat." She smiled up at them. Edited at January 31, 2022 12:53 AM by Blackwidow

Althaea's thoughts lingered on how worried those in her den would become should she not return soon. No sooner than when thoughts of turning back had crossed her mind that her nose began detecting wonderful sweet smells. There were a few buildings around, but there was one that stuck out to her. "Klaus, is that the bakery over there?" Her own mouth watering as she spoke the words. She couldn't help but flick her wings and prance a little as she walked. The anticipation now nipping at her paws.

Klaus nods at Althea's question and twitches their tail. "Yep. That's the one." They reply and then look back to Ruby, flicking their right ear. "Well... I don't smell it yet but there are a lot of scents mixing together so... maybe they'll have it?" They really hope so. Even if they don't though Klaus always has back up choices in mind. A strawberry cake pop would be fine too or a chocolate turtle cake one.

No matter how hard Althaea tried to she couldn't make out any specific smells either. Her tail began unconsciously making a wagging movement as her excitement grew. "Hopefully they will have something all of us can enjoy. We wont know until we get there though, so perhaps we should hurry?" Thoughts of cake pops, fruit, and other sugary treats danced in her head. She shook them away in order to return her focus, but her stomach fought back. "GGRRRROOWW!" Protested Althaea's stomach, lack of eating before exploring was really catching up to her. "Heh, sorry about that," she apologized, "I didn't realize just how hungry I must be."

The scents hit Rhubarbs nose and she practically began jumping and zooming around again. She grew all giddy and no matter how hard she tried she couldn't calm herself. As she zoomed by Klaus she apologized. "I'm sorry! I know acting like this makes you uncomfortable but I can't help it." The youngster in her was just too excited about all the treats they were soon to come upon within the bakery. Her mouth practically salivated at all the scents.

Althaea picked up her pace in an attempt to keep up with the young sugarwing. "Ruby, please stay close still. I promise we'll get there, but we have to be careful still" She called to the whisk. Althaea was every bit as excited as Ruby, but concern curbed her enthusiasm. Even as she ran her eyes and ears were alert to any signs of danger.

(Sorry guys I forgot about this)(Feel free to move my characters around a bit if you's need to) As Ruby shot past for a moment Taskoe felt the slight gush of wind as she passed him, he paused briefly his ears flicking trying to pick up the sound of what had rushed passed until he'd heard Althea say "Ruby, please stay close still. I promise we'll get there, but we have to be careful still." With that he settled again knowing what had moved at such a quick pace, it wasnt very often he'd ventured outside regardless of whether or not Kaz was there with him, he wasnt sure what he'd do without her by his side. At the back of the cup Rose wandered behind them listening to all their happy conversations whilst divulging in her own irritated mental one, 'They're supposed to listen to me, I was the one in the lead.' She thought to herself.
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(It's okay Teddy Bear. I think we've all been moving a bit slower lately so don't worry.) Klaus is starting to feel a little overwhelmed now and it shows in the ruffling of their feathers but they do their best not to voice their irritation or growing anxiety. They're in a large cup right now. Even if any Nighttarts have come into town they won't attack them... right? Klaus lets out a nervous chirp and falls to the back of the group to keep a closer eye on everyone. From back here they can see if anyone is in danger but at the same time with their icarus wing disease they may not be able to defend anyone in time. At least they can still alert everyone from back here. Right?