
*she nodded and said* ok, tell Winter i said thanks, and i brought BloodPaw back but i think she's mad at me

SpiritWind lay her tail on Star. " Great! Oh, and don't worry about BloodPaw. She's cheerful and stubborn, and even if she's mad at you, it won't last long." She yawned and stretched. " I'll go tell WinterStorm what you said, then ima go rest. See you!" She said cheerfully, heading to the medical den then the Betas Den, closing her eyes and resting quietly.

*she chuckled and said* sounds familier *she nodded and said* ok, sweet dreams!

SpiritWind was shaken awake in the middle of the night by GemEye. She motioned for SpiritWind to follow. Confused, she did. She waved at Star in the camp, and GemEye beckoned at Star to stay where she was. Then the two headed into MaskedStar's den, and GemEye whispered to SpiritWind before heading back out to sit in front of the den. " Mother? GemEye told me you wanted to see me." She said. The glowing moss was at its best, as bright as SpiritWind had ever seen it. MaskedStar sat up, slightly weezing. " Spirit... SpiritWind. Do you see the moss?" She asked. Confused, SpiritWind nodded. " It was a gift, from the beginning of the pack, from the ancestors. It... It glows brighter and brighter the closer the Alpha is to death. So when it doesn't... Doesn't glow at all they are at their strongest." Her Mother finished. SpiritWind realized what her Mother was saying, and without any words, MaskedStar lay down. SpiritWind lay right there on the ground of the den, keeping her eyes on her Mother. Edited at October 20, 2023 07:58 PM by DeadlyClaw

*her tail sweeped the ground, then she sensed Masked leave and came over, sitting just outside the den that way Spirit knew that she was there for her, but still gave her space*

GemEye looked at Star, and dipped her head. " It's nothing personal." She said, before continuing. " But you should leave SpiritWind alone for a bit. This... This loss, as her daughter and the Beta, the best you can do to help is allow SpiritWind to follow her path for now alone. To grow stronger." GemEye finished, for her young age her voice was full of wisdom. SpiritWind felt her Mother leave. It chilled her bones, and everything went cold. The moss grew dim, until they no longer gave light. SpiritWind walked over to her Mother, and pressed her muzzle into her fur. Her Mother's body was still a little warm, and with tears, SpiritWind curled up besides her Mother like she was a pup again. She stayed there, sleeping, until dawn's light forbid her from resting any longer.

*she nodded, understanding and went to the lake, talking with Masked's spirit before she left, and promising to convey the message, then laid there wondering who would be alpha, proably Spirit*

Wolves started pushing their ways out of dens. But everyone was eerily quiet, they had noticed GemEye at the Alpha Den entrance. They looked at each other, even Demon's Servant wasn't ordering patrols right away. SpiritWind opened her eyes, and shut them right away again. " I'm sorry I never believe in you at the beginning. I'm sorry I didn't talk with you unless it was something about the pack... I'm sorry I wasn't who you wanted me to be." She whispered. Then she grabbed MaskedStar's scruff, and carefully dragged her Mother out of the den. Wolves parted out of the way until she lay the Alpha in the middle of the clearing, and each wolf shared last words with her. Until only the Betas and Star, Where ever she was, were left.

*after a bit she came back but gave Spirit space*

Demon's Servant came forward first, and shared words. Then, SpiritWind came forward, and gazed at her Mother's body. " You were a good leader, a great Mother, and a excellent Mentor. I wish above all that you could have lived longer." She pressed her nose into MaskedStar's fur, before standing. GemEye then came forward, " SpiritWind... You know what's next." GemEye said slowly. " I know what's next, and I wish it wasn't! " SpiritWind's mood changed instantly, from grief and anger. " Demon's Servant, get patrols out." With that, SpiritWind ran out of camp.