
Room #3 The mushrooms fall off as you rinse the shampoo from your fur, and even as you eat the Enchanted Apple you feel your eyelids drag with exhaustion. You push through it however and return to the lobby. . Torka looks up at you and smiles, quickly pulling out a small pouch of pinecones. "Yea, I use it for teas for people who can't sleep." She explained with a tail wag. -Youve earned 15 pinecones!- "Anything else you need?"

"Could I get a steak and potatoes?" Moth asked " then I think I might get some sleep."

Zazu walks cautious and carefully into the inn, they look around and see's the figure at the bar "Torka was it?" Zazu says Heading towards her "is there anything good that is eatable here?" 'zazu laughish nervously and kinda whispered' "haven't eaten anything in weeks"

Zazu walks cautious and carefully into the inn, they look around and see's the figure at the bar "Torka was it?" Zazu says Heading towards her "is there anything good that is eatable here?" 'zazu laughish nervously and kinda whispered' "haven't eaten anything in weeks"

Torka grins at the both of you and nods. "Coming right up!" She yips happily as she turns to her stovetop. -Moth has spent 3 pinecones- -Zazu has spent 3 pinecones- "Moth has been around Glowmire for quite a while, Zazu. She'd probably be able to answer any questions you may have." Torka said as she put the Steaks in the oven to broil while she started up the potatoes. Trying to strike up a conversation and perhaps a friendship between her tenants. She soon serves the two of you with a steaming plate of steak piled with potatoes and homemade gravy. "Enjoy!" She rumbles, before returning to clean dishes

" I can answer a few questions." Moth said. "But I'm going to eat my meal while I do." She picked up the meal. " also thanks Torka."
Moth carried the food to a nearby table. She gently set in down and took a few bites out of it.

Torka smiled, hoping Zazu would take the invitation to talk from Moth. But quickly becoming distracted by her tasks around the kitchen.

"thanks" Zazu took the food mouth watering, They hesitated and considered sitting with the cat. They took a deep breath and walked over to the cat, setting down the tray they quickly took a big bite of food and made a weird noise and instantly put their tail in front of their face hiding it. "I have never tasted anything like this" 'Zazu says moving their tail from their face' Zazu took a deep breath before saying "To be honest I don't have to much questions, maybe just how things run around here? And I don't expect you to know but if you know anything about how the forest became infected, I would appreciate it" Zazu take other bites waiting

" it's not too complicated," Moth said " You can go get quests and explore the forest and fish, or if you want help around the town. There's also some shops and things around." She took a few small bites of her meal." I don't really know how the forest became this way. Maybe we could figure it out?"

"Hmmm something to think about" Zazu said with a flick of their tail "I'm Zazu by the way" Zazu took one last bite, they became lost in thought thinking about a lot of things.