
( DUN DUN DUNNNN✨✨ "oh ok then" he said putting the rest away. He looked up at chase and just stared for a bit "I- uh- I really didn't expect this" he said still in a moment of confusion and shock. ( sureee you didn't MAH SHIP WILL SAIL HEHEHE

" Londie... I had to tell you.. please dont be mad... it was a matter of time any ways" he looked away biting his lip

"I'm not going to be mad" he told him with a look of "seriously you idiot why would i be mad" he put everything away and ate his sandwich. ( lol idk what i'm supposed to do )

( no idea XD.. Imma have to brainstorm my reply though XD)


" nevermind I told you then. It doesnt matter how I feel. It never did matter. I'll just wait to eat something tomorrow" He sighed and walked to the door "I guess my feelings for you just were a mistake." And with that, he opened the door and walked out. (damn it XD)

( OOF LONDIE WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ) ... He sighed and shook his head. Unsure what to feel about this he stopped and pondered it the rest of the afternoon. He decided to go see Chase again the following morning and make up his decsion.

( It better be a good decition, Londie or else XD) Chase went to his place and locked the door, Crazy thoughts going over in his mind " I have to make up for what I said to him... But I cant go over there again. He has to come to me. " she said as Chase went to his little windo and looked out. I have true feelings for him.. but Im scaring the hell out of him...

( Londie now feelin threatened lol ) l time skip to evening l He got up and looked out the window, he felt refreshed and made his final decision. He just had to wait until morning. He got dressed and went to bed early. ( i'm unsure of how i'm supposed to do this XD )

( its ok. I can handle this. just have him make a decition) Chase was pacing back and forth before he dedided he needed fresh are. So, he headed back outside and went to the alley to keep his mind off of Londie.