

( hes gonna loose it when they get back to the apartment for lunch... ) " What was that, when you froze, Londie? You scared of something?" Chase asked turning the volume lower a little bit " be honest here."

( oooh ok ) "I can be scared of alot of things, but i just don't really like loud noises, that's all" he said turning the volume higher again. He put the seatbelt on and started driving towards the apartment.

" music will never solve your problems, Londie" his voice louder " You need me. I know its weird to say, but its true" Then he just sighed and looked out the window

"I never said music would solve my problems" he said. "What do you mean i need you?" He said looking at him. he turned up at the apartments and parked.

" never mind I even said that. just get inside and lets eat" Chase said shutting the car door im scaring him.. well then

He mumbled something and then got inside, he went to the elevator and wen to floor 2. He walked to his room and unlocked the door. "So what do you want for lunch?" He asked Chase

" It wont matter what it is. Just as logn as I eat I wont go crazy and try and attack you." he said sitting on the bed, with his head in his hands, head low. I have to tell him

"K then" he said opening the fridge. "I'm making sandwiches" he said. He started preparing everything to make them. "Do you want anything to drink or you good?" He asked.

" er...nah im good. Thanks though" he said, looking up at Londie " Londie? I need to tell you something....." he looked right at him " I think I.. have... feelings for you" (crap... here it is.. the moment of truthhh)