
Shockwave padded into the inn now hauling the shark behind him until he reached Torka "someone order shark?" he'd purr and smile mischeviously at Torka

Torka laughed a bit louder than normal, her cheeks suddenly flush under her fur before she cleared her throat and nodded. "Yea, I'm always looking for fish! Gotta keep you explorers fed! Speaking of which, I can also cook any of the ones in your net for you free of cost. Except that glowing one, Rayne in the Healers Tent will want that." She offered with a soft expression as she put her apron on. -You've been offered a Meal!- Shark Fillet Permanent Effects +5HP +3 DPH(Damage) 15 pinecones . -You've been offered a Meal!- Tuna Sandwich Permanent Effects +5HP +3Perception 15 pinecones . -You've been offered a Meal!- Oven Steamed Sea Trout Permanent Effects +5HP +3Speed 10 pinecones . You may choose 1 Meal to eat now, the rest will automatically be sold unless you specify saving or gifting them. Or you may choose to sell or gift them all.

Shock chuckled "I'll take the shark fillet, you can sell the rest of the dishes" he spoke clearly as he sat down at the table. "and I'll be sure to deliver the glowy thingy to rayne" he mused

Torka nodded and put a pouch on the table with his payment, before disappearing in the back dragging the Shark. -You've earned 25 pinecones!- A small while later, Torka came back and placed a plate of perfect shark cuts and steamed veggies. "Hope you enjoy! Can I get you anything else?" -You've gained 5HP and 3DPH(Damage)-

Shock smiled "thank you, thats all I needed!" He ate his dish slowly, satisfied with it "you're an amazing cook" He beamed as he ate

Torka flattened her ears bashful and shook her head. "Ah, just what my mother taught me." But her tail wagged as she turned to clean some dishes

Adira entered the cozy place, the warm aura was pleasant. After looking around a bit, she turned her attention to the bar were Torka sat. "I am guessing this is the inn," she smiled, "Do you have any idea to what I should do first?"

Torka looked up and offered a smile to the new face she was met with. "Yes, this is the inn. I've got lots of great fish on the menu right now." Then her ears flattened and she nodded at the question. "The Quistarin Triplets in the Quest Tent will pay you to do tasks around town. Yew's are usually really safe and keep you around town. Yip has you trapping some of our most dangerous wildlife and Yore will have you out there slaying them. I'd start with Yew's though. Fishing was always my favorite when I first arrived here. A good money maker, too." Torka then pointed to the wall where she had a list of Townsfolk and what they'd buy from the residents. (This is available in the welcome message) "You'll want to memorize that though, that's where you'll actually get paid."

"Then I will do that," Adira smiled and thanked Torka before heading off to the shops.

Torka waved and called after as the new creature left. "You'll be able to get a fishing rod from Yew in the Quest Tent!"