


Name: Dakota Age: 1 in wolf years (a month in human years) Gender: Girl Appearance: Black with White spots and blue eyes Personality: Kind, Scared, Curious, Likes to explore, Likes to sing, Likes to hunt, Likes to wrestle with friends. Power: Water What rank would you like?) Alpha's Pup Pack: Starlust Other: Has a scar on leg from falling off a cliff when very young.


Okay who ever wants to start first is free to start rp.

★ ★。 \ | / 。★ Sonic Boom ★。 / | \ 。★ ★ Boom | Beta | Starlust Forest | Open "Loyalty isn't gray, it's black and white. Either you're completely loyal, or you aren't loyal at all. Pick which side you're on." * . °•★|•°∵ ------∵°•|☆•° . * The female rolled around on her paws, her head spinning. She let out a small moan, her paws aching. Sonic Boom often had nightmares, and went nights without sleep. This was one of those nights. She had gone for a moonlit stroll, which turned into a few hour stroll, which turned into an all-night stroll. She was tired, exhausted, but there was work to be done. She had returned back to her den when the sun had just began to rise in the sky, and had stolen a few minutes of sleep, but not much. She hauled herself to her feet, trying her best to make herself look awake, though it took a lot of effort for her not to just plop down on the den floor. She trotted out of the cave, putting a little bounce in her step as she smiled, trying her best not to show how tired she was. Her tail flicked from side to side as she checked the border of the camp. Everything seemed in order. She paced around, peering through dens to try and see if anyone was awake. Edited at February 22, 2021 09:59 AM by Desire of The Hills

+( × )+ √•°CRYSTAL °•√ +( × )+ Stal | Omega | Mountain Fiery | Open +¥÷π×°°×π÷¥+ I lay my head on the rock of the den with my eyes open, I think as I look out of the den, into the pitch black sky with the white n gray moon. I sigh, I close my eyes and fall a sleep. Edited at February 22, 2021 12:07 PM by Wild Wolf RP

NightFall Night Alpha female Starlust Forest Open Nightfall awoke from her den, checking her pups and stretching, she headed out to see Boom up early checking the dens. She walked over shaking the sleep from her body her fur becoming wet from the morning mist. "Hello boom," Nightfall said

•°° Dakota °°• Kota | Alpha's Pup | Starlust Forest | Open --+++---+++-- I roll over in my sleep, I wake up and fall back asleep in the den with her brothers and sisters. (Do I have bro's and Sisters?)

★ ★。 \ | / 。★ Sonic Boom ★。 / | \ 。★ ★ Boom | Beta | Starlust Forest | Open "Loyalty isn't gray, it's black and white. Either you're completely loyal, or you aren't loyal at all. Pick which side you're on." * . °•★|•°∵ ------∵°•|☆•° . * The she-wolf sniffed around the dens, checking to see if anyone had left. Her ears pricked as she heard NightFall call out. Her head swivled and she quickly trotted over to the black she-wolf. "Hello, Alpha" Sonic Boom pronounced. "Doing well this morning? Is there anything you need done? I was thinking of going on a little hunt soon. I can watch over your litter, if you need some extra sleep, though. Oh, if you're hungry I'm sure I could catcha quick squirrel or rabbit for you." She glanced around, spotting Dakota sleeping, and quickly looked back at her alpha. She had a tendancy to do this, so her offering to do practically everything for everyone wasn't something new. She acted more like an amega sometimes, always doing stuff that others didn't want to do, but she just wanted the others to not be stressed out so much, even if it added to her stress meter. Her bushy tail sweeped around the ground, knocking up a few leaves as she tried her best to keep her eyes open.