
"Because every single one of them is made from an object I bonded my energy with. I grew the trees and hunted most of the animals. It's harder to bond my energy to something that is already bound to someone else. Plus it gives those pipes a bit of extra...force. Per say. And stop asking so many questions. I have a headache as it is...come on, let's go to town and test it out. Just do some basic stuff while we walk down to the library to try and find a book about how to manipluate the music a bit better, okay? I'll explain why all of this is happening on the way. Oh, and I got you some trail mix. Figured you might need a snack." Alosha tossed the tail mix packet at Allegra as she walked out the door, followed by Karma

Allegra wasnt so sure the library would be open at this time, and that almost every door in the town was locked, they probably wouldnt get in anyway. She nibbled on the nuts studying the pattern on the pipes. Each pipe carving ment something, but seeing that the girl seemed to make this one, it didnt make any sence. Edited at July 9, 2023 10:44 AM by Red Ash

"Alright, so i'm sure your confused. And just because i'm not sure how you manage to do your little music manipulation doesn't mean I don't know anything about pipes, alright?" Alosha stated, tapping into Allegra's thoughts. "Besides, I use to make them for fun and sell them as a kid. Anyways, as i was saying, i'm sure you're confused about what's happening. Well ever since this rumbling happened, i've been getting overwhelming visions and voices." Alosha paused, chuckling to herself. "And no, i'm not crazy. I have a strong connection to the energy forces that surround me. I am half demon, after all. Anyways, I do in fact think that we are running out of time. This whole place will be surrounded by darkness if nobody does anything. And I think I have something to do with all of this. I'm not sure how. The other day when all of this happened, I think all of my positive and neutrual energy had been taken from me, making the negative energy consume me, and probably almost killing me. Keep in mind that even pure demons have neutural energy. If you don't have anything to balance negative energy out, then you will simply die a painful death, as blunt as that sounds. However, I think pure negative energy has consumed a host. Meaning it's in a body of some sort and it's coming towards us. I'm not sure if it can even be defeated, but i'm going to try my best. And I think you play a part in this somehow. Something still seems missing...but let's focus on the task at hand." Edited at July 9, 2023 10:58 AM by Hairball

"You sold these for fun!?!" She huffed, "these arent to be sold and made for fun, they are an ancient trade, made just so with the language of the elders. They arent something to carve anything on and sold just for money." Edited at July 9, 2023 11:05 AM by Red Ash

Out of all the things the person said, that's what Allegra was most focused on. "But I think I know what's comeing.." she added in a mumble

"Oh? What are your thoughts on it then?" Alosha neared the library, but she stopped to listen

Allegra wrung her hands as she started to tell Alosha "well.. I remember feeling this once. The rumbles. And hearing the screeching that echoes around you." She paused feeling her heart sink "I think they're beasts.. Monsters from Limbo. Where people go when banished."

"Hm...well that changes things a little bit..but one of the beasts must be very powerful to suck out my energy like that..well we're at the library. Wait here with Karma." Alosha went into a darker corner on the side of the library and shifted inside. As she shifted, she left a ghostly looking streak from the speed she was going, but it faded away after a few seconds. It was dark inside , but Alosha didn't mind. She skimmed the isles of books. "Hmm.."

Allegra looked down at Karma, petting the soft fur. Her hands shook as her memorys of the horrors came back. She remembered her friends and family being dragged away by the beasts. Seeing some fauns die before her eyes. And now, she was here, not knowing If any of her family were alive.. Edited at July 9, 2023 11:30 AM by Red Ash

One part of her memory wasnt that clear, blurred from panic. Monsters climbing out of a something in the earth, shaking the earth as the creatures climbed through, destroying everything around then. Edited at July 9, 2023 11:38 AM by Red Ash