
"Fuck, you shouldnt of taken that hit, this is some strong stuff." He said as he took another hit himself. Kais tolerance was high since he has been smoking for a while now. He look at inferno and made a sympathy face. "I hope you dont green." He said following her.
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Inferno coughed a little bit but smirked victoriously at him. "Heh heh, I have no idea what you mean by that." She laughed, tipping her head to the side. "You humans must be growing something else, then. In the Hellscape, we had Prism. I never took a lot of it, but it's probably as strong as your 'Green'."

"Well this joint has some other stuff in it to make it stronger." He replied as he stared at her. He had by then finished the joint. By that point he felt very much faded. He looked around the woods.
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{I'M SOOO SORRY! School just finished for me today, so I will be on much, much more! So sorry!} Inferno just chuckled, walking slightly closer to Kai as they traveled farther into the woods.

(its okay, dont worry :) Kai glanced over to see that she was now closer, she was probably just high so he didn't think much of it. He shot her a quick smile before looking straight ahead.
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Inferno grinned back, eyes darting around as they ventured deeper into the forest. The light began to fade, and her grin grew even wider. "You wanna see something cool?" She asked, drifting even closer until they were inches apart.

"Uh, sure." He said with a smirk. Inferno had grew very close to him, making him blush a bit. He looked at her waiting for her to show him what was "so cool".
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Grinning like a Cheshire cat, she faded into the shadows. Tendrils of shadows reached out and withered around Kai like snakes. She was invisible after melting into the shadows other than her piercing red eyes glinting in the low light. "I'm not sure if you can do the same with your fire, but I can solidify my shadows into objects. I can even give myself wings."

Kai looked around at the shadows, in a way he was mesmerized. "Wow." He said staring at her glowing red eyes. He kind of stumbled as the shadows wrapped around him.
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Inferno chuckled, supporting him with a nudge from one of the shadow tendrils. Disappearing from view for a few moments, she popped back up right by Kai. "Fun." She laughed. {Btw, I'm going a vacay with the fam. Might be able to respond but might not for a week :/ Sorry}