
Pierce || Male || Thunder Student || Power: Shapeshifting, Controlling Weather I thrust the door open and almost step on Skylar before shifting to my wolf. "Woah, Dude! You better shift or something so I dont step on ya!"

Askel/Male/Fire Student/Water&Ice manipulation Askel realized that they had already left, so he just shrugged and headed to the cafeteria. He walked through the main hall while taking in the architecture of the building. He noticed a lot of paintings and carved wood. *Wow, this has to be an old building.* he thought while walking. He eventually made it to the hallway that led to the cafeteria, where he saw a girl with white hair looking at her reflection in a window. He stopped and looked at her and then continued walking down the hall.

Silver | Female | Fire Student | Energy Manipulation | M: Askel Silver looked up, her eyes focusing a bit more as she realised someone was walking near her, a few stray strands of her white hair still hanging idly Infront of her face, having dislodged from behind her ear as she had raised her head. ° 'I don't think I've seen him before.. or have I? Maybe it's one of Sky's mates. But that uniform... He's not lightning.' Her brows furrowed for just a moment but the look of deep thought was quickly hidden away as she leaned up against the wall in a casual manner. ° "You look lost there." She smirked as she watched the boy with idle curiosity, or perhaps she was merely still boredom caused by the school grounds? It was difficult to tell sometimes, the emotions were easy enough to read, but the causes were always hard to place. Edited at February 26, 2024 06:00 PM by Tonneoshet
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Askel/Male/Fire Student/Water&Ice manipulation M:Silver • He was walking down the hallway and just made it past the girl when he heard a voice come from behind him saying "You look lost.". He turned around and saw.the girl now propped up against the wall. " Yeah, I just came here from the mainland. " he replied.

Silver | Female | Fire Student | Energy Manipulation| M: Askel Silver arched an eyebrow as she pushed off the wall with her foot, taking a few easy strides as she joined Askel's side. "The mainland huh? That must've been quite the move here." Silver hummed thoughtfully as she peered at him closely. "Where abouts if you don't mind me prying too much." She gave him a small smile, her eyes glinting with a hint of interest. She hadn't met many that had transfered from the mainland, hearing stories about there always piqued her curiosity. ° "Say, that uniform you've got on.. You're a fire student too right? Curious... We might possibly have the same class next." She began to pile up the questions, as she gripped the strap of her satchel semi tightly with two of her fingers, readjusting it as she carried on walking. ° "Oh! I forgot to ask as well! What powers do you have? Your aura seems so.. cold." Silver asked as she stopped by a classroom, waiting for Askel to catch up.
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Lyka|F|Fire Leader|Power- Animal Shifter, Fire controller|M: Open "Hi Silver!" I said, running up to her in human form. "How are you? I haven't seen you in a bit." I looked sharply at her, because I was the Fire leader and had to make sure my group wasn't getting in trouble, not that I thought she'd be getting in trouble. "Also, um... new person. Sorry, what's your name again?"

Askel/Male/Fire Student/Water&Ice manipulation ◊ "I'm Askel, and I have the ability to manipulate water and ice." He replied wile his face looking almost emotionless. He then pulled out his schedule and showed it to the girl. "All I know is that I have botany next." He said with a small shrug, "What about you two?". He looked between the two and then back at his schedule.

Silver | Female | Fire Student | Energy Manipulation| M: Askel, Lyka Silver stepped away from Lyka with a sly and devious smirk, her hands raised defensively in front of her as Lyka shot her a sharp gaze. "Hey now, is that any way to look at an old friend? It has been quite a while hasn't it. You know, you and sky could always take the time to visit me more often now that you're both big shit leaders." Silver teased with heavily laced sarcasm in her words as she glanced over at Askel stepping over to him as she slung an arm around his shoulders. "Just met this guy, he's in our group too by the sounds of it, just transferred from the mainland." ° Silver gazed back over at Lyka with a gleam in her eyes, something lingering behind them before she quickly looked back at Askel who stood beside her. "Botany? You mean the class for the plant nerds?" Silver arched an eyebrow as she peered closer at the schedule for a better look. ° Her shoulders gave a small shrug as she let her arm fall away from Askel as she turned to face down the hallway. "Ehh.. I guess I can go that far. I don't have my schedule so I have no idea where I should be, so I suppose I can just accompany you there." Silver said with a small chuckle. Edited at February 26, 2024 09:49 PM by Tonneoshet
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Skylar|Male|Thunder Leader|Power: Lightning and AnimalShifter|M:Open I start walking in wolf form seeing people talking and I hear something weird outside but I ignore it and I see Silver talking to some people in the hallways I walk over there and decide that the conversation we had earlier was quite short I start talking to Silver." Hey sorry our conversation was so short earlier. How've you been anything new going on in your life?" I turn into a human and sling a arm around Silver.

Silver | Female | Fire Student | Energy Manipulation| M: Skylar, Lyka, Askel Silver felt a strong yet familiar arm fall around her as she felt her body be slightly tugged down by the weight. She let out a small startled grunt before she looked up to see Skylar standing beside her. "Aha! So he's finally decided to come back. Geez, I don't think I've ever seen you take off so fast!" Silver playfully nudged his side with her elbow. ° "I've been alright. Pretty same ol same ol. Like I said you know me. This place is pretty boring. I'd much rather if they implicated some practical classes with sparring and things. Maybe then I'd actually be able and willing to get out of bed before 11am-!" Silver laughed a bit as she wrapped an arm around Skylar, pivoting them both around as they both turned to face the other two. ° "So I believe this one's your new lady friend?" She teased Skylar as she waggled her eyebrows at him. "You really know how to pick em aye? Fire leader and the Thunder leader. Never would have seen that coming." Silver then beckoned over to Askel. "And this here, is a new fire student, Askel. Bit strange, I thought he would've done better in your group Sky, he can manipulate ice and water. Pretty flashy." Silver grinned as she reached up, pushing some of her hair from her face. The hallways chatter was beginning to thin a little as students began filing into their next classes, the appearance of people becoming fewer with each passing second. ° "Say, would anyone be up for meeting up on the forest line later? I've been dying to practice my abilities, you know, the whole reason I'm sure most of us even came here for... It'll be fun! Just like old times?" Silver beamed as she proposed her idea of meeting up on the borders of the school grounds. The idea itself sounded like it could be a good opportunity to flaunt each other's abilities but also had a hint of danger to it. Being unsupervised by teachers that far from the school..
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