
Thor caught a rabbit and went next to the shewolf "I m thor" and he laid the rabbit next to her, as he licked his muzzle cleaning the blood

Thor caught a rabbit and went next to the shewolf "I m thor" and he laid the rabbit next to her, as he licked his muzzle cleaning the blood


sorry my bad did not exsplan well enough. the four of use are standing in the forest of LoreFire, next to the tree of DracoPhönix the last Dragon and the last Pheonix to live in this world.


Deriltonaf came down to the river of life. "you see there is the great dragon with emence power who could kill all or bring life, but he did not use this power. but soon creatures became greedy they did DracoPhönix use this power to eliminate all that were endangering the world when there was the great battle near that cave and moutain and sacrificed his life to end them but caused this knowledge to be stored in the cave and protect the forest of his dead ancestors of Dragons and the ash fields of the Phienix of to never be disterbed to all that try.

(Ok. Back) "Gale." She said to Thor. "You should keep it. I have food scattered everywhere." She nudged the two rabbits towards thor

Artemis padded gently around the clearing, trying to forget the kindness of the She-wolf. It was easier to leave them if you don't remember their friendliness. She knew that from experience. Remembering the elder, Greywood, she winced, not in pain but in remembrance. He had respected her and taught her almost everything she knew.

She surveyed her company, a two she wolves and two males. One of the males was talking using strange words she didn't recognize, something about the river of life? He was strange, she shyed away from him. She went over and joined the she wolf that had helped her. Realizing how unkind she had been earlier, she shat down next too her. "Sorry," she said, "I was kind of a jerk." She tried for a smile. Well, she thought, I suppose I have too stay with them now, at least for a bit. For some reason the thought reassured her.

"Its ok." She said to the she wof."Never thought this many wolves would come here at the same time." She said to herself