
She looked over and saw the wolf. she jumped onto a small rock, and covered the ground that the the wolf was standing on with ice.

The furious wolf launched herself at the human as the sun suddenly sorched bright and began to instantly melt the ice. She slammed into the human, her jaws gripping tight, drawing blood, on the shoulder ... Frost heard the noise of the fight and immediately sprinted through the forest, her wolf needed her. Mist from the cloud drifted around her solidifying into water and spiralling around as she ran. She jumped over a log and inti the clearing Edited at January 11, 2022 12:28 PM by Lupus Pack

Her shoulder was burning with pain. She ignored it and grabbed the wolfs neck and started freezing it. Not caring if she hurts it at this point

Rage flew out of Frost (quite literally), how dare she touch blizzard! Water coarsed around her, flying at the girl holding bliz and throwing her backwards. The 'water' in her eyes crashed around as if it was the sea in a storm. The water flew forward again, this time encircling the wolf, as if in a moving, flowing, spherical, glass cage. ... Blizzard wimpered in light pain as the girl was torn away from her, her neck hurt, and she took pleasure in the human's blood on her jaws

Alyssa jumped up real quick, and looked at her shoulder. It hurt, but she ignored it since it was nothing. She tried to run but she was losing alot of blood and her shoulder was pretty bad. So she just cradled her arm and tried to walk away

Frost ran at her wolf, how dare this 'girl' hurt her. She ran straight through the bubble without getting wet and embraces the she-wolf. Her hand stroking the icy patch on her neck. "Poor girlie," she cooed as she tried to warm the wolf up. Rage filled her once again as she soothed the hurt wolf, and she glared back around at the girl. "What..." She started, her voice constricted "Did you do that for!?" She demanded, uncaring for the others pain, she deserved it, she had hurt Bliz

She stopped and slowly turned around and said "Well it attacked me first." with a shrug

"She is not an it!" exclaimed Frost furiously as rain began to pour again due to both Bliz and Frot's emotions. ... "And fuck you! She's a wolf for goodness sake! Of coarse she's gonna defend her pack! She's not like us! She's not some human who understands you! She doesn't know if you're going to murder her and I would be the same! So would YOU! She is a wolf, only 3 years! Why did you have to hurt her!" ... Still willing to murder the girl who hurt Bliz, Frost glanced at her shoulder, that was quite a bit of blood Edited at January 11, 2022 04:42 PM by Lupus Pack

Cloud turned back into a cat as Dust Fern laid down. The white cat crawled over the wolf's tail and curled up between it and her leg. i request some interaction soon))

Maybe she could stop Frost murdering Alyssa Lmao XD Not sure if that actually will happen but who knows ahaha))