
Allegra crossed her arms seeing if there were any apples left. She gave the woman a stink eye. "I was going to eat that, it was non of your business anyway." she said grumpily, still eyeing the road to see if one rolled away. She spotted one and trotted away from the the interfering woman, and chased after the apple which was getting kicked away from her by peoples feet.

Edited at July 7, 2023 02:26 PM by Red Ash

"Where are your parents." She asked bluntly, following her with easy strides. She eyed a crow flying over head, something seemed off about it, but she didn't have time, so she ignored it. Edited at July 7, 2023 02:27 PM by Silent Howl

The crow eventually made it to her destination. A treehouse in the nearby woods. She perched on the top, hopping around on the roof. "Karma, come here, you little bug eater." A playful voice said from inside the treehouse. Karma flew in through one of the windows. Inside, a girl was reading a book. "This book of Dark Energy Arts is so complicated sometimes. Any advice?" Karma tilted her head, staring up at the girl. "Yeah, didn't think so. Well I'm going to take a break. Plus i'm pretty hungry. Did you have any luck catching anything?" The crow hopped it's way into a corner, ruffling it's feathers. "Maybe next time, yeah?"

"None of your business." Allegra said again still chasing after the apple.

She grabbed the apple easily, for some reason it seemed to roll to her. "I think it is." She replied.

The girl went into the city, eager to find something to eat. The crow sat on her shoulders, looking around. "Hey, look! It's that weird girl, Alosha!" The girl ducked her head down, muttering to herself. "How did he figure out my name...?" She glanced back where a teenage boy was pointing at her and laughing. "Is it true that you eat mice? You cursed crossbreed." Karma trilled, puffing up her feathers. "It's fine, Karma. Let's just find something good. Maybe a burger? And shrimp for you, of course."

Allegra gave the woman one of her best "I hate you" glares, and reaches for the apple. "Just give me the apple!" Her voice was a mix of annoyance and anger.

She handed over the apple, but ignored the glare. "Do your parents know your here?"

She huffed snatching up the apple "Yes" she lied. She was tempted to use her pipes on this person.